
Warriors of Zyfindia

A dark evil once thought destroyed has returned. Now, Luna must search for the remaining warriors to help defeat the warlord, Khanum, and his horde of shadows. Who will they find? And how will they defeat Khanum?

Gabby_Jankowski · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Campfire Tales

Fenrir started to guide the party through the safest path through the Valley. Fenrir would tell them tales about the various bones littering their travel. 

"Just over this hill, we can continue on our journey. We're also coming up on my favorite part of the Valley," Fenrir stated as they started to walk up the steep hill in front of them. On one side was a path leading away from the Valley. Fenrir waited atop the hill, looking over on the opposite side of their path. Everyone reached the top and was in awe at what they saw. 

There, in front of them, revealed a giant beast. Its head was on its side with long sharp teeth and a long neck, and its body had a long tail curing around its figure. Luna noticed that it had two prominent horns curling behind its head. The most notable thing about the beast was its large wingspan that nestled from one side of the Valley to the other. 

"According to legend, this valley was in a great battle with this giant. It's said the dragon fought a mighty foe who threatened this land. My Clan believed this was one of the few beasts to shape our land today." Fenrir told as the group looked entranced at the tale 

"Beasts? What are you talking about?" Imani questioned 

"You have never heard this story? It's said that different beasts shaped not just the valley but Zyfindia itself," Fenrir responded as they looked perplexed. 

"How could that have been the creation of Zyfindia? Last time I looked at our maps, Zyfindias land vastly differs from coast to coast." Andorra pointed out 

"To tell this story, we're going to have to make camp," Fenrir says as he points at the setting sun. 

Together, they worked quickly to establish a camp and set up a fire burning. They all settled in and started to eat some stew Violet had cooked up with some of the last meat they had on them. 

"We have camp and dinner. Now I need to hear about how that thing created Zyfindia," Imani says as he eats his bowl of stew. Fenrir clapped his hands together and stood up.

"Before our ancestors found this land, it was ruled by Mother Nature herself. She had grown the land into all the regions we know today. From the scorching deserts of Tatire to the lush green forests of Juro. Mother Nature needed help to shape her vision, so she created six dragons to help her shape the land. " Fenrir began as the group was silent and very attentive to his story. 

"Their names were Tatire, Juro, Amitola, Haruki, and Ceol. Mother Nature was happy to have help, and in turn, when their job was done, they would be named after each land. ," Fenrir says as the party gasps.

"Wait, so our homes are named after these dragons? What about the sixth one?" Violet questioned 

"Exactly, now let me continue," Fenrir says and winks at Violet as she covers her mouth as he continues his story. 

"Her last child was the mightiest of all. She instructed her to watch over all her siblings. To guard them and keep them safe from any evil. She was named Zyfindia." 

The group once again was shocked, but let Fenrir continue. 

"With her word, Zyfindia, with her large wings took to the clear skies and flew around their new home, seeing everything her siblings were making. Until one day a dark storm started to make its way to the land. Fearing for her siblings she stood guard at the edge of Amitola's islands to defend her family." 

Luna felt something inside her shift. Hearing this story was causing her spirit to stir

"When the storm made its approach a dark shadow loomed over Zyfindia and laughed. He mocked her siblings and their mother for the home they have been working tirelessly to make. Zyfindia snarled at the shadow as they began to fight," Fenrir paused to take a drink of water. 

Everyone was on the edge of their seat at the story 

"Don't tell me that's it?!" Imani exclaimed as Fenrir laughed 

"No my friend there is more," he replies and continues his tale

"While Zyfindia was fighting off the threat on the other side of the island, Amitola, the smallest of the siblings, was too distracted in making her volcano and did not see a dark creature coming behind her. Amitola cried out in pain as the shadow tried to kill her. Zyfindia heard the cry, pushed the shadow off her, and ran to her sister. But she was too late. The shadow had taken Amitola's life. Zyfindia cried out. She had failed. But the storm had started to cover her sibling's homes. She flew into the storm and tried to attack the Shadow again. Hoping it could save her siblings. But through the battle, the shadows attacked the others, leaving them to rest in each of the lands they shaped. Seeing her sister's fallen, Zyfindia could feel her heartbreaking with every sister she saw."

Luna felt her own heartbreak. She knew what it meant if she failed. The destruction of her home, her family, her friends. She looked around to see Andorra's eyes filled with tears at the story. Luna looked back into the Valley at the skeleton as Fenrir finished his story.

The storm threw her into this valley and went to finish her off. Zyfindia let out an ear-piercing cry that erupted from her throat, causing the storm to shake and start to run away from the angered dragon. With her final breath, she stood up and summoned the spirit of her sisters within her. She opened her mouth and breathed out pure light. The light caused the shadows to cry out in pain and burn away into smoke. Zyfinda fell back into the valley and has been here since." Fenrir finished as the others wiped away their tears 

"Poor Zyfindia. To fight with everything to lose all she knew..." Violet says, wiping away her tears. Luna rubbed her back and hugged her friend 

"She may have lost everything but look, Zyfindia is still here. Her sister's spirits still live in the lands they created today. I'd say Zyfindia was a hero." Fenrir said 

Luna didn't feel elated as she thought she would hear those words. Instead, she felt dread for what could come next for her friends.