
Was beyblade really that serious?

Was beyblade really that serious to the point where kids act a fool, and are so overpowered that they can bend reality outside of the stadium and turn back time, and use outrageous moves... well join yuo on his journey to prove to the world his a one in a trillion

lucihano · Anime & Comics
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Void dragon helmut

I was born in a regular old town mom ran a regular old vegetable stand pop's was a beyblade mechanic, he was a good man and so was mom... that sure still hurts thinking about, but at some point you've got to except it, that's just life and I'm sure mom and pop's wouldn't want me to be sad for the rest of my life... yeah i know their still looking after me from this, the last thing they left me, the one thing i always wanted, a beyblade, it seems like pop's worked on this his his whole life at least that's what the letter says and mom gave it love just as she gave me for her whole life, i mean that's what moms part says, 'how did i not know about this', because my dream was to one day learn from the best to ever be a blader, the blader with the most sophisticated blading style, the man with the most beautiful dragon type beyblade, the man that's most dedicated to blading, the former world champion, free dela hoya, my idol the blader i respect the most, the first time i show fafnir on that stadium i thought, there can be no bey more beautiful than that, it's landing was a testament to it's unparalleled beauty, it set it self apart from all other beys with it's unparalleled defense and spectacular attack power, so one day i told pop's exactly that, and it turns out he made a dragon type beyblade, and on the paper it says your name is "void dragon helmut," that sure is a cool name, now that i look at you again helmut, your quite a beautiful beyblade, and it seems we only have each other now, so we're going to be partners from now on, we will meet free and become his apprentice, the leter also says your abilities consist of, void blast, shadow absorption, shadow armor, shadow slip, dragon gaze, and some are drawn over, 'why write it down if your just gonna draw over it', there is one i can somewhat make out, r*a*i*y man?p*la#*on, what the hell is that... whatever helmut from now on we begin our training. As they walk away, the word on the paper began to reveal it self, real?ty manipul*?ion. What could it mean

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