
New life

My eyes open slowly and i blink many times im surrounded by my sisters, brothers, mother, and father. Im curled in my moms embrace and i get hungry so i start feeding and my sisters and brothers come over to join. It has been eight days sience i was born. I hear a crash my mother and father grab all of us and run. They run and run but they drop me in a forest. Im crying like u would hear a kit cry. Someone comes a tom cat when he sees me he quickly scoops me up and takes me somewhere. He goes into a vine covered entrance and goes underground. We arrive in a room with a few she cats and a bunch of kits. He puts me down and says "about 6-10 days old could u feed it Speckletail i know that u lost a kit recently." the she cat says " oh poor thing needs it go get jayfeather" and im left there in that cave like thing. The she cat picked me up and put me with her kits "drink up dear you can play later" she says. A little while later a tom cat enters with herbs in his mouth. He starts sniffing me and some other stuff "a girl" he says "go talk to Firestar about it" the she cat says and he goes off then comes back with another tom cat a fire colored one a few minutes later. " speckletail " the fire colored tom says "Rainstorm brought her probobly thought she was mine she looks like me" she says "That filthy riverclan cat" the tom says if i may was black as night the she cats in the room chuckle " name her as you wish speckletail" the firey tom says "dawnkit her name will be dawnkit"