
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Baron Crimson (III)

"Why the fuck is all of space almost completely destroyed?" I asked, more like a question than a command to the Baron, demanding an answer.

He just stared at me, now that I'm thinking.... Will he always stare at me before answering? It's kind of creepy in a way, fortunately he didn't have long that fixed stare when he answered:

"Space is like that because I distorted it" He stated as if it was nothing, but it generated a mental shock for me.... Distorting space? Crazy indeed!

Now you may ask... Space was almost destroyed? Distorting space? Yes, that's right, since I received the Gravity element, I can at least see space more clearly, almost null but still I can see it.

Receiving the Gravity element, the only spell I can create is Deflect, as my mind is very weak, in fact it's a miracle that I can do that without still having created spatial awareness.

'Oh, so Distortion.... Now I

I remember'

I remembered some information, the Baron's Element... The Element: Distortion.

I can distort almost anything, and according to my memories, I can merge it with his Physique, the Crimson Flames Physique. That explains why the space in the training ground is like this, all the sand on the ground became rocky ground and there were abnormal shapes on the ground, like swirling holes and such. Even the darkness that covered us was affected, with cracks in it.

Space was affected, in fact it was so much that even now it did take a step, it would be like two steps actually, that's how bad it was.

According to my memories, his favorite way to defeat his opponents was to use Spatial Distortion or so he called it, he concentrated on distorting a specific place in space, shattering that space and turning the distorted, that attack was brutal and almost impossible to dodge, at least for someone like me.

"My Lord, the next clash will be the end of today's training, I don't want to push myself too hard."

"That's fine" I shrugged, easily accepting his request, he must be trying very hard not to kill me even though a few moments ago he almost did.

He nodded his head, reaching out his right hand to open his palm and create a crimson colored flame just hovering above his palm, that flame was so small a marble, it slowly grew to the size of a ball that was used in a specific sport I don't remember.

"Distortion" He chanted those words, an invisible thing appeared, you couldn't see it but it was obvious what it was, especially as Space itself seemed to move away from such a thing.... It was the Baron's Element Distortion.

Element and flame worked together, thus creating a transparent Crimson Flame. Such a flame stood gracefully as its creator, and one could even feel the pride it felt, as Space itself when touched, shattered.

"This is The Distortion Flame" Declared the Baron, also showing proudly, with his chest puffed out, it looked a bit comical, but at this moment I wasn't just watching either, no, I was also doing my own thing.

"Dark Gravity" I said, on my outstretched palm just like the Baron's, only I had my left one outstretched. It had some sort of liquid that moved from side to side, as if having no fixed direction, its characteristic deep black color and its size that was a little bigger than a marble.... Yes, it was darkness, but today it had something different.

A transparent white aura covered the edges of the darkness, that was Gravity.

How the only thing he knew was to Deflect, to merge it with the darkness... What would he do? What would it do? deflect the darkness? Or would the darkness swallow it? Or would a clash of two laws make a major catastrophe? I didn't know, so I played it safe, created darkness and modified the edges of the darkness without touching it, that is, they were not completely together, but the difference was only millimeters, looking as if it had really merged.

In truth it was truly terrifying, my creation did not seem to be proud like the Baron's, but rather seemed desperate to eat, swallow anything, devour and be satiated.

The funny and ironic thing was that anything approaching it would be destined to be thrown off course by the gravity surrounding it, that made me chuckle, holding back a louder laugh at the pity and the funny situation of the darkness.

I called it Dark Gravity, but you could say that's not it, they hadn't merged yet, it was just still model or the first Test I wanted to do in the future, its more specific name would be Diverting Darkness, but it sounds horrible like that.... Dark Gravity sounds better.

"Alright, let's go" The Baron warned before launching his Distortion Flame, which was coming at me at great speed, though not so fast as to leave me surprised, with my eyes bleeding disturbingly, I still chuckled before releasing my Dark Gravity, which was going right at the Distortion Flame.

The excessive use of Mana made me suffer intensely, dripping blood from every hole in my face I had, but I was still okay, with the Shadows enveloping me, I was recovering, so I still had the strength to see the crash.


And so it happened, the Flame and the Darkness Collided, my Gravity seemed to want to deflect the Flame out of the way, but the Flame itself had more of the Distortion element, much more than before it possibly had a pittance.

Thus, Distortion and Gravity collided intensely, one trying to get it out of the way and the other trying to distort it.

How the Flames and Distortion were one was obviously much stronger than a single Law of Gravity, so little by little the Distortion Flame was winning, until, obviously Darkness began to appear threatening to devour everything in its path.

An intense clash of several minutes that shattered space itself, I could see my arm even in strange parts of my body, Emerald's Sphere of Darkness was completely destroyed, but I didn't care, I continued to watch the titanic clash, neither of us was backing down.

The baron stood there I want, without any sign of fatigue or discomfort, unlike me who looked like I was going to die from exhaustion or from spilling too much blood.

'The difference... He can do that flame possibly Thousands of times, while I can only do that attack once' I thought, feeling inferior but still a bit proud, it wasn't usual of me to feel proud for my strength, but seeing such a clash, I couldn't help but feel a hint of pride.


The crash ended with a huge explosion, creating a shockwave that sent me flying meters and meters, I don't even know what or how I narrowed against, nor did I know what damage at the end did such a crash, I couldn't know anything, all my vision went dark before I closed my eyes and became unconscious.

I want to emphasize that the Baron did not use even a quarter of his power, not even 5% of his power against the MC, so there is still a long way to go before at least the MC is Ascendant level (I will explain what it is later).... KingCrimSoon alive and updating... I'll go to improve the first chapters XD

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