
Wars of the Heart

Amelia Luna-dynn is a young damsel of unassuming character. However, there is a deadly secret she harbors: that she is the daughter of a forbidden race, a tribe despised by the royals of the Kingdom. She is the sole survivor, discreetly living an unseen life as a commoner. But there are scars on her back that betray her origin, requiring her to cleanse herself in order to stay alive and unrecognised. With such reins attached to her race, it is impossible to find someone who would love her despite the dangers of her origin. But one night, when at the verge of being eaten by beasts, she is saved by a mysterious man from the grasp of death. Curiosity drives the damsel to chase love. Despite being downtrodden, she stumbles upon the opportunity meeting with high society by joining a Book Club run by the beautiful daughter of the Duke, Charlene Walterus. Amelia makes friendships with nobles and soon comes close to a romance with a man she suspects to be her secret rescuer, but is hopeless that his heart is far gone in the arms of the duke’s daughter. Will she win a wedding with the man of her dreams? But most importantly, will her fantasies of a perfect marriage come true? Or will she suffer a strained marital relationship, with unrequited feelings, far from the heart of the one she loves? Excerpt: That night, he was exhilarated to have married the woman of his desires. But Charlene had told him a bothersome fact about the origin of his newly wedded wife that he could not shake off his mind, for he knew she would have told him, had it been true. The tall man stepped into Amelia’s chamber and found her seated at the rim of the bed, blushing. The very sight of her innocent disposition had always brought him the insane urge to sweep her up in his arms and protect her. But before they would make love, there was an important question blaring at the edge of his mind. “Y-you’re here”, her soft voice was almost breathless. She rose to her feet, but rested against the wall, shy and nervous. “Amelia”, he tasted her name, drawing close to her. Tenderly placing a finger under her chin and lifting her face to meet his, he gazed into her eyes and asked, “Is it true that you are of the Celeste Clan?” There was silence in response and fear in her eyes. She did not deny it. A strong feeling of hurt enveloped his chest, when he realised that she was no different. Charlene’s words about her were not simply contemptuous lies of jealousy planted to his attention, but the raw truth. ~ Amelia gasped when he rammed his fist against the wall in the absolute pangs of frustration. It was like it burnt his senses to think that she would deliberately hold something as significant as her origin from him, regardless of all things of his secrets that he had shared with her, while they were yet secret lovers. She knew the fault was hers, but she had been too scared to relay, for she had loved him far too much to lose him. “Why did you hide this from me?” he breathed, voice cold and low and deadly, colored by his unpronounced rage. His face was dangerously close to hers, such that she could hear his very breath, seething. Tears began to pierce her eyes, threatening to fall. She had never meant to deceive him. But in that moment, she was afraid. Heart throbbing loud enough to be heard, her lips were quivering and she shivered. When his gaze swept down at her frightened disposition, there was a flicker of tenderness in his eyes. But it lasted not even as long as a moment’s worth. He was cold. He did not confront her for the secrets she was keeping, but silently withdrew himself. There were many things she wished to say in apology, but she could not find her voice. And by the time she could speak, he had left her chambers. Tears flurried down her face. She could not believe that her fears had ruined the very first day of her marriage. It was the day she had wished to divulge her secret to him, but it seemed like it had already been out.

Lilia_Vincent · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
108 Chs

16. Miss Charlene’s Reading Association



The Estate of Duke Walterus,

The Town of Crimsonton,

Kingdom of Velicia,

Early hours of the morning,

The Eighth Day of the Month of November,

Thirty Third Year of the Reign of King Jesse Crestings

Daren cast a careful glance around him for listening ears, before saying, "Her previous betrothal was failing because of her endless male company. She is truly a person of very chaste character and boasts how pure she is, that despite several men admiring her beauty, she does not partake in their fantasies and remains untouched and secure towards the sole man she will marry. That is what had attracted me to her in the beginning. But I find that far too deceptive. She does enjoy the attention of all her male company, but does neither grows closer to them, nor dispends them. She merely just keeps them constantly by her side as though they are her toys for advantage, and the men are always sold to her grasp"

Amelia nodded. There was a feeling of hurt deep within in knowing that someone who could so easily win hearts would use them to her pleasurely advantage. It felt unfair.

However, it was no news that Daren had joined the Estate for work to be closer to the sights of Miss Charlene Walterus and could easily be harbouring his hatred by jealousy towards all the noble men that gave her attention. Thus, she decided to reckon his words lightly and to not take them to heart.

Perhaps the daughter of the Duke was pure after all, with no romantic intentions towards the court of males she had about her, the way she claimed.

Just then, the young lad asked, "Were you reading? I'm sorry, did I intrude?"

"No, no, of course not", she waved his words away, as she closed the book and placed it down upon the table. "I would rather have conversed with you than be secluded away between pages", she laughed.

Daren nodded slowly and pensively, before asking his thoughts into a question, "Do you still write stories like you used to?"

There was a mild blush that warmed her cheeks as she nodded, tucking a lock of curly hair behind her ear. "I do, but they are simply for myself as they always have been", she admitted.

"I see. It used to be quite so much fun when you wrote all those parts with interesting things happening and pass pages of the story to me and the other friends and we'd read and wait eagerly for you to write some more", Daren was lost in a sea of reminiscence, seeming happy.

"I am glad you enjoy it", Amelia smiled.

"You must become a renowned author. It will help you with your prospects of moving to a new land, as you had fantasised when we were younger", the lad said, excitement crisp in his voice.

"Ah, it is amazing to so imagine, but I cannot afford it, since I have no resources to publish a book", the damsel conceded.

There was a moment of pensive contemplation, before Daren spoke, "Miss Charlene is running a small society for book lovers. It has only very few of her friends presently, but I could afford a means for you to join the club. That way, you will have more prospects."

"What is the association about?" Amelia asked, curiously.

"Their motives encompass reading books and promoting the culture of language and history through reading a wide assortment of material. Those from the club that visit distant lands bring back exotic literature and prose for the fellow readers and they discuss the matters. It is Miss Charlene's means of bringing about the significance of written art. After all, that is the very premise of the Walterus business. Her club greatly promotes her cause", the young lad expounded.

"That seems rather alluring, Daren, but there is no means for me to actually fit into the society she holds. They are nobles of high status, there is no means of me feeling safe in their company", she said.

"But they are generous, lovely people", the young lad offered. "I have tended to their meetings and they are kind even to me for my expected service."

"No, it is different when an indentured servant of a dressmaker is standing on equal status. And besides, I would feel insecure", she relayed, in her honesty.

There was a moment of pause, before Daren burst out laughing. Then, said he, "Do not allow these insecurities to get in the way of your opportunities."

Amelia looked away, knowing he was perfectly right. After a long moment of contemplation, she let out a sigh and turned to him, "How many people are part of the association?"

"Let's see now", the lad mused, consulting his thoughts. "There's Lady Chaessy, Sir Sean, Knight Erion and his men Roden, Cylass and Jerish. And I believe we expect new additions today, the Heartrim twins: Ladies Analise and Alessia."

Among all the names of the nobles enlisted, only Erion's struck to her attention. There was a mild hint of contemplation, before Amelia resiled, "Alright, maybe it is worth a shot."

"So you're interested?" Daren asked, his smile widening.

Amelia gave a sort of shy nod, thinking of how high she would soar with acquaintances if she made the company of those in the reading association. And further, she imagined what it would be like in the close company of her mysterious vigilante.

"Amazing!" the young lad clasped his hands, "I will clear these items and be back. Have you any other duties at the moment?" he asked.

"No, no, I am simply waiting for the event to end, so I can receive the payments and return to the boutique", the damsel of long curling hair replied.

"Good, then we shall help with progressing your writings", Daren promised, hurrying away to tidy up.

Amelia quickly put the book away and paced the hall, waiting for her friend to return. It wasn't long before the blue haired lad came back, wiping his hands hastily as he strode over.

"I'm quite close to Roden, who's one of the Knight's men. He should be able to lend us the support of getting you in", said Daren, taking Amelia outside to the courtyard.
