
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Talking With Esmeralda I

"Phew, where am I?"

I woke up from my sleep, I didn't know how long I slept nor did I care, the weird thing was that I was lying on top of a comfortable King size bed, maybe a little bigger than King size.

I was no longer cold because of the thick sheets that covered me and it also looked like I had a heater in my room, which by the way was very large, although there was almost nothing, a large desk with a chair that was in the lower left corner of the room and a stoop in the upper left corner of the room, next to that stoop was also the bed where I had woken up. It had a rug that covered the whole place, it was deep red like blood itself.

"Well, maybe she's not so bad after all" I commented to myself as I thought of Esmeralda, who had possibly taken me to this room.

Immediately when I thought of her, I couldn't help but smile as I remembered how I managed to give her a deep cut on the cheek.

*Khock* *Khock* *Khock*

Loud knocking sounded at the door.

"I'm coming in" A familiar voice sounded behind the door, I recognized the voice immediately so I didn't tense up too much. The door slowly opened revealing a beautiful redhead looking at me with a big smile and concern in her eyes.

Esmeralda had plates of food in both her hands, one plate was some tortillas with bacon and cheese. Another plate was a meat stew with vegetables and some rice.

I was trying with all my might not to expel saliva from my mouth, I hadn't eaten anything possibly for a long time.

Keeping a poker face I stared at Esmeralda who had stood there since she closed the door behind her.

"Good morning, Lord Kamael, how are you?" her voice no longer contained mock happiness, but concern and respect, something that surprised me to the core. Though on the outside I was still wearing my poker face.

"Mmmm, I'm fine, I'm just hungry" I replied as I gestured for him to come over and feed me. Apparently I was used to this treatment and unconsciously my noble side took over.

Esmeralda quickly came to my side and from her ring she pulled out a couple of chairs, where she sat on one and on the other she set the plate of stew, feeding me the tortillas first. Thus, I quickly took my first bite of food in my mouth.

"DELICIOUS!" I shouted in happiness as I signaled Esmeralda to give me bites faster. She only responded by smiling broadly as she complied with my order, apparently she likes compliments on her food.

I quickly finished the plate of tortillas and went straight to the stew which unexpectedly was even more delicious, at this moment I felt on a cloud and couldn't be happier.

'Stomach full heart happy hehehehe'.

I couldn't help but find another very true saying again.

I quickly swallowed my food and was completely satisfied. Unexpectedly I got a wave of sleepiness, making my eyelids heavy.

"It's normal to be sleepy, after all, you just used your physique and element at the same time."

Esmeralda spoke as she looked at me, pulling me out of my reverie a bit out of mere curiosity as to what she was talking about.

"Mmm, excuse me, but I don't remember anything about Physics or said Elements, what are mine and what are they?" I asked curiously. Esmeralda had a surprised expression that immediately disappeared but I could still see that expression, making me wonder if it was so obvious not to know about something like that.

The redhead settled further into the chair, seeming to settle in to be prepared to be there for a while, while her face was serious and thoughtful, as if thinking about how to start the conversation or explanation.

Finally, she left her pensive state and now stared at me with a serious expression and high pitched tone:

"Listen well. The Elements are something that awaken some people in this world, the world Terra or Ahilon, those who have these elements are called Wizard. The Wizard can have elements like fire, water, electricity, even gravity or space, these last two extremely rare " Esmeralda paused for me to direct all the information.

After a few minutes, I gave him a signal to continue; "Wizards are extremely powerful beings, plus most of them have a better physique than mere common mortals, so they don't depend solely on their Element either. Every Wizard awakens their Element at age 11, if relatives have an Element you have a high chance of also being a Wizard and if not you have a very low chance but there is still a chance..."

Esmeralda paused again but this time she didn't feel like it was to digest the information, from her expression it was more something she didn't want to say, but in a few seconds she gave up.

"The Elements are something that is closely related to the user, if someone has the element of Nature, an element advancing, it's possibly because they are descended from Elves or they like nature a lot" she explained.

"There are Wizard that can even destroy Counties or even Duchies with just their element, they are extremely respected in Ahilon, there also comes to exist Artificial Wizard, they are called like that since they were either created by humans or they modified their bodies to be a Wizard, thus creating an artificial Wizard; that are equal or even more powerful than normal Wizard, because they have the option of having a double element or even triple, something that natural Wizard is absurdly rare to appear " He finished with his explanation with a still strange and complicated expression on his face.

'Apparently the subject of Artificial Wizards is a touchy subject for her' I said to myself.

'But isn't it exciting, is there magic and all that stuff I saw in the cartoons? God, it's so exciting, how could I forget that? I want to know more' I thought, revealing a smile on my exterior, not caring in the least about Esmeralda's now complicated expression.

"Uh, so what's my Element?" I said pointedly to the redhead who now flinched at my words, her strange and complicated expression deepening, but I still still didn't care since in my mind I have a right to know more about me.

"Well, your Element is a complicated thing to say, you can say it's darkness, but it's not. You can say it's destruction, but again it's not just that. You can say it's decay, but that's a little too simple for what you have. You can say it is corruption, the closest but at the same time the farthest from what you are and what you have" Esmeralda explained with a serious and solemn face, now there was no hint of amusement, concern, mockery or respect, there was only seriousness, sadness and even a bit of anger and guilt.

This again left me momentarily in a state of shock, I had never before seen a person who would show so many emotions on his face? Or this is the first person I can remember that has such an expression on his face.

It was not long before Esmeralda brought me out of my state of shock or, rather, transformed my state of shock into a state of disbelief by her following words: "Your Element is that of a Primordial God, the Element: Chaos.
