
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


"This is certainly a peculiar place.... Peculiar" I commented with astonishment, looking inside the palace that created the light of the drawing. The whole place was dark, making my vision limited to only four meters to the front.

In a way I expected something like this because of the design of the palace and the Test itself, but seeing it now was different, as the darkness that covered most of my vision was much deeper than in the forest where I met Esmeralda.

I didn't want to trip or run into a trap in my path, so I walked slowly with my Duranvil now held tightly in my left hand but not touching the ground.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

The only thing that could be heard in the palace were my lensed footsteps, at this moment, I feel more comfortable than ever with the darkness that surrounded me, so, although extremely careful, I was not afraid of what was coming my way.

After a few steps, where I always headed straight ahead and without deviating to another place, I found several of other drawings, with feet, faces, among other body parts and within those, drawings of small black colored goblins there were. Sometimes there were one or two, other times there were dozens, but they were all on the ground.

When I saw a drawing of a foot, an idea came to my mind, quickly taking off my shoes and placing my foot on the drawing so that it would fit perfectly.

"Mmmm, it doesn't work like it used to..." Disappointment washed over me for a few moments before fading away.

"Well, I guess that confirms that the final phase of the Test is here, in the palace, but just in case I'll try on other figures" So, I started to fit the drawings with parts of my body when I found some, possibly the end of the Test is at the end of the palace, but in my opinion, one can't be completely sure.

I lasted a while, maybe minutes or hours, but in that time the drawings were getting more complex, from a hand or feet to whole chests, two faces, fingernails, hair, tongue, among other more parts.

"Well, this is definitely weird and strange" I expressed my opinion of the current situation with an indifferent expression that, without realizing it, was slowly becoming colder.

I shrugged my shoulders, continuing on my way. As time passed, the drawing on the ground became, in some ways weirder but at the same time more coherent.

They no longer had images of humanoid bodies, but of objects, large swords, shields, armor, wine goblets, and so on. The latter in itself was very strange, when do Goblins drink wine? Previously I thought they were just random drawings when they were bored, but seeing the amount and the objects they were drawing, more specifically the wine glass, I was beginning to think of other possibilities of the weird situation.

I already felt I was at the end of the road or the darkness was warning me of it, the familiarity that the darkness and I have is, certainly unsettling, feeling safe in its care and trusting it fully, I knew it was dangerous, but I couldn't help it, if the darkness felt it was at the end of the road, I felt it too and thus prepared myself for such a thing.


A sound of a small explosion was heard meters away from where I was standing, and then, an elegant wooden door appeared out of nowhere. It wasn't a big door or anything like that, it was an ordinary door of a room, something that didn't fit at all with how wonderful the palace was, which in turn added to the already strange situation, even stranger and stranger.

"Huh?" I saw something that surprised me to my core, on the door, a little above its center , there was a person, more specifically the drawing of a King, but not a monster King, but a human one.

The difference in the drawing was clear, as the drawing was medium large and in color, a person with long golden hair and ocean blue eyes, with a handsome face, such a person had his muscular body sitting on a majestic golden colored throne and precious jewels attached to the throne.

The king had his crown on top of his head, an elegant and beautiful golden and light blue crown, also had precious jewels in some parts attached to it.

The portrait itself was a demonstration of art and elegance that was further accentuated by the King's red cloak that covered almost his entire body, in his right hand he held a vinotinto colored wine.

'I don't know much about art, but, this is definitely a very beautiful drawing' I thought, amazed a little at how beautiful it looked.

Whatever was behind that door, it would undoubtedly be something that dangerously threatened my life.


I opened the door with an irritating sound, stepping into a room or rather, a Hall.

Unlike the previous place where everything was darkness, this room had no darkness but at the same time it had nothing that could completely illuminate the place, making my sense of sight very limited, although freer than the previous room.

The room had pillars in the surroundings, approximately six pillars that supported the ceiling, further on, there were some stairs that led to a throne, a completely black throne and on top of that throne, there was a giant goblin with a red cloak and a golden and blue crown.

I didn't have time to think much about the situation when another Goblins came out from the black floor, as if it was the same shadow and it was not so different, since that goblin had a completely black skin, with red eyes and a body that easily reached 2.20 meters high. His body was not stout, but thin, very thin, which made him look even more terrifying.

It was like watching the nightmare of small children in real life! A giant shadow with red eyes and a macabre smile adorning his ugly face, his affiliated teeth being visible to the naked eye and his intimidating body.

At this moment, my blood boiled from wanting to kill such a guy, in fact I felt that I should kill him, that I had the right to claim what is mine to kill him. I didn't know where such a feeling came from but I didn't let it go, for, it gave me more strength, and with my mental strength, I could still keep my mind serene and calm.

"Ah, let's fight, shall we?"


I will upload two chapters per day this week.... KingCrimSoon is still alive and creating new chapters (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ᴥ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ⁠ʋ⁠)

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