

pov- Fumihiro Shiratori

I've been sewing my suits all day, I lost track of time. Daylight is already gone and my fingers are raw from my clumsiness with the needle and thread. I should really get a thimble. I creak open the door and tiptoe into the living room to make some curry, since I hadn't eaten yet. My mom slept on the couch so I weaseled my way between her arm and the coffee table. She probably hasn't eaten either. I'll make a bit extra for her, since she hasn't been taking care of herself lately. I know shes upset about the miscarriage, but she still has me. I'm not going anywhere... she says I've changed. I don't understand that. Of course I've changed since I was five years old, I still love her just the same. Shes been just laying there 24/7 sulking. Since dad left, she hasn't been the same either. It feels like I'm doing all the work around the house, she even quit her job. On top of that I'm juggling my grades, there isn't any room for just me. Suddenly I realize I don't have all the ingredients.

"Shit!" I whisper under my breath. I sneak out the front door, but just as I open it I bump into my bestfriend Nick Riggs holding up his arm to knock.

"Ah!" I scream, i bit startled to see him around the corner. I look back to see if my cmon woke up, luckily she slept through that. I step outside and shut the door behind me

"Nick, what are you doing here?"

"Can we... sit down." he glances up at me, a bit ominously. We walk to the nearest park and sit down quietly on the swing sets. We always used to come here as little kids, it brings back a bit of nostalgia. Life has had me in a slump lately, but this kind of cheered me up. I look down at our 3rd grade friendship bracelets, that have somehow still held up and i smile.

"You've been kind of distant lately, Hiro..." he slumps over and my heart sank.

"Oh. That's what this is about."

"Hiro, I miss you. You know you can tell me anything right?" he rests his hand on my shoulder and stares me in the eyes. My heart starts to skip a beat and I can feel my cheeks getting red.

"I-I- I'm just... in a bad place right now... and busy. Really busy." I sigh heavily and grasp onto the swing set bars.

"Do you have a crush on me?" he leans over leaving me in a state of shock. I'm not sure how long I just sat there in silence. Did he even know I was gay?

"I... love you... but you already knew that." I couldn't bring myself to lie to him.

"Yeah, I've known for awhile. Hiro, I don't know if this is why you've been so distant, but if it is... I really hope that doesn't get in the way for too much longer, but I have to tell you... I can't be with you. I'm sorry." wow. he just confronted me to turn me down. I know where hes coming from, though.

"Do you not like me like that? if it's your dad, he doesn't have to know-" I probably shouldn't have pushed the subject any further, but u think the embarrassment clouded my judgement.

"I can't, Fumihiro! Let it go! Please!" he interrupts me. I could hear his voice crack. I couldn't tell if he was mad or sad... or maybe scared of me. Does he think I'm weird?

"I have to go." he stands up and walks through the mulch in his heavy boots. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what. Instead I just watched him slip away. I sat there for a good long minute swinging myself lightly back and forth. I can't keep thinking about myself, I'm sure mom will be starving when I get back. I walk through the streets in my brightly colored suit and my top hat. At least I never leave the house without style. The fabric makes me feel a bit happier. i run up to the convenience store to pick up everything I need for dinner. the doorbell clanks when I slide through the glass door.

"Welcome, can I help you with anything?" the cashier groans sleepily.

"I'll be fine, thank you!" I'm sure I would be. He didn't seem too energetic, so I didn't wanna ask him where everything was. It's a rather small store anyways. The doorbell clangs again and my former classmate Akari Akihara strolls in with a salty look on her face. That girl scares me, so I try to hide my face. Not that it's too easy to hide in the outfit I'm wearing. Luckily, before she sees me she runs into Haruki Ishikawa from 3rd period.

"Where's all your makeup and heels, tranny?!"

I listen to them bicker as I hurry and gather the things I need. Suddenly my eyes are hit with a sharp pain when the entire building turns a bright white. Next thing I know I wake up in the middle of the woods. Where did everybody go? At this point even Akari would be nice to see.