
Chapter 54: Emily: Thirty-Two Days Later

As I wait for Aiden to make his next move on the checkerboard, I can't help but study him. I'm doing that a lot lately. He still hasn't healed emotionally and mentally from what he did - killing that native - and the fate of the rest of the crash survivors. I worry about him, but then again, it's only been thirty-two days.

Tom has been tirelessly weeding through Brenda's research. He barely sleeps, and he eats even less. He's miserable and snaps at anyone who dares question him - which only confirms my worst fear: he hasn't found anything to help us get home.

"Your move," Aiden says, snapping me from my thoughts.

I move one of my pieces and then nod at him to go. Marjorie is in the kitchen, cleaning. She's been doing that a lot lately. Maybe it helps her cope with our situation. She's taken on the role of mom, and I'm grateful for that. It makes being stuck in this bunker a little easier.


I blink. "Sorry. What did you say?"

Aiden laughs. "You okay?"