
Part 2

"Why are you never married?" She asked as she was following Osial from behind.

"Because I don't want to." He replied back.

"Are you sure that's the reason? Or is it that no woman wants you?"

"Hey, you brat. Do you want to eat dry cereal as dinner tonight?" He threatened with a small smirk. She rolled her eyes, knowing that he wasn't that serious.

"Just answer the question." She demanded.

"Ocean, my child. You're still too young to understand the adult world. Marriage is not that simple." He said dramatically.

"You're just avoiding the question!"

"What do you mean? That's my answer." He grinned slyly.

"I'm not a little child anymore, you know." She huffed.

"Aw, you were such a little shy kid back then and now you're this sassy loud big kid.. How time have passed.." He cooed, wiping off an invisible tear.

"I'm not sassy and loud!" She denied. Osial stopped and turned around to ruffle her hair. She pouted and looked away from him. She always love it whenever he ruffled her hair. So, she never swatted his hand away.

"Now, how about you're being useful and help this old man to carry the bucket?" He nodded toward the bucket near the barn.

"Fine.." She obeyed and walked toward the barn.

8 years had passed since Osial found the thin, weak child. She was turning 14 years old. He decided to give his late sister's name to her, Ocean. He took him in and treated her like a family. Osial even taught her survival skills because he knew the world wasn't forgiving for the weak.

Ocean had grown well. She wasn't that thin twig anymore. She had scars that would never fade but she didn't mind them anymore. Especially ever since Osial told her that those scars were her proof that she was a survivor. She learned a lot from Osial. He was a former Royal Knight but quit and became an adventurer. He was strong and skillful. Ocean saw him as the best swordmaster in the world.

Ocean wasn't ordinary. Her red eyes gave her away. That was why she was sold into slavery in the first place. Red eyes were a taboo. It was said that those that were born with the said eyes believed to be descendants of devils. Ocean was treated cruelly ever since she was born. Everyone that met seems to hate her for no reason. She thought that no one in this world is kind to her. That was until Osial took her in. She learned how kindness and warmth felt. She learned how to love and be loved. Osial was her saviour and the only family she had.

After finishing up their chores around the farm, it was time for training. Osial taught Ocean how to fight. Although she was a fast learner, her strength lies in magic. Osial only knew some magic and it was enough to see that Ocean was more adept to magic rather than sword. She was still excellent with sword and he was always amazed by her progress.

"Listen carefully, Ocean. Your enemy is not courteous like me. They'll use any means to win against you. They might kick dirt into your face to temporarily blind you. They might have poison. They might use magic too. Plus, they won't be alone." Osial told her strictly. Ocean nodded. "So, your job is to make sure you stay alive no matter what. If it's a battle against enemies that are stronger than you, the first thing you must do is, don't get yourself killed."

"I understand." Ocean replied while nodding.

"You have to always be cautious. Don't trust anyone. Your biggest enemy might be your closest friend. Keep that in mind."

Their usual training started and Ocean pretty much mastered the sword. Osial couldn't help but feel so proud of her growth. She could even surpass him anytime. She was witty and adapted well to any situation given to her. She always knew what to do and what kind of moves she should execute. She was also observant and could read Osial's moves. She was strong.

"We should head inside before it gets darker. The monsters in the area are vicious lately." Osial announced, putting an end to their training. Ocean obeyed without saying anything and began packing. Osial looked at her knowingly. "Hey, no matter what the town folks say, the increase of monsters is not your fault. You have nothing to do with it."

"I know." Ocean replied quietly. She knew what the town folks said about her. She was the devil's child and brought doom to them. She tried to ignore them but somehow it was making her indignant. It wasn't fair.

"Come on, we'll cook your favourite stew tonight." Osial grinned. It was contagious. Ocean couldn't help but smile too.

That night, they ate with laughter and peacefulness. It was just a simple dinner with corn stew, yet it was the most delicious dinner for Ocean. Just the two of them, enjoying warm food and each other's company. She didn't have to worry about anything else. All that she wanted was right there, at the humble farm house and Osial. She just wanted all of this to last.


"Ocean, listen to me. Pack some food and clothes." Osial ordered hurrily. Ocean never saw that man like that. He was panicking.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"No time to explain. Come on, move." He urged.

Ocean complied to him and packed up. Her instinct was restless. She knew something bad was going to happen. Osial kept on looking at the window, his hand tightly clutched on the hilt of his sword. He was expecting something to come.

"Are we in danger?"

"The.. The imperial knights are coming." He was hesitating to tell her. He forced a smile, hoping to ease the tension.

"They're coming for me?" Ocean guessed. He nodded grimly.

"That's why, you have to go. Run up the hills behind the house. Just run straight and don't look back." Osial put a hand on her shoulder.

"What about you?"

"I'll buy us some time. You run first and I'll be right after."

"You're lying." She glared at him. Years of living together, Ocean was able to pick up some of his habits. Especially when he was lying. His shoulders went tensed and he had this awkward smile.

"You have to get out of here. You have so much to look forward in the future. Please." He pleaded. Ocean felt like a stab to her heart. It was as if he was saying goodbye. She didn't want to leave him behind. He was her only family.

"Run with me."

"No, I have to buy us time. I promise, I'll follow you. Please go now." He patted her head. Ocean bite back her tears and went for a hug. He gently hugged her back. "Go now, we're running out of time!"

"Please be careful, Osial." She wished which he only replied with a grin.

Using the back door, Ocean exited the house. She went to the narrow path heading toward the hills. She couldn't shake off the ache in her heart. She felt like she wouldn't see Osial ever again. And that grinning face with sad eyes of his would her last memory about him. There were so many things she wanted to tell him and there were so many things she wanted to do together with him. She didn't want to leave him. She didn't want to leave without him.

Ocean stopped after half an hour. Like Osial had promised, he should be on his way to the hills too. She decided to wait for him. A few minutes turned into an hour. It dawn on her that Osial wasn't coming. She felt anger coursing inside of her. She dropped her bag and only took her sword, she ran down the hills, back to the farm house. She hoped she wasn't too late.

It was silent when she arrived. She heard distant chattering from the front yard. The Sky darkened as it was about to rain. She followed the noises. There were bloods. Ocean was frozen, eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. The man she admired and she loved so much was lying there in the pool of his own blood. She saw a bunch of people dressed in knight armor. There were others too that she remembered selling goods in town. The town folks and the knights.

"That's the devil's child!" Someone shouted.

Ocean felt empty. No, she didn't want to feel anything at the moment. She couldn't see these people face. She could only see their sneering sickening smiles that mocked Osial. Her grip on the sword tightened.

"Why.. Why are you doing this?" Her voice trembled.

"Isn't it obvious? You're the devil! You're the one that caused the monsters to multiply in our town! That embecile kept you in is just the same as you!" A man shouted. "You need to be killed!"

"We.. We never done anything to any of you… What did we do?" Ocean was shaking. Not out of fear but immense anger. Dark aura came out from her body, forcing the others to stay back from her.

"Kill her!! That's the devil!!"

Ocean snapped. She let go. She didn't care. All these people didn't deserve to be spared. With swings of her sword, bodies cut in half, the rain start pouring and it became a blood bath. When the screams and movements seized, she approached the lifeless body of the man that took care of her. She turned his body and there weren't warm brown eyes look at her ever again. That eyes were forever closed and voice that would never call her name again. It was as if a glass shattered into the ground, her heart was broken. The floodgate burst and she began crying. She collected the body into her embrace. It was cold.

"You.. You liar. You broke your promise.." She sobbed, burying her face into his chest. She was so used to listen to his heartbeat and his heart had stop. Osial was dead.