
Watashi to Maru-chan

I'll update this story when I can and I'll try to be consistent with updates. But anyways this story is about a Alaskan Malamute name Aurora and Maru a young girl with an abusive father. So follow along with Aurora's and Maru's adventures. p.s. If I don't update it's probably because I'm looking for inspiration, distracted by school, or sick

SpiderChan · Fantasy
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Chapter4: A Dangerous Path (part 1)

I was walking downhill with Maru on my back looking at her adorable sleeping face. I felt more relaxed. I also noticed that her face is redder than usual maybe it's too cold. We need to hurry and find shelter somewhere.

My thoughts were interrupted by the menacing forest up ahead. So, I slowed my pace and looked around cautiously for any danger, luckily it didn't seem like it was any at all. So, I quickened my pace to hurry through the forest. I doubt having to spend the night here is a good idea. But when I heard the snap of a twig and looked around only to see nothing. I grew worried as I heard the rustling of a bush.

After taking several deep breaths assuring myself it was probably nothing too worrisome. I walked for about fifteen minutes with nothing happening causing my anxieties to vanish. Feeling kind of tired I took a break in a comfortable spot under a tree. I shut my eyes since my eyelids felt too heavy to carry... and just like that I had fallen asleep.

My eyes shot open to the sound of Maru's sneeze. I immediately lifted my head and looked at her. Did I really fall asleep? And for how long? While questioning myself I notice Maru sit up and rub her eyes and looking around shivering, then she turned towards me and stared at me.

Maru: "Aua?"

I licked her cheek and she giggled. Maru was shivering intensely as she looked up at the dark sky.

Maru: "Shnowfwake"

She smiled brightly then stood and tried to catch one in her hand, so I joined her and tried to get one on my tongue. Maru jumped up and caught one in her hands. She slowly opened her hand and stared at her palms she frowned slightly.

Maru: "Ish gone"

She seemed saddened but when she looked at me, she laughed. I was shocked and tilted my head confused which made her laugh more. But then she suddenly pointed at my snout.

Maru: "Shnowfwake"


I'm even more confused my nose is not a snowflake. My nose began twitching as if something was tickling it. I strained my eyes just enough to stare at my own nose. Then I realized there was a snowflake on my nose, but just as I made that realization I sneezed. Maru giggled then pet me on my head.

At that moment I heard the snap of a twig. I slowly turned my head to where the sound originated as I stared, I could see various creatures approaching... wolves.

This is not good. I crawled in between Maru's legs then stood up. Maru seemed very confused as I began running away. She almost fell multiple times and decided it would be best to hold on tightly. I looked behind me to see if they were following, but I saw nothing. Just as I was about to let out a sigh of relief, I noticed glowing eyes following us on both sides.

I panicked and looked for an escape. I can feel my fear getting the best of me to the point that I can barely concentrate. I begin wondering what to do, or if there is anything that I can do. This can't be the end, right?