
Washed by the stars

Set in the Stargate universe, but it is more like a standalone spin-off. He was young. Basically a child. 15 years old and suddenly thrown into amazingly impossible situation. Teleportation? Space travel? Aliens? Stargate? What are those things? Where is he? How can he get back home? How can he even get food? He needs water! Protection! Steve had to survive. It's a simple instinct but quite powerful. Will the knowledge he learned from school help him? He couldn't know. He couldn't guess what lays behind the gate. New world. Humans? Aliens? Death? "There is only one way to find out!" he says and pushes the drone towards the gate. "Better you than me," I don't own Stargate universe, this is just a Fanfiction.

LexLexter · TV
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Change of Setting

Steve barely opened his eyes at the other site, while supporting Relf and was pushed by a soldier who hurried from the gate. Thankfully he managed to keep standing and moved away from the gate.

"Everybody move aside from the gate, we have a refugee situation!" a yell could be heard from the soldiers.

"We should get to the hospital," Steve pointed out and two knights help them on the way.

Velis quickly told them what happened. They obviously already knew some things about the situation but said nothing.

The hospital was strategically not far from the gate. It was a massive hall filled with simple beds. Steve could feel the dread and pungent smell growing and growing as their distance to the hospital shrunk. The painful cries raised the hair on Steve's neck as they entered and he tried not to look. Only looking at the floor was enough, as fresh bloodstains, used bandages, and other unidentified fluids gave the full picture.

"Come to me!" a nurse called them and Velis lead his unit towards her.

"Look at me!" she barked at Steve. She was tired, her forehead was sweating and her white attire was covered with blood.

"You are healthy, move away," she touched his stomach and left him be.

"Thank god!" he said and left the hospital as quickly as he could to get some fresh air. Just thinking about the unsanitary conditions and the brewing illnesses made him sick.

"Steve!" Velis comes to him.


"They don't have much space in there, so she will treat Relf and we will take him to our room,"

"Good, I hope the master will protect us and not send us outside,"

"I thought you want to leave the Guardians,"

"With. You." Steve said pointedly.

"We will discuss this later," Velis dismissed Steves's argument and looked at Us, who came out.

"Come help!" he said and everybody moved to finally, after much struggle, in bed.


After two days Relf was sent to rest in his room with the master. However, their master wasn't here, so they only got their standing orders, to help with the injured. Since Steve couldn't hold up his dissatisfaction with the smells and sounds of the healing ward, he was sent to the kitchen to help with cooking, which meant he didn't see his friend until evening.

When Relf was finally with them, Steve sit on his bed and looked at them seriously.

"Well, go on, explain the gun," Relf said in a neutral tone.

"Right...I will tell you everything. It is true I got lost from my planet by an accident, but it was not through a gate but with different technology. I managed to learn how to use the gate and got the gun...and a spaceship,"


"It's a boat that can fly,"

"Just like the Specters ship?" Velis asked after a minute of silence.

"Yes, but it's not theirs," Steve said, but by the looks on their faces, he knew they didn't believe him. As expected.

"I stayed here in a hope of gathering more information but I don't want to be a soldier that fights some stupid wars against people running from Wrights,"

"And you want us to come run with you?"


"I don't want to run from a fight!" said Us almost insulted and Relf, who was lying on his bed, turned his head to look at the ceiling.

"I understand you, Steve. I do, but I also think it's smarter to stay here. Look at it this way! We are not even near the top of Guardians, we will definitely learn more information when we get there!"

"How many years is that going to take?"

"They provide food, shelter..." Velis was interrupted by Relf's sigh.

"It's an honor to be a Guardian! It's the best way for happiness! You get the best education, the best training, and privileges. Many tribes offer free stuff to Guardians! Do you understand? Running alone will make us nothing but orphans..." Relf said angrily.

"Fine, fine! We stay!" Steve said defeated.

"Ok! Come with me!" Us stood up.


"You sounded like a coward, come, train!"

"But..." Steve said afraid but Us smiled and Velis shook his head. "Sorry, there is nothing I can do..." he said and so Steve looks back at Us with a large smile.


Steve woke up with sore muscles and a painful bruise on his back. Us didn't beat him up or anything, they just duel normally. Like always. Though the difference was unrecognizable for an outsider.

"Finally awake?" Relf laughed seeing Steve slowly sit on his bed.

"Shit I am late!" Steve said and massaged his shoulder.

"Boohoo, please, you didn't get shoot!"

"Right, right," Steve started to undress.

"That gun...do you have another?"


"What about the ship..."

"It's on a different planet and broken,"

"Of course it is,"

"Hey, there was a reason why I didn't tell you right away!"

"Right...You could have used that gun sooner,"

"I could, yes..."


"I was scared..."

"Of what?"

"That you won't like it,"

"Well don't you feel stupid now!" he laughed. He then turned his head back away from him.

"Becoming a guardian is really important to me, so you have to understand...my tribe is not big and they send me here to gain some prestige..."

"I...didn't know that,"

"Yeah, you just don't get how important the Guardians are around here, that is all..."

"Just...get better!" Steve said as he was leaving the room.


After a week of continuous work in the kitchen, Relf finally recovered enough to be able to train with them. It also meant their unit was now able to be deployed, but no orders came in Us's disappointment and Steve's relief. Instead, their master appeared in the night and woke all of them.

"Wake up you lazy bastards! It's time to move out!" he shouted. Us was the first one to stand before him with a giant typical smile. Soon everybody followed.

"We are all going to the Mollien, no questions! Just pack all your shit!" the master said in a strict voice. It was unusual for him to come out so forceful, making his pupils following him as he wished, without a question.

Steve knew about Mollien, it was just another Guardian outpost, much smaller than this one, but also on another planet. It felt weird to go there so abruptly, but it was not a call to arms.

"Follow me!" the master said as they came out of the gate in a small stone plaza. He talked for a few minutes with another Guardian and then lead them towards a smaller wooden shack.

"We can finally talk normally," master sigh in relief and pulled out a pipe as he sat on the wooden old chair. Everybody sat as well, looking at him with curious eyes.

"Why are we here?"

"For safety obviously, the homeland has been compromised..."


"Yes, those fools let any refugee in, letting spies as well! I am not comfortable leaving you there! You are my responsibility!" he said and blew out some smoke.

"This is not about Wright?" Steve asked.

"Wrights? Why? You mean the rumors?" his master responded.

"Those are no rumors, it's true, I saw them!"

"Just because you saw them, doesn't mean anything. Even when they sleep, they need to feed a little! You were truly unlucky to witness their horrors at such a young age, but do not give in the fear! They are asleep! The enemies are humans! Just like always!"

"If you say so, master," Steve nodded, unsure about mentioning he had seen them twice already. After all his words were already hard to believe.

"You will continue my training while helping to earn your meals. I don't wish to send you back to the battlefield until you are more ready! So do not worry! No! Show me your blades! I want to see how well did you care for them!"