
The cornflower

Taras was an ordinary human in an ordinary world. He was accustomed to waking up to the sound of his mother's old vacuum or his dad's iPhone alarm, eating his ordinary cereal breakfast and skipping his way to school. But one day, something changed. One day he did wake up; but not to the brrr of the weathered vacuum or the blaring sirens of an alarm, instead his eyes shot open at the ROARRR of a dragon.

He jumped around ten feet in the air at the sudden screech. He bolted his eyes around the room, or rather around the tropical rainforest. His eyes caught a glimpse of the electric blue cornflower. "A cornflower in the middle of a rainforest?" He thought. Wait.. "How am I in the middle of a forest?!"

He frantically started darting across the, now ex-room, desperately looking for a way out or even a way in.

Thirty minutes had passed and all he was looking for now was something other than blue exotic plants or neon pink insects. The sun had also started to set. "Oh great, just great" he thought.

Now, he felt like he was in the ice age movies, but without the dinosaurs.

As night fell, the sounds of insects rose up. Their volume started to increase, until it was unbearable. Taras was clutching his ears with desperation, they were already red like Snow White's lips.

The loud sound forced his eyes open only to find his mother's alarm going off in the other room. Along with a single cornflower petal on his pillow.

All he could think about was "Was it a dream?".