
Watchful Eyes

In an abandoned mansion, seven malevolent mascot dolls, possessed by vengeful spirits, seek justice for their past murders. The story unfolds seven years later when the Bendeta Family purchases the mansion, still unaware of its dark secrets. As the new owners prepare to move in, they hire a team of 32 security guards to protect the valuable mysteries hidden within. Meanwhile, a group of five thieves embarks on their own quest inside the mansion. The protagonist, a private security guard monitoring the cameras, becomes entangled in unexpected alliances and encounters with the unknown. "Watchful Eyes" is more than just a story , it's an immersive experience that will awaken your senses and challenge your perceptions. Dare to peer into the abyss and see the truth that lies behind those watchful eyes. Are you ready to unlock the secrets within?

ChocoBibi99999 · Horror
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

The Gathering Storm

Lexus and the others gathered around the table, savoring their meal as they prepared for the challenges ahead. The atmosphere was a mix of camaraderie and tension, each member lost in their own thoughts. Lexus found himself drawn to the monitor screen, his eyes scanning the flickering images, searching for any valuable information.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared on the screen. It was one of Lexus's fellow security guards, running down the stairs of the fourth floor. Lexus couldn't believe his eyes. "That's my co-guard!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise and relief.

Turning to Oriana, who sat nearby, Lexus urgently requested her help. "Oriana! Keep an eye on the surveillance cameras and contact me if you see anything unusual," he instructed, his voice brimming with urgency.

Oriana nodded, her focus shifting to the screens as she took over Lexus's post. Determined and ready to assist, she monitored the cameras with a watchful eye.

Without wasting a moment, Lexus rushed towards the exit, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't pass up the opportunity to reunite with his fellow guard, someone he had feared lost forever. Milky Cow, ever attentive, swiftly moved the table, stacking it against the door to fortify their position. Lexus trusted Milky Cow to keep a close watch on the CCTV room while he investigated.

As Lexus hurried through the dimly lit hallways, his mind raced with a mix of anticipation and worry. He couldn't help but wonder about the state of his comrade and the trials they had faced. Finally, he caught sight of the familiar figure in the distance. "There he is!" Lexus exclaimed, his voice filled with joy and disbelief.

Robin, startled by Lexus's sudden appearance, rubbed his eyes in disbelief. "Am I seeing a ghost? Am I dead now? Is this heaven or purgatory?" he muttered, his voice filled with confusion.

Lexus approached Robin with a smile, extending a hand towards his fellow guard. "I'm alive, Robin! We have a hideout here. Come with me!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with relief and excitement.

The reality of the situation began to sink in for Robin. He looked at Lexus, his eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and hope. "You're alive? How...?" he trailed off, struggling to find the right words.

"We'll explain everything later," Lexus reassured him, understanding the overwhelming emotions his comrade must be experiencing. "Right now, we need to focus on the immediate threat."

Just as Lexus and Robin were about to make their way back to the CCTV room, Oriana's urgent voice crackled through the radio. "Lexus! There's a Dino mascot walking through the exit on the fourth floor!"

The news sent a jolt of adrenaline through Lexus and Robin. They hastened their pace, returning swiftly to the CCTV room. Exhausted and parched, Robin sank into a chair, his throat dry and in need of water. Concerned for his comrade, Lexus quickly retrieved a bottle of water and handed it to him.

Gratefully, Robin drank the water, feeling its refreshing coolness replenish his weary body. As he quenched his thirst, he surveyed the room, taking in the presence of the group surrounding him. A sense of curiosity welled up within him, and he spoke up, his voice tinged with intrigue. "So, Lexus, who are these people?"

Every one greeted Robin as he entered the room, their eyes filled with both surprise and relief. Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity mixed with a touch of suspicion. His eyes darted from one face to another, searching for answers to the questions swirling in his mind. Suddenly, his gaze locked with Prince Gunner and Milky Cow, who stood ready with their weapons aimed directly at him.

"Wait, are you the intruders?" Robin's voice broke through the tension, his tone filled with a mix of surprise and wariness. The room fell silent, the weight of his question hanging in the air.

Gunner and Cow, driven by their instincts and the uncertainty of the situation, maintained their defensive stances. Their fingers tightened around their weapons, their gaze unwavering.

Lexus, sensing the gravity of the moment, swiftly positioned himself between Robin and his companions, his hands raised in a gesture of both peace and protection. His eyes scanned the room, his focus landing on Oriana, who stood nearby. A split second of hesitation passed through Robin's mind as he trained his gun on Oriana, suspecting her to be a threat.

Reacting with lightning speed, Lexus covered Oriana, positioning his body in front of her to shield her from any harm. "No, Robin! She's with us," Lexus exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency and conviction. "There's been a misunderstanding. Let's calm down and sort this out."

Robin, taken aback by Lexus's protective gesture, quickly shifted his aim away from Oriana. The room remained tense, the silence broken only by the sound of their racing hearts.

Lexus continued to speak, his voice steady and reassuring. "Gunner, Cow, can you please put your weapons down? We need to resolve this peacefully. We're all on the same side now."

Gradually, Gunner and Cow heeded Lexus's plea, their grip on their guns loosening as they began to lower their weapons. They exchanged glances, their suspicions momentarily giving way to a flicker of trust.

Feeling the tension in the room slowly dissipating, Lexus nodded to Oriana, signaling that it was safe. She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, her eyes filled with gratitude.

Robin's eyes widened, realization dawning upon him. "I see. I should have trusted you earlier," he admitted, a hint of regret in his voice.

Reluctantly, Gunner and Milky Cow complied, their fingers releasing the tense grip on their weapons. A sense of relief washed over the room as they all settled into a more peaceful atmosphere. Robin smiled, a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes. "So, you're with Lexus now. I guess that makes you the good guys," he said, directing his words to his newfound companions.

Lexus nodded, a sense of unity coursing through the room. "Yes, Robin. We're united now, and together we can overcome any obstacles. We're up against Chief Melton, who controls the dolls and poses a threat to all of us."

As the room settled into a fragile peace, Robin took a deep breath, realizing the importance of sharing his knowledge about the dolls controlled by Chief Melton. He understood that to effectively combat their adversaries, everyone needed a clear understanding of what they were up against.

"Listen, everyone," Robin began, his voice commanding attention. "I've had firsthand encounters with Chief Melton's dolls, and I've learned a great deal about their capabilities. It's crucial that we understand their strengths and weaknesses."

He pointed towards the screen displaying the live feed from the fourth floor, where the Dino mascot was making its way through the corridors. "The Dino doll may appear slow, but don't underestimate it. Its bulk hides incredible biting power. Once it gets its jaws on you, it's nearly impossible to break free."

Robin's gaze shifted to the chicken doll, which had appeared alongside the Dino on the screen. "The chicken doll is deceptively agile. Its small size and quick movements make it difficult to track. It specializes in precise, piercing attacks, often targeting vulnerable areas like the throat. One wrong move, and you'll find yourself incapacitated."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing. "But that's not all. There are other dolls, each with their own unique abilities. Chief Melton has crafted them to be relentless and formidable opponents. We can't afford to underestimate any of them."

Robin took a moment to glance around the room, meeting the eyes of his companions. "We have to be prepared for anything. We need to strategize, find weaknesses, and exploit them. This won't be an easy fight, but with our collective knowledge and skills, we stand a chance."

Lexus, impressed by Robin's insights, spoke up, his voice filled with determination. "Thank you, Robin, for sharing this information. It's crucial that we're aware of what we're up against. With this knowledge, we can plan our approach and increase our chances of success."

As the weight of the situation hung in the air, Gunner and Cow exchanged a knowing glance, realizing the importance of sharing their own encounter with one of Chief Melton's dolls.

"We encountered the Slim Bunny," Gunner spoke up, his voice filled with a mixture of caution and determination. "Its ability lies in its wrestling prowess. The Slim Bunny is surprisingly strong and agile, using its wrestling techniques to overpower its opponents."

Cow chimed in, recalling the moment when he had been slammed by the relentless doll. "That thing has some serious strength. It took me by surprise with its grappling moves. It's not to be underestimated."

Their revelation caused a collective shudder to ripple through the group. They understood that each doll possessed unique abilities, designed by Chief Melton to be formidable adversaries. The importance of being prepared and adapting their strategies accordingly became even more evident.

As the discussion continued, Lexus held up the Soul Core, the pulsating artifact that had become a focal point of their attention. Its ethereal glow bathed the room, captivating everyone's gaze.

"This, my friends, is the Soul Core," Lexus explained, his voice tinged with both awe and caution. "We've come to understand that the Dolls are powered by energy, and the Soul Core is like their life force—a battery that fuels their abilities and animates them."

A murmur of intrigue and curiosity rippled through the group. They leaned in closer, their eyes fixed on the enigmatic object. Robin furrowed his brow, contemplating the implications. "So, if we can somehow harness or disrupt the energy stored within these Soul Cores, we might be able to weaken or disable the Dolls?"

Lexus nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Exactly. We believe that the Soul Core is not unique to just this artifact. It's likely that the other Dolls also possess their own Soul Cores, hidden deep within their mechanisms. If we can locate and neutralize those cores, it may disrupt their power source and render them vulnerable."

Gunner and Cow exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from curiosity to realization. "That would explain why the Slim Bunny was able to overpower us so easily," Gunner remarked, a tinge of frustration in his voice. "Its wrestling moves were fueled by the energy stored within its own Soul Core."

Milky Cow, rubbing his sore muscles from the encounter, nodded in agreement. "And that means we need to be cautious and strategic in our approach. We can't underestimate the strength and resilience of the Dolls, especially if they still possess their Soul Cores."

Lexus's gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each companion. "Indeed, we must proceed with caution and precision. Our ultimate goal is to locate and disable these Soul Cores, thereby weakening the Dolls and diminishing their threat. But it won't be an easy task. Chief Melton has undoubtedly taken precautions to safeguard their power sources."

A resolute determination settled over the group as they absorbed the gravity of their mission. They understood that the discovery of the Soul Core presented both an opportunity and a challenge—a chance to level the playing field, but also a reminder of the formidable adversaries they faced.

Lexus carefully returned the Soul Core to its protective casing, its glow subsiding but leaving an indelible impression on their minds. "We must be meticulous in our efforts. Gathering information, studying the Dolls' behaviors, and strategizing our moves will be key to our success. And we can't forget the importance of teamwork and trust in each other."

Robin, his skepticism now replaced with a newfound sense of purpose, nodded in agreement. "I may have doubted at first, but I see now that we have a real chance to turn the tide.

To be continued…

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