
Warlord's Empire: The Dynasty Chronicles

This is a story about an otherworldly soul that drifted into the world of martial arts and conflict. With his indomitable wits and godly skills, the son of the warlord treads the path of blood and wars, conquering cities like plucking flowers and destroying impossible enemies with the help of his loyal subordinates, with a goal as lofty as a mountain! To unite the lands under one banner! To end the raging flames of conflict and bring about peace throughout the continent! His chronicles recorded in the anals of history, he must face tough enemies and surpass overwhelming odds, join this journey as Shijie walks on his path of conquest, meeting loyal subordinates, powerful foes and beautiful ladies along the way!

Devesh_Kulkarni · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


The courtyard assigned to Li Yan in the Wang Family estate was situated on the northeastern side of the hill, overlooking the picturesque countryside below. It was surrounded by a low wall made of gray stones, and the cobblestone paving was adorned with potted plants of various hues and sizes.

A small stone fountain gurgled in the center of the courtyard, sending a cool mist into the air. The sound of the water mixed with the gentle rustle of the leaves on the trees, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Several sturdy wooden benches were placed strategically around the courtyard, offering comfortable seating for visitors.

Beyond the courtyard, the hill sloped down towards a lush green valley dotted with farmhouses and fields of wheat and corn. The Wang Family estate was vast and sprawling, with many other courtyards and gardens scattered throughout its grounds. To the north, a dense forest of tall trees loomed, shrouding the horizon in a deep, verdant green.

A few servants bustled around the courtyard, going about their daily chores. Lady Wang sat on a bench under a canopy of wisteria, her delicate features furrowed in thought. Wang Feng paced back and forth, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of Li Yan's sudden appearance. Li Yan stood with her hands clasped behind her back, a serene expression on her face as she gazed out over the stunning landscape.

"Lady Li, I possibly cannot fathom why you would be traveling away from home in your condition. Do enlighten us. What occurred last night?" Wang Feng asked finally as he stopped pacing back and forth, not being able to hold back his curiosity.

Hearing the question, Li Yan's face flashed with a mild melancholic sorrow momentarily before disappearing. Looking at Lady Wang and Wang Feng with a bittersweet expression on her face, she replied, "Lord Wang, Lady Mei; you… You must have heard of what happened five years ago."

Lady Wang's eyes shined after Li Yan spoke while Wang Feng strained his forehead trying to remember as he mumbled, "Hmm? Five years ago… Ah!"

Li Yan averted her gaze realizing that both of them had remembered what she was talking about.

With a giggle, Lady Wang said, "I was truly shocked back then. It was something that I had never heard of happening before. However, I admired Lady Li ever since then and I desired to finally meet you. Unexpectedly, my wish came true yesterday."

Blushing slightly, Li Yan continued, "Right, Five years ago when I left the academy after graduation, the elders of the academy, as well as my father were holding talks regarding my marriage in the Cui Family. At that time, during a banquet, I met my husband—Li Junwei."

"Before I met him, I had no qualms about marrying into the Cui Family. Even though I wasn't excited about the engagement, I didn't want to go against my family and my master for no reason. But everything changed when we met. My heart grew restless and I didn't want to marry into the Cui Family anymore. I wouldn't have been able to live happily by marrying into the Cui Family after I met my husband.

Therefore, since it wasn't too late, I refused to marry but the Cui Family did not take this kindly. My master too, felt like she had lost face. My father was in a precarious position and pressure was being put on him from all sides. I would never give away my freedom but I didn't want my father to get involved either. I broke ties with my family and so my husband and I eloped."

When Li Yun finished speaking, a strange silence ensued as Lady Wang had her mouth open wide, hearing the rumors and hearing the exact summary of the event from the person involved herself were two completely different things. While even though Wang Feng maintained his stoic demeanor, the astonishment in his eyes could not be hidden.

"Three months ago I realized my pregnancy. Before having my first child, I wanted to meet my father and get his blessings personally for the child's safe delivery. I left Li province and met my father a month ago. But while returning home, the Cui forces ambushed us led by Cui Kang."

Li Yan explained with a stern expression as she narrowed her eyes in anger, her voice carrying a sharpness akin to an unsheathed dagger.

"That- how could he do this? That is malicious!" Lady Wang blurted as she covered her mouth with her hands.

A look of disgust appeared on Wang Fang's face. He said disdainfully, "Absolutely disgusting, to wish ill upon an unborn child and its mother for no just reason is nothing but horrid. The marriage that was being discussed wasn't even put on paper, nor was it finalized. To think that Cui Kang would be so petty as to carry such a grudge."

Li Yan sighed. Of course, she knew that it wasn't as simple. The Cui Family was going to gain a lot of political advantages due to the marriage between the Cui and Liu families. The arrangement was to be served for bigger things than a simple marriage, but Li Yan had flunked everything on a whim.

Li Yan never regretted any decision that she made but she felt guilty for the decline that was caused to the Liu Family after what she had done.

Li Yan never believed herself to be virtuous. She had long ago embraced the fact that humans were selfish. But for some reason, this only seemed to apply to men. So her arrogance compelled her to ask questions such as, 'Why do only men have the right to be selfish? Why can't I be selfish? For I am a woman? Unacceptable!'

Suddenly, Lady Wang interjected with a frown on her face and concern in her voice, "Wait, is that why your appearance was so haggard last night? Goodness! You should have said earlier, we must have you checked by the physician immediately!"

"Oh… I'm fine… I wouldn't want to bother you more than I already have." Li Yan said awkwardly.

"What bother? Lady Li knows well that my Wang family still owes a great debt to your Li Family. The ancestors would never forgive us if anything were to happen to you or your child in this city!"

Seeing the sincerity and concern in Lady Wang's tone, Li Yan smiled with gratitude, nodded, and said, "Then if you don't mind."

At this moment, Lady Wang shot a glance at her husband discreetly. Understanding his wife's motives, Wang Feng fell in deep thought for a moment and then sighed and said.

"Lady Li, I believe that it would not be healthy for you to travel in the carriage after you have had such strain just recently. It would be our pleasure to host you until the child is safely delivered."

Li Yan was surprised but not surprised to hear this suggestion. The Wang head had a good reputation for his just and outright character and so it was understandable why he would step forward to help. What surprised her was that even though the Wang Family was known to be neutral and objective, Wang Fang was taking the initiative to assist her.

For a second, it made Li Yan think if Wang Fang had any ulterior motives but immediately scrapped that possibility after much consideration.

Seeing her protruding belly, Li Yan suddenly remembered the horrifying mental and physical agony of miscarriages that she had suffered previously. Since she knew that it shouldn't take long for her husband to return and decide if she should return or stay, Li Yan courteously decided to agree for the moment to Wang Fang's generosity and kindness.

"Then I am in your debt." Li Yan said with a smile.