9 Cap 9

I'm honest, I'm too lazy to write chapters.


"Life is lived only once, but back pain is eternal, I need to correct my posture."

Takumi was lying on the floor staring at the ceiling, reflecting on life. He had been editing the second video of the week and ended up quite tired because he spends a lot of time sitting, besides having bad posture while in the chair.

"I keep wondering why I'm here."

It's only been about three days in this new world, although he has already accepted the idea that he's in another world, but he doesn't know which one. It could be that he went back in time or simply traveled to another place.

"I'll investigate later where I am right now. My goal is to make the videos to live because I don't want to see the punishment for not doing the work, besides living this life. I wonder what Monday's school will be like."


"Great, an email arrived that I can't see because of the back pain."

While Takumi was on the floor resting and reflecting on his own existence, a message appeared on the computer screen, which showed for a few seconds and then disappeared. Takumi didn't pay attention to it, so he missed this email.

"I wonder if I can become famous for these videos, although they seem more like movies."

"What was the minimum length of the videos???"

"Let's see, remember Takumi, remember."


"I hate my life, the contract said 15 minutes minimum and I, all excited like an idiot to show the videos, ended up making movies and everyone can watch them for free. I hate my life."

*Starts crying*

"I'm an idiot for not checking properly, I could have made summaries instead of full movies."


"Oh well, there's no turning back, the next one I'll make a 15-minute summary so my back won't suffer."






*2 hours later*

"Enough lying on the floor, I'm going to turn into a plant if I keep this up."

Takumi gets up from the floor and starts moving his body to crack his bones as he hasn't moved for quite some time. After relaxing his body, he decides to check how his second video went. He noticed that there was a great improvement; now he has more views and a few more subscribers, but still, it's little.

"Two movies, two damn movies, and only 190 views."


"I'll take a long time to become famous with these videos. Let's check the email."

"Let's see, three new emails, the first one is from school, meh, I'll check it later, the second one is about how my video went, I've already checked that, let's see the last one... mmmh, it's from that weird company, let's see what it says."


[Good afternoon, Mr. Takumi, we inform you that your video was wonderful and our company liked very much the way you are doing your job. We hope you continue working with great enthusiasm. Also, if you continue like this, you will soon receive an extra reward for your work. Also, there is important news, please check your contract which has been renewed and has had certain modifications.]

"Renewed???? Modifications???? Ugh, I don't like this."

Starting to scroll down the page to see a contract notice link, Takumi clicks on the link to see what they have done now, but everything seems normal, everything is the same as the first time he read it, but he soon noticed the modifications in the contract.

[The contract underwent some modifications in the work area. Now, instead of two videos, the employee can decide how many videos to publish per week. Second, the time limit for the videos has completely changed; now the worker is asked to show the entire story of the universe he is talking about, therefore the video will have a duration of 2 hours or more. Possibly they can have a duration of 1 hour, but that will depend on the story.]

[If everything goes correctly, the worker may have certain rewards or bonuses depending on their work. If you need help with your work, you can ask the company to provide you with necessary equipment for your videos. The duration of the contract may vary, but it will end once the worker is known by all universes and is quite famous.]


"I hate my life, I thought I could rest a little now, but it seems not."


"I'll have to work like a slave. The only good thing about this is that I only have to publish one video per week, but it will take me a long time to become famous if I continue like this."

"I have no choice but to continue with this."

With the change in his contract, Takumi now feels quite tired and stressed just thinking about his future, how long it will take to become famous, and when this contract will end. Takumi lies down on his bed thinking about all the things he has now; first, he has a life in a new world where he is young, but this world resembles his old world.

Second, he has to work like a slave until he becomes famous enough. Third, he has school coming up and doesn't know which school he will attend. Fourth, he now has to make videos in the form of movies, and the worst part is that each story is a Hollywood movie, but with the editing programs and other programs that strange company gave him, he can now make Hollywood-style movies.

"Never accept strange emails no matter how tired or drunk you are."

"Seeing how my videos are, this will probably end in about 35 or 40 years."

"I don't think Marvel will be enough. I wonder which universe will be next."

"I choose Naruto, mmmh, I don't think so, too much filler in the anime. Bleach, I don't know, I didn't watch it completely. JJK maybe, although they are still releasing episodes, but the plot is getting intense. Black Clover, well, it's on hiatus but there's plenty I can use. DC probably, since I'm with Marvel, why not use their enemy."

"I can use Solo Leveling, although the anime just started, I can use the manhwa. Mmmh, what about telling a love story afterward? But which one do I choose, there are plenty, but I don't know which one to choose. Maybe Dr. Stone, I might be able to show that, I liked the science part and the humor style. What else, what else can I use?"

"Digimon??? I haven't seen it much, but I can use it. Oh, right, JoJo, there's too much in that although it confuses me a bit, but it's okay, I see its story and that's it. Now that I think about it, what about movies like mmmh, Mission Impossible, oh right, Back to the Future, I love those movies."

"Back to the Future, maybe the next one. I could also use light novels like Maou Gakiun or SAO, which was the first one I read. Too many ideas, I'm going to see if they can give me vacations later because I feel like I'm going to stress more about this than anything else."

After thinking about the future of his video channel and the possible stories, Takumi has a little idea of which will be the future universes that will be talked about, although he has to check that properly because there are too many universes, but for now, he focuses on the present. He goes to the kitchen to eat something and goes out for a walk to clear his mind. After a few hours, he returns home with new food and other things he bought on the way back. He leaves everything on the table and puts away the food.

He prepares his food and enjoys it in silence while watching TV to see what he finds. After a while, he returns to his room and turns on his computer to browse for a while. After getting a little more information about where he is, he starts working on the next video because this takes a lot of time.

"I probably won't see the sunlight, all because I accepted an email from a stranger."

After complaining about this company, Takumi starts working on the next video.



"Are you sure about those changes?"

"Don't worry, it's a little better, and this way it will have more impact, don't you think?"

"Well, partly yes."

"So everything is fine, besides, he may hate it, but deep down he knows he likes it, although he doesn't know how famous he is."

"Well, that's because you didn't teach him how to switch to the universal account."

"Sshh, everything in its time, little by little, why rush him?"


"Me and my big mouth, beep beep beep, I'll make a 15-minute video instead. Oh, but I made my video of over two hours at the beginning, beep beep beep."

"You know what, I got excited, I'm going to create as much as I can these two days until it's time for me to go to school. I don't care if I die in the end, it's simpler that way."

"Here I come again, San Pedro."


[Uploading video.........Loading]

"Next video."


In each universe, time is different; for some, only a few minutes will have passed, for others, it will be days or weeks, even for several universes, it could be years, but who knows, no one is keeping track of each universe's time. But what is known is that all the people who have watched the first two videos have liked them and are looking forward to seeing more.

But why did they like the videos? Simple, they are watching a movie for free and it has a lot of detail, so many people appreciate it. Some like it for the story, others for seeing something new, and some simply for watching something entertaining besides being different from what they usually see. Some even see it as a step into the future, each one eagerly waiting, but no one knows when a new chapter will come out, but soon, that wait ended.

[New Marvel Universe video, Hulk protagonist, don't miss it]


<Author: I hope you continue to be interested in the story, so support story with your reviews or power stones, whatever want give>




Word Count: 1742
