

[You have successfully completed twelve revolutions of the [Thorn Breathing Technique]. After 24 hours, your stats are expected to increase: (+0.0006) Strength, (+0.0005) Agility, (+0.0005) Vitality. Additional use of the breathing technique will be detrimental to your health]

Two hours had passed in a flash, and Arthur could feel the strain in his muscles. The good part of the training was that it was optimized to his body. It was a pity that he could not use this breathing technique all day long, but it was already good enough.

Knights possess about 3 points of attribute in Strength, Agility and Vitality. Although his growth rate was slowing down, Arthur expected to reach the physical requirements of knights in less than four years and a half if he only relied on his breathing techniques.

Individuals who became knights before turning 25 were extremely rare, not to mention knights breaking through before turning 20 years of age.

However, using a breathing technique was not the only thing that Arthur did to improve his stats. He also found out that there were a couple of aliments that could support his training. Eggs, vegetables and some mushrooms found in the peripherical forest were good supplements that could improve his stats slightly too, further improving his growth rate.

As someone who had an average stat exceeding 1.7, Arthur could be considered a [Preparatory Knight], an existence which was quite rare in trained armies, not to mention in a remote city like Black Bear City.

As he returned to the living room, his nose was in ecstasy.

Emma did not have many qualities. In addition to be scarred, her personality was quite rotten. The fact that she lived on the streets could not be so easily washed off. Without proper education, she was more of a barbarian than John, who had received some semblance of education in the orphanage he lived in before being chased out on the streets due to his appetite.

However, Emma did cook well and she was very submissive to him, never daring to disobey his orders. That was the reason why he decided to take her in as one of the three [Black Serpent Siblings]. Obviously, he had chosen John for his unbelievable strength.

[Name - John Rock | Age - 19 Years Old


Strength - 3.3 | Agility - 1.1 | Vitality - 1.0

Status: Healthy]

With more than three points of strength, John could be said to be a herculean giant. However, John never managed to win once against Arthur in thousands of spars over the years. Techniques, battle instincts and balance of attributes were all factors that made Arthur the strongest.

However, John was very good at manual work and intimidation, which was an incredible way to submit rats to work for them.

"This looks amazing, Emma", John said

Arthur nodded in agreement, causing the young lady to blush. Although he knew etiquette, he never bothered to teach it to his 'siblings'. What use was there in etiquette, when you could not even afford to live in a proper house?

Naturally, over the years, Arthur had collected a significant amount of money.

Most gangs would either use the money on women or recruiting new members. However, Arthur did not see the use of recruiting more men. Rats were already plenty, and their infamy was enough to recruit those who had no affiliation. Recruiting more men would not increase their influence at all.

Arthur already had three information brokers, civilians who collected information in exchange for money. Having more would not do any good.

He already had good weapons in his training room, mainly stolen ones, but good ones nevertheless. Besides meat and food, the siblings had no expenses. As such, the treasury was constantly increasing. However, there was no reason to decrease the quotas of rats. Who would refuse free money ?

"Arthur, I have something to ask", John said

"What is it?", Arthur replied

"What are you going to do about the crippling of Gale?"

Gale was one of the best rats in the Western District. Although Arthur only asked for one silver coin a week, it was not unusual for Gale to return two or even three silver coins. He was a very good thief.

However, last week, he had the misfortune to try to steal from a merchant protected by an escort, who reacted promptly and cut his right hand. This world was merciless, and no one would bat an eye upon seeing a thief being crippled after being caught in action.

These were the risks of stealing, and that's why most rats almost never resorted to it, preferring begging. The fact that most of them were teenagers helped too.

If it was all there was to the story, Arthur would have done nothing. However, the merchant did report it to the city guards, who increased their presence in the district. Rats have found it more and more difficult to meet their quotas. That was the reason why three rats had their fingers cut the past day.

Arthur smiled bitterly: "There is nothing we can do. There is some kind of unwritten pact between us and the city guards. In exchange for our passivity, they do not arrest our rats. This kind of peace is beneficial to both us and the city guards. Otherwise, they would investigate us and we would retaliate in an unending war of attrition until one of the parties collapse. Although they have increased security in the western district, they have not overstepped this boundary. If they do, then war will be unavoidable"

John and Emma gulped.

They both knew that the only thing that kept Arthur in check was the presence of the City Guard Captain [Knight Robert], the Baron's nephew and newly advanced knight. Because he was only a nephew and not a son, he had been exiled to the Guard Order of Black Bear City, far from having any influence in the succession of the Yale Barony while the current Head desperately try to procreate and create an heir.

Politics are fascinating, and one would easily fall into the trap of being obsessed by them.

However, little did John and Emma know, for Arthur had many plans already. Politics were only a tool to be used in order to climb the ladder of power. He had not chosen Black Bear City randomly. The fact that it was in chaotic state was an incredible opportunity.

'Not making trouble and abiding by principles will set a good image of us Black Serpent Siblings in Knight Robert's mind. When he is ready to take over the barony, he will naturally look for supporters. As a preparatory knight, it is highly likely that he will ask for my help. At this time, I will be able to return to nobility as a knight of the Yale Household. From this point onward, wars with neighbouring territories will be easy to create, and I will be able to gain influence through military merit...', Arthur thought about his plans silently.

Arthur was not a child from the street. A modern adult soul in a child's body, with strength exceeding the norms.

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