
Warlord's Empire: The Dynasty Chronicles

This is a story about an otherworldly soul that drifted into the world of martial arts and conflict. With his indomitable wits and godly skills, the son of the warlord treads the path of blood and wars, conquering cities like plucking flowers and destroying impossible enemies with the help of his loyal subordinates, with a goal as lofty as a mountain! To unite the lands under one banner! To end the raging flames of conflict and bring about peace throughout the continent! His chronicles recorded in the anals of history, he must face tough enemies and surpass overwhelming odds, join this journey as Shijie walks on his path of conquest, meeting loyal subordinates, powerful foes and beautiful ladies along the way!

Devesh_Kulkarni · Fantasy
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66 Chs


"What's happened?" Li Yan asked as she worriedly tucked at Li Junwei's arm.

Li Junwei's expression was grave and his eyes were downcast. He raised his neck and turned his head as he looked at Li Yan regretfully.

"The Eastern Wei has declared war." Li Junwei spoke calmly.

As his voice resounded in the hall, everyone became silent. The people present in the hall weren't unfamiliar with wars at all. In fact, the region of Tianze was always blanketed by the looming shadows of wars and conflicts as the local Warlords constantly coveted more power and land, eventually hoping to form their separate regime. The dream of every warlord and ruling family of Tianze was domination over the fertile heavenly land of Tianze.

But being familiar with bloodshed and unrest didn't mean that people wished for it. Especially the folks of the Purple Lotus City who had grown accustomed to peace due to the efforts of Wang Fang.

"Lord Li, what's the situation?" Wang Fang asked.

"The pressure had been building for a long time now. But the reason for this war is the result of utter stupidity." Li Junwei scoffed mockingly.

The hall became abuzz hearing his words as everyone drew their own speculations as to what the reason might have been for the sudden coming of the war.

"How ridiculous, some youngster from a major aristocratic family of Xia was sent to the borders to gain paper merits, probably thinking that since things have been peaceful for a while, there would be no real danger. The fool who was sent turned out to be an utter disgrace, drowning himself in carnal pleasures and lavish parties. One day the fool became drunk and ordered the slaughter of some dozen farmers who had trespassed by mistake. Not only this, but that idiot also ordered to raise the village to the ground from where the farmers had come."

Wang Fang's eyes widened, he snickered and said, "The Aristocrats are too complacent. Xia Emperor is weak and soft-hearted. The princes only care for the throne and the only decent person with a head, Second Prince Jing, has been sent away to defend the borders."

"A war between Wei and Xia, this… This means." Li Yan muttered as she looked at Li Junwei hopelessly with a lamenting gaze.

Guiltily, Li Junwei spoke peering into Li Yan's eyes, "Yan'er, The situation has changed. The peace is over and Tianze shall once again suffer in the chaos of conflict. I must leave this moment as our Li province will most certainly be targeted by the goons of Eastern Wei."

Hearing this, the conjecture that Li Yan had come to was realized. Clenching her fists, Li Yan said, "Then… Bring me with you as well. I- I will go with you."

Li Junwei narrowed his eyes sharply as he grabbed Li Yan's shoulders tightly, with a stern voice he said, "Absolutely not. The entire region will become dangerous. I cannot risk your and our unborn child's safety. You shall stay here. Do you understand?"

Li Yan had never expected that a war would suddenly break out. Even though she wanted her husband to be with her during childbirth, she knew that it was now impossible.

Li Yan knew what the light in Li Junwei's eyes meant. It was a light of fierceness and stubbornness. She knew that her husband would not agree to her wish. On the other hand, she regretfully understood that what he was saying wasn't false. There was no guarantee of anything during the flames of war and it was better to stay in the Wang Estate where she would be safe.

Holding back her tears and disappointment, Li Yan said with a smile, "I understand. Husband should not worry, hopefully, the war will not drag on. But if it does, I hope to reunite with husband after our child is born."

LI Junwei smiled bitterly for he knew that his wife was not happy. But to encourage him to the doorstep of war, she was putting on an act. Li Junwei felt a wave of pain drown his heart as he knew that there was no way that the war could stop anytime soon. He would not be present to see his child's face on the first day and he would not be there to encourage his wife during childbirth. While he felt excited to wash his blade with the blood of his enemies, he regretted the misfortune fallen upon him the same.

For this misfortune, he blamed the aristocratic idiot and the Eastern Wei. He couldn't wait to vent all his anger on the warlords of Tianze allied with Eastern Wei.

Looking at Wang Fang he bowed and requested, "Lord Wang, I must request to bother you more than we've already had. I'm afraid it would not be adequate for my wife to return to Jinan with me. I request you to look after her safety while I'm away."

Wang Fang smiled softly as he looked at Li Junwei and spoke without hesitation, "I understand. Do not worry, the Wang Clan shall ensure Noble Lady Li's safety. This is unfortunately the only assistance I can provide."

Li Junwei responded with a hearty, carefree laugh as he said, "Hahaha! I appreciate it! Today I finally see why the Wang Clan is so well respected. Patriarch Wang is a dragon among men with the virtue of Seven Sages!"

"You flatter me." Wang Fang said stoically.

Li Junwei smiled and nodded. He then looked at Li Yan and her bulging belly and quickly averted his gaze feeling that he wouldn't be able to leave otherwise.

Looking into her eyes with a thoughtful expression, Li Junwei muttered, "Take care, I do not know when we will meet again. I am regretful for not being with you at this time of great importance. I trust you will raise the boy well."

Li Yan nodded coldly.

Seeing her like this, Li Junwei sighed hopelessly as he turned around. His demeanor suddenly turned fierce, his eyes narrowing with determination and his visage looking as tall as a mountain, he left the hall with his two close subordinates, leaving one behind to look after Li Yan.

Li Yan simply watched as he left without looking back, staring at his back until his silhouette disappeared into the distance completely. In the background, a mellow symphony of zither and flute sounded as the performing women played the famous song—Three Repetitions of the Yang Pass.

"The green mountains remain, how many sunsets have passed?

White-haired fishermen and woodcutters, joys and sorrows are all heartless.

Why does the autumn wind mourn the painted fan, the green shade covered with the remaining sun?

Only the long river flows towards the horizon, you have gone and there is no news from the world,

Leaving me alone to talk and laugh."

As the melancholic sound of the instruments and the graceful tone of the song and its beautiful lyrics fell on Li Yan's ears, a single teardrop escaped her eyes, sliding down her cheek.


¹ Three Repetitions of the Yang Pass" - Poem written by Wang Wei, A Tang Dynasty famous poet, and painter.