
Washed by the stars

Set in the Stargate universe, but it is more like a standalone spin-off. He was young. Basically a child. 15 years old and suddenly thrown into amazingly impossible situation. Teleportation? Space travel? Aliens? Stargate? What are those things? Where is he? How can he get back home? How can he even get food? He needs water! Protection! Steve had to survive. It's a simple instinct but quite powerful. Will the knowledge he learned from school help him? He couldn't know. He couldn't guess what lays behind the gate. New world. Humans? Aliens? Death? "There is only one way to find out!" he says and pushes the drone towards the gate. "Better you than me," I don't own Stargate universe, this is just a Fanfiction.

LexLexter · TV
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

The way of Recruit II

"Oh... I know we don't really speak about our past, but you all have been in a real fight before?" Velis asked in a deep voice. Everybody around the table just nodded.

"You all joined the guards for different reasons, but you all thought how difficult it is going to be, right?" again everybody nodded.

"Then why the fuck are we having a feast? We have been in this town for three days and the festival is still going on!" he yelled. Indeed, the whole pub was decorated with simple flower ornaments and from the outside, you could hear people singing.

"I was so bloody scared and then we only get to train here anyway!" Steve hits the table, smiling.

"I am disappointed! I was expecting something more dangerous!" Us yawns.

"Well, is it great? We can take it easy here!" Relf laughs.

"You have been enjoying this place too much, didn't you skipped training this morning?" Velis pointed out.

"We do it ourselves anyway, nobody is going to punish me for getting some sleep,"

"Agh! Why do they even need us here?" Us growled.

"Eh... there is a festival going on if you didn't notice! There are people dancing and playing right on the street! We obviously need to protect that!" Relf pointed out as a matter of fact.

"You just want to have fun!"

"Obviously! This why I joined the guardians anyway. People give us stuff for free every day!"

"What the...that is such a simple reason,"

"Oh, really, why did you join?"

"I wanted to belong somewhere,"

"Boooring! What about you Us? Why do I even asking, it was to get decent fights, right?"


"So that leaves the silent guy! Tell us?"

"Hmm, it was an accident, but I stayed because of you guys,"

"Oh, don't get soft at me!" Relf said and picked a corbel of beer.

"It doesn't matter anyway! I will talk to the commander after the meal and maybe..." Velis said making Steve change their attitude.

"You want us to go back already?" he was actually glad to be away from the moon, although he got used to this atmosphere and life, he was still looking in the future.

"That lazy bastard won't do anything like that! He will just say that we are not real soldiers and we should train but also say we need to follow orders and stay here!" Velis added.

"Yeah, such horror!" Relf smirked. Us punched the table like Steve before, but now all the drinks spill, and everybody shut up. He did that often when people start to verbally fight.

"Let's finish the food and head to the barracks!" Velis said meekly.

Their job was to stand around a hotel where several nobles lived. It didn't cut to their training and wasn't much difficult either, so nobody complained and spent another four days like guards with only helping arguments.


It was an evening and the sun was slowly hiding under the horizon. Steve was sitting on a wooden fence behind the barracks. His legs were hanging over a rocky cliff and in his hand was a bottle of wine. He was alone and this spot was hidden for most guards making it a great place for him to meditate or relax. He also liked this alone time so he didn't have to be wary of his friends finding his gun. Meditation helped him to calm down, but also it helped him to access the knowledge of the aliens without a headache. He focused a bit on the chemicals and although he got some knowledge it wasn't anything useful.


"Hm? What? Velis?"

"I think we should prepare for a battle," he said and came closer.

"Why and how do you know I come here?"

"I need to know where you are exactly for the moment like this! Few people came out of the gate saying that some bandits destroyed their city,"

"You think they will attack this place?" Steve came closer to Velis.

"Yes, I had a chance to talk to one of those runaways, and apparently they had a shortage of food and they burned most of it,"

"So they are hungry, doesn't mean they will attack this place,"

"No, but they also got people telling them something similar before the attack, and since those people came from a place outside of the know worlds... I think they are just following people through the gate..."

"This sounds really, really, really not probable,"

"If it was only this one incident, yes, but I hear similar ones all the time, even higher-ups are talking about it right now,"

"Fine, I'll be more careful,"

"I'll tell the rest, so go to sleep!"

"Are you my mom?"

"Shut up," Velis smiled and left. Steve turned around and looked at the stars, maybe he should offer them to run away with him. Would they go?


Us was smiling from ear to ear walking, almost skipping to a dusty area in the middle of a garden. Behind him were Steve, Velis, and Relf all looking less happy. Contrary to him they all had wooden sticks.

"Now! Do you have any other rules?" he turned at them, knocking his knuckles.

"No..." Velis sighted and prepared his stick for combat.

"Any plans?" Steve asked, but to no avail.

"HUA!" Us yelled and run at them, making both Relf and Steve flinch. Only Velis stood his ground and tried to block Us, however, he was brushed aside and fall down.

"Hua!" Relf yelled and attacked Us, but he blocked the stick with his arm and punched him in the face. It wasn't strong enough to break his nose, but it hurt a lot for him to drop his weapon and back down.

"Steve!" Us yelled and run at him, who dodged him, but Us still hit him with his arm, forcing him to the ground.

"So easy!!" Us said and Velis jumped at him again, but there was no difference. When Relf also attacked with no result Steve yelled annoyed, because Us rushed him again.

"God damn it, stop attacking one by one!"

"Well, at least we are attacking!" Relf snapped at him.

"Shut up both of you! Let's just circle him as always!" Velis said, but Us jumped at him, he barely dodged and both Relf and Steve tried to hit Us. They did hit him, but it did seemingly no damage and he got their weapons.

"Aghg!" Velis yelled and thrust his stick at Us head, however, Us dodged it while smiling. The fight was completely one-sided after Us kicked Steve in the guts and made him incapable of fighting. Relf was the second to be defeated and in the end, Us stood victorious with a great smile on his face.

"Au..." Steve said and massaged his belly.

"Damn it, if we attacked him sooner..." Velis said annoyed.

"Hey! We wouldn't have to fight if you didn't make that stupid bet," Relf pointed out.

"You didn't have to join!"

"How should I know he can play cards?" Relf defended himself.

"You alright?" Us came to Steve and helped him to stand up.

"I am alright...but damn that was a nasty kick,"

"Thanks! You should be bolder in the fight, you wait too much,"

"Oh, thanks..." Steve thanked him but Us only nodded and faced the rest.

"Relf, you need to listen to Velis in the fight and not give in your emotions,"

"What about me?" Velis asked.

"Just get stronger,"

"Ha! You got the worst one!" Relf laughed.

"Tell me the details!" Velis ignored him and rather looked at Us. Who happily starts explaining how to improve their fighting styles. Steve always liked it when Us explained fighting, it was obviously his passion. Looking at Us happily talking about footwork, while Velis was listening and Relf was making fun of him for paying so much attention, felt somewhat warm for Steve.

Maybe, he could stay with them just a little bit longer.