
Was he a human being?

The common story, one day when I was going to university, I realized the horrors of human life.

Rabia_Bashir_2111 · Realistic
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1 Chs


I was going to university on a sunny day.

Saw a dog sitting on the other side of the road on the way, But he was not moving at all.

When I looked closely, he had lost his breath, the string of his life must have stopped when he was injured. Seeing the people coming and going on the road, only the eyes of this innocent speechless animal would be looking for help, but nobody cares, everyone is busy in their lives, the dog's breath will stop then When he saw a man stop by himself, that this man saw this helpless dog, but then the man passed by, holding his mobile to his ear, the conscience also shouted, But he was reluctant to hear the sound. The man went away and got busy in his life, but the dog's body remained the same, with a lump in his eyes looking at the human beings that created a sensation up to my spine.

He must have learnt the lesson when he died that man himself has become an animal.

Maybe he was really not a human.