
The beginning.....

It was almost the end of the school year I was reading for exams in the cafeteria. By the way my name is Lana. I'm 16 with long hair aqua blue eye and a double lenses glasses that I wear across my face all the time.

My teacher thought I wasn't concentrating in class so she moved me form the back roll to the front. I really didn't feel comfortable about it like technically no one will but I had to move 🤷🏻‍♀️

I left my friends and now I am sitting in front with one of the cutest but weirdest boy in the school Zack

I was hanging on the fence bout my thoughts and how I should talk to him but it's ok we'll figure it out

He has brown hair blue eyes oval shaped face and strikingly beautiful red lips.

I wasn't comfortable sitting there because of him but I had to.

2 weeks have passed and now I realize that he's not all that's weird he's just not that talking type. He loves games. Zack is a gamer and he loves animè.....Dream boy right?😂.... but get this I don't watch anime more like I've never even heard of its before and I just found out that there are some games with really high graphics which can be played on my cell phone.

Now it seems like Zack likes me or Some things like but he has a girlfriend which should be like a Party pooper for me..... but to be sincere I really don't like him we're just friends so I really don't think it's normal to make things weird.

He's gf is my friend and I won't want to hurt her or any thing like that so....