
Chapter 3

"So this is thunderclan" all the cats of thunderclan turned to look at me I noticed that the queens were quickly moving their kits back into the nursery and then I turn around to where every other cat was looking and saw that out of the shadows of the highledge came a orange tabby cat with green eyes, the name of which I knew all to well "Firestar" I say smiling then I say "did you miss me?" **flashback** I was walking in starclan when I hear two cats arguing one I relized was mother and the other a tom I didn't know but remembered from stories told to me "hi mother whats firestar doing here?" I ask mother turns around her blue eyes glowing with fear and shock. Firestar also turned around and hissed then before I could blink he was on top of me he started scratching my belly as I yowled in pain then he hissed "you never should have been born"then two cats hauled him off of me... **flashback ends** Firestar looks at me with a mixture of fear,worry, and confusion, then he says "Amythest what are you doing here" so then i reply "Mother told me to join Thunderclan" Firestar then said "well then from now on you will be known as amythestpaw I will be your mentor" you could here the ension in his voice and the whole clan seemed to be aware of the air crackling between them. Amythestpaw was feeling wary as Firestar said "Amythestpaw come to my den."