
Keeps Getting Harder

"Dad, I promise I will be able to pay for it. Give me a little time," I couldn't stop them, the tears just kept forming and falling. My head rested on the side of the bed. When I lift it, what will I see, will his face be angry, sad that I'm not good enough, or disappointed I'm his daughter. Maybe all of them combined?

"Genny, lift up your head," I wipe the tears away and force myself to look him in the face.

"When you were born. That was the beginning of a new life for your mother and I. Your mother knew this, she knew you were the beginning, the first chapter of the book of our lives. That's why we named you Genesis. Every story ends eventually, it's a little sad but it's true. Here's a fact about life. Everyone has a birthdate and everyone has a death date. But what really matters is the dash. The dash that separates your birth date and your death date. That's what really matters, what you did in between. You are working hard and you're trying your best so I want you to know that if I die nothing is your fault. I want you to remember death isn't preventable, you are able to delay it but not prevent it altogether. I want you to look back and think wow I tried really hard to save my dad. Even though he still passed I still tried to because of the love I felt for him. So Genny please remember I would rather die knowing how much you cared then to live without you. In life or in death, Genny, I will always be proud of you and love you. My time is ending. I know it is, but you are the beginning, And I want you to spend the beginning, middle and end not feeling any guilt or sadness about something you can't prevent. So don't worry, I can wait a little longer for treatment or I can die without it. It won't change the love and pride I feel for you. So please whatever you are doing please be happy, with or without me. So please smile and remember that I love you,"

Without any hesitation I hugged him tightly. He is the father that raised me, the father that stood by me during the death of mother, and the father that loves me even though I can't take care of all his medical bills. His words won't stop me from crying for him, but it will remind me that in life or in death the bond of a mother, a father and a daughter will not sever.

"I have to go now dad, I have a shift starting shortly. I love you," he smiled warmly.

"I bet not as much as I love you. Take care Genny, don't forget to smile and laugh,"

"I won't, goodbye dad,"

"Bye Genny,"

The city is really busy around this time. Lucky me, I get to work at a popular restaurant. It doesn't help that the people who visit are rich famous snobs. I'm used to dealing with them, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it. I would quit if I wasn't desperate to pay for my dad's medical bills, eat, and not be homeless. I quickly get into my apartment, get changed and walk to work.

I was close to getting to work when I checked my watch. Oh no, I'm five minutes late. I started to book it. I opened the door and tried to get back before anyone noticed.

"Gen," I turn and see my boss frowning at me. I was about to say something but she beat me to it. "Save it, we just sat a group of young men over there. Thankfully you weren't any later. You're the only employee who can handle a rich folks attitude. Do try to make a good impression, they're pretty important. I nod my head and turn to wait the table she pointed to.

"Hi guys, good evening. My name is Genesis. I'll be your server tonight. Can I get you guys started with anything to drink?"

"We'll all have a water,"

"Ok four waters. Anything else?"

"If we wanted anything else we would have said it to you blockhead," one of the young men spoke. I heard one of the others snicker while one's face remains stoic and the other glares at the two. I took a deep breath and said

"Of course, sorry, my mistake. I will get your waters as quick as possible," Then I walk away to grab their drinks. Luckily the place wasn't that crowded, less snobby customers to deal with. I got them their drinks, then one of them said "Why are your eyes so red?" He looked at me with a concerned face. I'm pretty sure he's decent. He glared at the others when one insulted me instead of laughing, and he actually said thank you when I got them their drinks. "Oh it's nothing important, just some issues at home,"

"I see, I hope everything turns out well for you," he said with a slight smile.

"Is everyone ready to order?" I ask. I take their orders and leave.