
Warriors fanfiction

Jada_Wiley · Fantasy
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1 Chs


(Ruatstar) After many moons the prophecy has awake. (Spotedpelt)  what was the prophecy again? (Quillfang) The prophecy was on The darkest day a kit will be born with the mark of the Dragon Clan. (Ruatstar) That kit has finally come. (Spottedpelt, Quillfang, Lonestar, Leafstep, and Smokepelt) WHAT. (Lonestar) and you did not tell us this before. (Ruatstar) Well, you never asked and cuz it just happened tonight. There's something else you should also no. She is half tiger Clan and half dragon Clan. (Lonestar) What how's this possible. (Ruatstar) What would you expect? It has been many moons since the property of the night was made. So would you expect this to never happen? This may not have been common when we ruled the Clan but times have changed although the clans still do not get along, there are some people who think they should do something to change the laws of us. (Lonestar) That still doesn't mean that there should be mixed breeds. Plus what would come of dragon clan in the mix breed were to join Tiger Clan leaving Dragon Clan's prophecy useless. (Ruatstar)The kit will have loyalty to the Clan was born in since the mother was Dragon Clan so the kit was born there too. So don't worry it will have loyalty to Dragon Clan. But we still have to worry about the other two Clans finding out about the prophecy. (Quillfang) I don't think we have to worry about Lion Clan and Leopard Clan those two are fighting with each other enough haven't noticed us in moons. PlusTiger Clan is too worried about the process they were given.

I just like the warriors bucks I want to make my own version

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