

When Sophie was little, her parents always fought. She would sit on the cold floor, her body pressed to the wall, and watch them. They would point, shout, yell, and not speak to each other for days.' Love is fake! It is temporary. Sophie would always say playfully. Of course, her parents were proof. Years pass and life continues. Sophie then finds herself in the central world of her dilemmas. Would she wrestle to find that long-lost joy...maybe even for them all or sit on the sideline and wait for it to magically materialize itself?

Bedisa777 · Teen
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24 Chs

Chapter 12

After school, the parking lot was packed.

I had not asked the guards how I would come back home, I didn't even know the way...meaning they were coming to pick me.

I spotted chole in the distance. She was standing beside a shiny red Mazda cx-3, just as the name displayed at the back on a metal plate. A boy was standing beside her, discussing something.

The boy looks at me, still talking and then chole turns around. She waves and gestures for me to come over. As I walk towards chole, the boy leaves.

"Hi," I say, approaching her.

"Hi, Sophie. You aren't going home now? Oh, are you supposed to wait for the Driver that dropped you earlier?"

I narrow my eyes and tilt my head. "What?" I say with a small voice. "You saw that?"

"Saw what?" She laughed. "Here!" She handed me a thin, rectangular book, it looked like a magazine.

A picture of the school was designed on the cover page, together with the school's logo.

"What's this?"

"It is the school's magazine," Chole answers, shifting her weight on one hip.

I flip pages, which are full of writings and pictures of activities. I turn to the last page and my eyes jams with a picture of myself.

"Yeah!!" Chole chuckles.

It was a picture of me, coming down from the car in the morning. I noticed my hair was blown by the wind...where had the wind come from, I didn't feel any wind this morning...but...it actually looked...beautiful. My eyes dart towards the subtopic; the new girl.

"What??" I exclaimed. "How did-? when-? Great!," I gulp. I thought no one noticed me...probably. " umm, who gets to see this?"



"But not on paper tho, online. That's why you have to subscribe to the school's news channel. It is very important, and that's where every news is gotten from, or first taken toģ. Sometimes it's information is gotten from social media though, on students' feeds and stuff, but when it gets to the school's news channel, then you'd be sure everyone knows."

"You should subscribe asap, just tell me when you are ready...Here's my number."

She collects my unlocked phone, type in her number, and saves it. "Here." She hands me back the phone.

"Look at Makenzie! Are you still with her book?"

"Yes, I am." I quickly get it from my bag and turn around.

I see Mackenzie...with the guy from maths period...yes- Jax. Why did he have to be there? I don't want to look like a fool, just staring at them so I extended my right leg and then my left and soon, I'm standing in front of them.

Jax looks up.

"Hi, jaxil." 

He stares at me without emotion. "It is Jax, ahh!"

"Oh sorry, Jaxx. What's the difference anyway??"

"The difference is the I and the L, I thought you were smart...

A frown appears on my face. "Of course I am, "I mumble.

Turning to Mackenzie, I extend her book to her. "Thank you"

"What's that?"

"Your geography textbook."

"Oh... never mind, keep it."

"No, thank you. I am still going to get mine."

She ignores me and turns to Jax. "Soo... I'm not going to be around after school tomorrow."

"That's fine, I'll call you." He says, indicating with his hands.

He walks past me and slightly touches my back.

"Bye, baby girl," Mackenzie says, entering her car.

I feel a light tap and turn around. It was a man in a black suit and dark glasses, one of the guards.

"We have been waiting for you, Miss?"

"I'm sorry." Miss!

"It's fine." He says.

I followed him, walking behind.

While passing chole, I smile." Bye!"

"See you tomorrow." She says. "Be careful...with Makenzie, she can be quiet," she whispers, "Dangerous...ly nice!"

"Huh?"I laugh. Most people had gone home, the lot was free and I didn't feel any need to be nervous.