
Water&Rain Don't Mix

Unfinished, and probably won't be finished apologies to all readers : ( My name is Koji. I live in the most messed up region of the whole continent, where most people look down at you as if you were only an extra in their perfect lives... It gets better after the new governor takes leadership... After my mom died due to her poor health conditions I decided to find a job to help my dad. My dream is to become a great fighter using my own element powers!

pboca · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Alcoholic Koji

Chapter 6:

Issei: "You ok kid?"

Koji: "What did I just see…

Who are you?"

Issei: "I don't think that matters now…"

Koji: "Wait I know you! You are Watana-


Koji: What happened?"

Issei: "You finally awake? it's been 3 hours…

Just in case you forgot what happened, a beast with 10000 tails appeared and hit you so hard you fell asleep!

Don't worry though I took care of it."

(note: Complete lie)

Koji: "Umm, I don't really remember that… WAIT I know you! You're wat"-


Dad: "Son, oh my god I was extremely worried! You were asleep at the door."

Koji: "What?"

Dad: "Don't tell me you got drunk at work!"

Koji: "No! No! I didn't"

Dad: "Your boss called home, he said he had to speak to you."

Koji: "What does he want?"

Dad: "He was really angry saying that you just left the shop open and went home!"

Koji: "But that was not what happened"

Dad: "Then what happened?"

Koji: "Umm… I'm not sure…"

Dad: "So you did get drunk at work!"

Koji: "NO, I DIDN'T"

Dad: "Then?"

Koji: "I'm going to sleep… I will have to explain what happened to my boss tomorrow… good night"

*sighs* "good night son."

*Koji enters room*

"There is really no going back in this world... Why did I say this? Cringe."

-To be continued-