
Warlord's Empire: The Dynasty Chronicles

This is a story about an otherworldly soul that drifted into the world of martial arts and conflict. With his indomitable wits and godly skills, the son of the warlord treads the path of blood and wars, conquering cities like plucking flowers and destroying impossible enemies with the help of his loyal subordinates, with a goal as lofty as a mountain! To unite the lands under one banner! To end the raging flames of conflict and bring about peace throughout the continent! His chronicles recorded in the anals of history, he must face tough enemies and surpass overwhelming odds, join this journey as Shijie walks on his path of conquest, meeting loyal subordinates, powerful foes and beautiful ladies along the way!

Devesh_Kulkarni · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Arriving At The Purple Lotus City

At midnight near Purple Lotus city, the surrounding scenery was serene. The air was crisp and cool, and the gentle breeze carried the scent of pine trees and other mountain flora. The sky above was clear and starry, with the constellations twinkling like diamonds.

In the distance, the city lights cast a soft glow, illuminating the mountainous terrain around it. The Purple Lotus city itself appeared as a vibrant hub of activity, bustling with life even at that late hour. The city's streets were lined with colorful storefronts, and the sounds of music and laughter echoed through the night.

At the base of the nearby hill, a small stream meandered through the rocks and trees, the sound of its gentle flow adding to the peaceful ambiance of the night. The hillsides surrounding the stream were dotted with wildflowers, their petals swaying gently in the breeze.

As people gazed out over the scenery, they felt a sense of tranquility and awe, inspired by the natural beauty of the mountainous region and the vibrancy of the city at its base.

Suddenly the sound of horse hooves rang as around eighty horsemen were sighted in the distance by the men keeping watch from the tall watchtowers of the city's fortification.

Seeing the cavalry approaching the city from the distance, the lookouts jolted in vigilance and immediately sent messages to their superiors, informing them of the news while the archers on the city walls notched their arrows on the bowstrings and stretched while holding their position, prepared to shoot at a moment's notice.

The eighty-odd horsemen soon reached the city and halted outside the gate a few hundred meters away at a safe distance. Then a woman on her horse along with her two followers came forward in silence.

A mild tense air drifted between the two parties as the stretched sound of the bowstrings continued to echo while the woman and her cavalry simply held their ground without any movement.

"Who are you? Identify!" The man in charge of the city's defense yelled out with a stern tone.

Just as the woman was about to answer, a different voice suddenly rang in a resounding, commanding tone. "Don't shoot! Lower your bows and open the gate! They are guests!"

Hearing this, the woman's expression softened as she nodded with satisfaction. The archers put their bows down without hesitation although feeling a bit curious in their hearts.

The city guards then opened the gate and the people outside slowly entered the city.

"Madam Li, Welcome to our Purple Lotus City. We received intel of your arrival only a few moments ago therefore the small misunderstanding. I hope you will forgive us."

A middle-aged man dressed in a long, black silk robe embroidered with golden-silver thread along the hem and collar draping elegantly over his frame spoke from his horse. His expression was respectful and eloquent as he bowed in greeting.

"It's understandable," Li Yan answered.

"Please follow me, my liege is waiting." The middle-aged man said and gestured to follow as he took the lead.

Li Yan nodded and shot a glance at a man behind her in steel armor. Judging from the way how he was at the forefront of the formation and how the other soldiers seemed to be aware of him, the middle-aged man judged that he was in charge of the cavalry.

The man in response nodded in understanding bowing to Li Yan as he organized the cavalrymen under him and asked the city guards to be properly facilitated. Such a large force of eighty obviously wouldn't be allowed to enter the fort due to security reasons and so it was quite tactful of Li Yan to take the initiative in this regard.

With that settled, Li Yan smiled in approval as she gestured to the middle-aged man who she had assumed to be the Wang Family's butler judging from his clothes and demeanor.

The butter nodded and pulled the reins of his horse as it jumped and drove on his horse. Behind him, Li Yan followed along with Old man Huo and Yao Wuhan.

The horses galloped freely like the wind on the streets of the city heading towards the lord's estate that was on the outskirts of the city on top of a chill. The Wang Family's estate seemed more like a fortified palace in itself rather than a normal mansion.

The cold wind blew on Li Yan's face as her horse strode onwards while she observed the fleeing scenery of the city ignoring the tiredness and fatigue accumulated throughout the entire journey.

Not minding her aching body and fatigued mind, Li Yan admired the beauty and prosperity of the Blue Lotus City as she enjoyed the cold wind on her face.

"Peace breeds prosperity, it is needed true." Li Yan said to herself, her eyes widening in admiration as she observed the city.

"This is because of the Wang Family's neutral and obscure standpoint on the political world stage." Old man Huo blurted.

With a sigh, Li Yan responded in a regretful tone, "Unfortunately, we can never be like them. Peace always comes at a price."

A silence ensued as no one spoke. Only the sound of the horses along with the city bustle could be heard.

While quietly riding on her horse, Li Yan suddenly furrowed her brows as she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Stroking her belly lovingly with a tender gaze, Li Yan muttered, "Oh dear, this is the first time you have kicked. Do you like the air of this city, my boy?"

As Li Yan spoke this, the baby inside her belly kicked once again in response as if to affirm the speculation.

An amused smile floated on Li Yan's face. Thinking that her son's kick really did pack quite the punch she giggled, "Have patience child, I shall hold you in my arms soon enough. For now, your mother is too tired so can you not kick so strongly like this?"

And sure enough, the baby no longer kicked as if it understood its mother's pain. Li Yan chuckled in intrigue and blurted out, "Good Child! Filial Child!"

As Li Yan was lost in thought, she had lost the flow of time not realizing that the destination had arrived.

Waking her out of her reverie, the Wang Family butler's voice fell on Li Yan's ears as she shook her head to clear off the drowsiness and fatigue and looked at the enormous estate on top of the hill in front of her.

The estate was huge and extravagant as the shadowy silhouettes of the many pavilions and towers could be seen sticking out toward the skies under the luminous glimmer of the moon, enclosed by not-so-tall walls but guarded by many soldiers as the torches, lanterns, and lamps illuminated the entire vicinity.

Everyone jumped off their horses and the servants who were ready at the entrance rushed forward to guide the horses to the stables.

"Please…" The butler gestured as he began heading inside the estate.

Still battling her drowsiness and trying not to collapse, Li Yan circulated her Qi in an attempt of refreshing her body but it was no use.

Noticing her pitiful state, Old man Huo pulled out a small cloth folded in multiple layers and said, "My Lady, use this… It's the essence of lily shade. It will help to calm your mind and body."

Picking the small pouch made of cloth from old man Huo's hand, Li Yan moved it closer to her nose and sniffed the calming, potent smell which immediately took effect, making her feel as if her mind was cooling off.

The butler guided the three to the central pavilion of the estate which was especially more glittering with prestige and lavishness. The scenery around the main pavilion of the estate was breathtakingly beautiful. The pavilion itself was an architectural marvel, with ornate roofs and intricate carvings adorning its pillars and walls. It stood on a hilltop, overlooking a lush garden that was carefully designed to be a reflection of the natural world.

The garden was a masterpiece of landscape design, with winding paths, water features, and meticulously arranged plants and trees. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of trickling water from nearby streams and fountains. In the distance, one could see rolling hills and distant mountains, which added to the sense of tranquility and harmony with nature.

Near the pavilion, there were several smaller buildings, including a tea house and a library, all beautifully decorated with traditional Chinese motifs. The area was often bustling with activity, with scholars gathering to discuss philosophy, poets composing verses inspired by the beauty around them, and artists capturing the scenery on canvas.

Even though it was breathtaking, Li Yan would obviously not be surprised or startled as such lavish scenery of the estates of prestigious families and clans was no foreign sight to her.

As Li Yun entered the large hall of the pavilion, the Wang Family butler stepped to the side, standing solemnly with his hands clasped in front of him.

"Goodness! Lady Li, what has happened?"

An extremely alarmed voice of Lady Wang who was standing beside her husband to welcome the guest filled with kindness and concern sounded as she rushed forward toward Li Yan in her extravagant, silk red colored flowy dress that highlighted her petite figure.

Li Yan smiled bitterly, holding Lady Wang's hand for support as she noticed that Lady Wang also had a bulging belly. Li Yan was surprised to see this and gave Lady Wang a meaningful look.

In response, Lady Wang nodded shyly as her cheeks turned pink.

"It seems you have had a rough journey. We shall discuss everything at a later date. It's getting late, so I suggest noble lady Li should get refreshed and have rest."

Wang Feng, the head of the Wang family came forward and said with a stern expression and polite tone as he saw what kind of condition Li Yan was in. Her hair was disheveled and messy, she was sweating profusely, her breathing was a bit heavy and her clothes were dirty.

"Yes! I will guide you. Please come with me." Lady Wang said as she gently pulled Li Yan along with her by her arm feeling concerned seeing that Li Yan was also pregnant just like her.

Li Yan was truly tired to death and did not resist. She just wanted to sleep and wash out all the fatigue by taking a warm bath.

After Li Yan left, Wang Feng turned his head and looked at Old Man Huo and Yao Wuhan and said, "You two should rest as well. We shall discuss the details of your sudden arrival tomorrow."

Without hesitation, Sir Huo and Yao Wuhan bowed deeply and then left with the Wang Family Butler.