
Warriors of Zyfindia

A dark evil once thought destroyed has returned. Now, Luna must search for the remaining warriors to help defeat the warlord, Khanum, and his horde of shadows. Who will they find? And how will they defeat Khanum?

Gabby_Jankowski · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Gruesome Discovery

When the dawn came, Imani woke up to Sheila jumping on him.

"Ok, ok I'm up" Imani stated as he noticed the tiger looked distressed. "Shelia, what is it?" he asked as she began to scratch and paw at the door. Maybe she could smell the meat she was going to have for breakfast.

Rolling his eyes, Imani opened the door as Sheila bolted out the door.

Expecting to see his father with Sheila's breakfast, his heart stopped when he looked at the room. Black ash covered the floors along with the eerily color of dark blood stained the walls. Imani had to close his eyes to stop looking at what was left of his father.

Falling to his knees he began to sob violently. It felt like he had been sitting there for hours, thinking of all the memories with his father. A knocked interrupted his train of thought.

Shakily he got up and opened the door.

There stood Luna and Violet. But their smiles turned into concerned gazes at seeing Imani's tears.

"Imani, what's wrong?" Luna asked as she put her hand on his shoulder.

Taking a deep breath Imani moved his body out of the doorway to show what he saw of his father. Gasping, the girls looked at the destroyed room

"In the middle of the room there was one thing I didn't recognize," he stated as the girls looked at each other puzzled. "It was some symbol made from soot" he finished.

"Where is it?" Violet asked gently. Imani guided them to the middle of the destroyed room.

They began to stare at the symbol. As the girl's eyes raked across the room, Luna's hardened eyes light up when she recognized the markings.

"Kahnum," she uttered. Whipping their heads at her observation, they were in disbelief.

"Your right, it's the same symbol his shadows left behind at the castle," Violet confirmed. Luna stormed out of the house in a rage.

Turning to Imani, Violet engulfed him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry we weren't here sooner" She whispered as Imani began to break down in her arms.

Luna too enraged began to head to the village to see if anything happened....