
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
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56 Chs

It's been three years?!

"It is good to see that you have returned, Lord Crimson" commented a voice with a low and respectful tone.

The one who spoke was a man who was next to Esmeralda and in front of me, a person with a completely white mask, such mask is destroyed in the part where his right eye should be, but his pure white hair covered the area of the hole in the mask, which did not let me see.

Instead, the left side was completely fine and in a perfect state, there was a small hole where his eye should be and there you could see his beautiful eye that glowed in a deep crimson tone like mine, although slightly different, mine was more.... Majestic? I couldn't tell the difference, but in a sense it was as if my eyes were more majestic than his.

His ears were pointed, though most of it was covered by his white hair which was somewhat long, his bangs leading to his chin.

He had on his head a black hat with a red ribbon around it and a few other decorations, it was elegant and gave more grace to his suit, which was one with many decorations and details.

In general it was a black and golden suit, the front part of the suit was completely golden, he had a hood that looked more like a cape, as it fell below taking him to his knees, the hood was black and blood red, his neck was very wide and high, at the end of the neck of the hood there were some kind of thorns that at the end were shaped like a white diamond.

He wore flowers on the left side of his chest with jewels and a bow tie with a crimson orb in the center.

Underneath, he wore simple black pants and classic pointy-toed shoes.

Overall, he looked mysterious, elegant and unnecessary, what was all the accessorizing for? I didn't really understand, but I could only shrug my shoulders, after all it's his taste.

Now I'm rather focused on something else... Lord Crimson? Since when did he call me that? Well, I don't really remember my name and the one I'm using I've only had for a few weeks, but I was going to use my current name until I remember my real one, and now he suddenly changes my name?

Frowning a little, I looked at him for a while; "Nice to meet you" I continued " But, who is Crimson? I don't remember changing my name" My tone contained curiosity and also a bit of annoyance, he had hurt my pride a bit, I had to make him feel it.

He appeared to get the message as he stood for a second looking at me, but what he would say next left me utterly shocked....

"You are Crimson, you are the Founder and Leader of the ascended Clan and I am one of your most loyal subordinates" He said in a serious and respectful voice, still slightly leaning forward.

He continued; "I am Baron Crimson, your former follower and now I am going to be a guide for you."

His words contained infinite respect, also determination as he finished his last words. In fact as he said his name, I had a small click in my mind, causing me to remember a little about him but very minimal things that had little importance.

I could only remember his strength but not completely, I knew he was strong, but I didn't know how much.

Besides the fact that he comes from a peculiar species.... Blood Elves or something like that, they were like Elves with Vampire quirks, funny thing, they weren't as powerful as Vampires, though their control over their elements was no small thing.

"Well, Baron Crimson, right, can you tell me who I was in the past?" I asked with a bit of hope, but I didn't think my little hope would be extinguished so quickly in just a split second.

"NO!" His response was instant and forceful, making it clear that he was not going to change his mind in any way, or at least not anytime soon.

His very blunt response took me aback, he had just met him, but I could feel a natural closeness with him.

"Ahhh, Fine" I sighed in a muffled voice, really, at this point I was quite annoyed inwardly, didn't he have the rights to know who I was? Why did all the people, even a Primordial God of the most important ones didn't want to tell me? It was as if they all agreed to never make me remember my past, something that little by little of suspicion was being made into confirmation.

"Kamael, I'm so glad you're back after the long time you were "out", I see you became very strong compared to before, it shows just in your eyes" This time a female voice spoke, obviously it was Emerald, who currently had a beautiful bright smile on her face.

She wasn't wearing anything very elegant, a light green blouse leaving her slightly muscular and defined arms visible, along with black pants and not so high shoes.

She didn't have an extra accessory or anything of the sort, simply her hair was tied back in a ponytail, the only thing of note.

His sudden intrusion into the conversation apparently bothered the Baron a bit, as I could feel with my keen senses how he flinched and a menacing aura appeared, but as soon as it appeared, disappeared.

Emerald apparently sensed this too, shuddering but this time with fear, but still she continued with a smile on her face as she looked at me.

I could only smile as I looked at her, she was my teacher after all, someone who gave me a home, food and training.

"Nice to meet you again, Master" I added with a beautiful smile on my face, it was good to see her again, before I spent killing and killing non-stop for who knows how long, it felt like it had been a week at most, but apparently it could have been longer....

"Yeah, it's also nice to see you again after 3 years".



Today I will probably upload three chapters... So, lucky you for receiving my amazing services hahahaha.... KingCrimSoon alive and updating.

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