
Warlock of the Magus World: immortality

Ron, a brilliant scientist in his past life, is reborn as Leylin Farlier in a WMW in a European Middle Ages, a world filled with powerful magicians and hidden forces. Obsessed with the pursuit of immortality, Ron's scientific mind and unrelenting ambition are reborn within him. Driven by his unending desire to escape death, Ron has to learn the ways of the Magus, a group of powerful sorcerers. Here, knowledge and magical abilities are everything. Ron combines his scientific knowledge with the mysterious powers of the magicians and begins a perilous journey to gain immense power and achieve immortality. On this journey, Ron makes an unexpected discovery: a highly advanced A.I. Chip that can do things that should be impossible in this magical world. With the chip's help, he enhances ancient spells and unlocks forgotten wisdom, breaking free from the limitations that hold back other magicians. Ron transforms into a powerful Magus and is headed for a destiny that will change everything. Disclaimer this fanfiction of a novel called warlock of the magus world. also I got inspired by other fanfic novel so there will be similar content. (WARLOCK OF THE MAGUS WORLD FAN FICTION) Thank you.

matt_the_creator · Book&Literature
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Chapter 9: The Immortal Scientist

Chapter 9: The Immortal Scientist

Amidst a sprawling laboratory complex, dedicated individuals toiled ceaselessly. Their master, a meticulous and unyielding scientist, oversaw their work. Security personnel maintained a vigilant watch around the facility, permitting no unauthorized access.

In the innermost chamber, a brilliant mind lay on an advanced reclining chair, surrounded by advanced biotech equipment. Assistants, clad in sterile lab coats, expertly adjusted the settings, as a neural interface linked to the scientist's cerebral cortex was activated.

The man, now named Ron, had just completed an experimental session involving the enhancement of his research subjects. He observed how each of his genetically engineered specimens had improved in both aesthetics and physical prowess. Although their enhancements were subtle, a profound transformation had occurred.

One particular subject, codenamed 'Anna,' had experienced significant progress. Ron had employed her unique attributes to stabilize his experimental procedures, resulting in substantial improvements to her physiological parameters.

As Ron surveyed his surroundings, he couldn't help but indulge in a wry smile. "The applications of my research are boundless," he mused, contemplating the potential of his work.

"Jackson has finally initiated his actions," Ron's eyes gleamed with a calculated coldness.

Three months had elapsed since he relocated to Extreme Night City. He had ventured to Bay Canyon to secure vital resources and carried out a covert campaign against the nearby mutants and Jackson's subordinates. Ron had cleverly attributed these acts to a fictitious 'Mysterious Entity.'

Additionally, he had accelerated the environmental degradation of the Dark Night Woods, pressuring Jackson to act promptly and expend resources. Ron anticipated that this would culminate in the eradication of numerous lower-tier entities, thus facilitating his advancement to a Level 3 Acolyte.

Nevertheless, he understood the need for caution. His intellect, fueled by ruthless ambition, prevented him from making rash decisions. Ron fabricated an intricate web of information, feeding it into the Academy's record-keeping crystals that documented his mission.

By methodically orchestrating this orchestrated chaos, Ron brought Jackson to a point of vulnerability. Despite Jackson's suspicions, the Viscount perceived Ron as an envoy dispatched by higher authorities to assist in their endeavor.

At daybreak, the gates of Extreme Night City swung open, revealing a contingent of soldiers accompanying an enigmatic party. The group ventured forth beyond the city's borders.

"It's surprising to see Viscount Jackson embarking on this expedition himself," commented Murphy, who was by Ron's side, his enthusiasm palpable. The presence of a Grand Knight offered reassurance.

Murphy continued, "I've been working tirelessly for two days and can now proficiently execute two spell models."

"Excellent," Ron acknowledged, inwardly noting Murphy's progress.

"Have the Black Iron Guards been mobilized too? Two small squadrons, approximately twenty men, have joined us," Murphy inquired.

"Of course, they represent the city's elite forces," Ron responded.

Their destination, Dark Night Woods, lay relatively close to the city. After a brief half-hour journey, they arrived at the outskirts of the forest.

"Exercise caution! We have entered the withering domain," Viscount Jackson declared as they advanced.

Ron discreetly withdrew a vial containing an explosive potion. Having restocked his supplies in Brey Canyon, he was well-prepared for this expedition.

As they proceeded further into the forest, the landscape transformed. The woods became populated with withered plants and trees exuding an aura of decay and death.

The AI Chip within Ron's mind alerted him to impending danger. He concealed a smirk, recognizing the opportune moment.

Abruptly, branches and twigs, tinged with brown, sprang to life, and a dark figure surged toward the group. The creature exhibited astonishing speed and unleashed its venomous fangs.

Before anyone could react, the creature ensnared a guard with its sinuous tongue, instantly incapacitating him. Viscount Jackson reacted swiftly, engaging the beast with his formidable martial skills.

As the other acolytes joined the fray, an array of spells and incantations were cast to slow the creature down. Its true form, previously obscured by its speed, was revealed - a clay-yellow lizard with a serpentine tongue and a small horn on its forehead.

In a brilliant display of combat skill, Viscount Jackson delivered the final blow, decapitating the creature. Ron watched intently as the lizard's body decayed rapidly, leaving only a skeleton and a few scales.

Viscount Jackson wiped his blade and sheathed it, taking the opportunity to lead them closer to the Mankestre Snake, which Ron feigned an interest in examining.

However, something was awry. Ron appeared concerned about the lizard's remains. "Beware of the bones; there's something inside them," he warned, stepping away cautiously.

The dried skeleton of the lizard began to change. Countless red veins emerged, intertwining and forming a small, blood-red creature. This creature, though similar to its predecessor, was now entirely red, with no eyes or mouth but powerful limbs.

Before the acolytes could react, it vanished, leaving behind only a faint red trail. Realizing the significance of this development, Ron urged them to give chase, knowing that this creature was tied to the withering woods.

As they ventured deeper, the negative energy in the air intensified, but Ron, with his affinity for Shadow and Dark Elements, remained attuned to it.

The group suddenly halted, hearing the distinct clang of armor. The red creature had disappeared, and Viscount Jackson ordered vigilance.

The Black Iron Guards formed a protective circle around the acolytes, and Murphy observed, "Let's follow them."

With a tense atmosphere, they continued their pursuit into the heart of the withering woods, determined to uncover its secrets and perhaps find the source of their troubles.