

The Sothai Pharaoh gazed at Kiriman, his ghostly green pupils scrutinising the son of the Emperor.

"If you are not willing to make an alliance, will you see the Sothai Dynasty as your next enemy?"

"That would depend on you, the human empire would need to examine the risk you pose, and if there is a danger, it would inevitably be purged."

Kiliman had a smile on his face, but his words were chilling.

The threat was full of meaning.

Either co-operate with the humans or be purged by them.

"Are you really so confident that you can destroy the Sothai Dynasty? Other powerful dynasties won't sit back and watch as humans wage war against the space undead, your actions will only lead to a terrible plague for humanity."

The Sotai Fa Wang had lived for countless years, so how could he be convinced by a few words.

He assessed Kiliman's words and weighed the words of negotiation.

Even nowadays, there was constant civil unrest between the dynasties.

But if the human empire pushed too hard, they would also unite against the humans.

At that time, neither side would be able to benefit.

Hearing the words of Lord Sotai, Kiliman revealed a smile as he stretched out his hand.

The Casting General-Keren on the side respectfully bent down and saluted, and in binary language, he ordered the Mechanical Priesthood on the side to play out some images.

A beam of light was projected from devices all over the deck, forming a holographic projection that enveloped the entire deck.

The images played were the very same footage of the Empire's attack on the Orc core starfield, the Arsonist's home base, the Gorod system.

Huge colossal statues of Heaven's Punishment were thrown into the battlefield, and huge beams of star extermination swept through the dark and cold void, destroying the celestial-class battle moons completely.

This scene shocked the hearts of Lord Sotay Pharaoh and the many undead executives.

The logic module within the skull was running at high speed and was vaguely hot, and coolant was continuously released to assist in cooling it down.

They had already witnessed the massive battleship before entering the Maculagh's Flare.

With a diameter of thousands of kilometres, it was immense.

Countless giant cannons stood on the fortress fortress that was like a winding mountain range.

The most palpitating among them were the three metal towers etched with countless electromagnetic patterns that were intricate and gave people a very unpleasant feeling.

"If you possess such weapons, we also possess the same, and this one does not threaten us. The history of our existence is already very long, with your current means, don't presume that you can fight against us."

"Perhaps in terms of population size, you have already surpassed many dynasties, but our technology is unimaginable to you."

Venerable Lord Sotai forced himself to be calm, without the slightest bit of timidity.

"This is just one of the ships." Kiliman showed a smile on his face, "There is another one being repaired, and after a few months, more giant battleships will be put into battle. Those battleships will be stronger, more powerful, and have more ferocious firepower."

"As the technology matures, the time required for such a massive creation will become shorter and shorter, at that time, the human empire can continuously build these massive beasts, and you think that at that time, there will be a few dynasties that can withstand such a terrifying onslaught."

"Such huge metal behemoths will inevitably require the use of vast amounts of resources, and your militaristic approach will only lead humanity to its doom." Venerable Lord Sotai said, "By then, before the Space Undead can fail, humanity will be dragged down by its own ambition instead."

"This is exactly the second advantage I want to talk to you about, these giant warships are cheap enough to build, and the parts in them can be recycled, and when the technology matures, the processes and costs can be further compressed."

Kiliman looked at the Sothai Pharaoh in front of him, revealing a hint of a mocking expression.

"Its overall structure is built from specially hardened alloys, with other areas supplemented by marble or other poured materials, you can even look at it as a mobile space station. Its performance may not be as good as your giant creations, but when it comes to production speed, humans have long surpassed you."

"You can continue to choose to fight for those overlords, but don't forget. Even if you win against the humans, you will still have to continue to serve those powerful dynasties, and by cooperating with me, you will have the chance to become the supreme leader who rules over the undead in space."

"Exterminating you is a choice that is more than worth it to me, humanity has many enemies, Chaos, the Bugs, and the aliens that are harassing the borders, the threat they pose is far greater and more immediate than you."

Lord Sotek Pharaoh looked at the human before him, his pale green pupils flickering, "What do you mean by that? Do you wish to take our race as your vassal?"

"No, we are allies." Kiliman said, "But I will provide you with some assistance to ensure that you can defeat the other dynasties and complete the unification of the space undead. In this way, your benefits are much greater if you ally with me."

"Think about it, those Hegemons, even if your dynasty perished under the onslaught of the humans, would they have an ounce of mercy? What will be left in the end if you die fighting for the Space Undead clan?"

"By co-operating with me, you will have the chance to unify the Space Undead, and you will even be able to have the chance to figure out a way to reverse your current physical state and regain your old flesh and blood body."

Lord Sotay Pharaoh, the many high ranking members of the dynasty looked at each other in disbelief.

The green pupils in their metal eye sockets stared at each other.

The massive Heaven's Punishment Colossus was suspended there.

Choosing to make an enemy of the humans, the other party destroying them would still be nothing more than a matter of destroying them.

Even if the Sachem Dynasty was united, it would only be a mantle of self-destruction.

After thinking for a long time, Lord Sotay Pharaoh and the many dynasty executives finally nodded and agreed to co-operate.

The Space Undead continued the many systems of the Fear of the Dead, with strict hierarchies and strength being honoured.

For the great overlords, the demise of a small dynasty would not be taken into consideration at all.

"This is truly a blessing, at this moment, we all represent the beginning of friendship between the two races." Kiriman said with a smile.

And then, the two of them discussed some matters regarding their co-operation.

Lord Sotay provided Kiliman with the loopholes and source code of the Space Undead's defence protocols.

And help him collect the latest movements of the Space Undead.

After Kiliman destroyed those crown worlds, he handed over the master control protocol to them so that they could control the people of those dynasties.

After determining the co-operation, the Sarkon Dynasty was the best litmus test.

If the protocol code provided by Lord Sotay Pharaoh was correct, then the Sarkon Dynasty's many defence protocols were completely useless to the human empire.

That is to say, the Sarkon Dynasty was equivalent to being completely undefended against the human empire.

The Sothai Dynasty also only needed to see if Kiliman would give him the Sarkhan Dynasty's mastery agreement.

If it was willing, then the covenant and deal would continue.

If it was unwilling, the two sides naturally fell apart.

With the mastery agreement in hand, Lord Sotay Pharaoh would be able to keep growing his dynasty.

The next Sarkon Dynasty would be the alchemy stone of the two parties' covenant.


After determining the co-operation.

King Sotepha didn't stay long and left straight away.

Kiriman watched as the other side's fighters exited the deck of the Maculagh's Flare.

"My lord, I don't understand." Fikris said. "Why would you do this when we clearly have the power to destroy them? This will inevitably open you up to questions and accusations from Terra."

"Let them be." Kiriman looked at Fikris, "Our task at this stage is to solve the problems brought about by the Great Rift and reorganise the empire, making the empire's subjects free from the poison of aliens and chaos."

"Fikris, always remember one thing, we do not hold our swords only for the sake of honour, we are fighting for the guardianship of our people. If honour and guardianship are at odds, then we will have to choose one or the other."

Kiliman turned and stepped towards the exit of the deck.

Keren and Fikris followed close behind.

"The space undead's technology is superior to ours, and with the resurgence of many dynasties, they are slowly gaining strength, but time is still on our side, and as soon as we complete the reorganisation of our empire, we will be able to use the resources of 2/3 of the galaxy to destroy all our enemies."

"Letting them trade the secrets of their race for their own lingering existence and an illusory dream of unification, isn't that a good deal?"

Kiriman looked over at Kron, who was using the anti-gravity platform to levitate and move, "With access to their defence protocol codes, is the Mechanism Cult sure of breaching the space undead's tomb pyramid?"

"Mechanical Cult's computer operating capacity is completely incomparable to those undead, but with the waste code and virus, we can still affect them or even paralyse them, the problem is that the time is very, very short, it is expected that in half an hour at the most, the other side will be able to parse the core code of the virus and thus exterminate it."

"Half an hour is enough." After finishing his speech, Kiriman looked at Fikris again, "Order the troops to speed up, we need to take care of the Sarkhan Dynasty as soon as possible."

"Understood." Fikris said.


The Voltria Galaxy.

With the appearance of a subspace rift, a brilliant Etheric light illuminated the entire dark void.

Calgar's flagship and the many battleships supporting the Voltria Galaxy leapt out of subspace and into the real universe.

Before the navigators and communications chiefs could send the standard signals and protocols to the Imperial airports in the Voltria system.

A barrage of information flooded into the support fleet's comm channels and databases.

By parsing these messages, the supporting Imperial forces quickly realised that a terrible rebellion had broken out in the Voltria system.

The rebellion had affected every planet in the galaxy, as well as space stations, mining platforms, and more.

Calgar's face became extremely grave.

He hadn't expected that the Terran Insect Race hadn't come, but a rebellion had occurred within the Voltria Galaxy.

This had more or less affected his plans.

Just as he suppressed that terrifying rage and pondered how to complete the mission of the Prototype under such poor opening conditions.

A communication request connected into the support fleet's channel.

It was none other than the planetary governor of Vortria.

They had spotted the Imperial fleet that had leapt into the real universe and were the first to initiate a comm request to them.

"We have been betrayed, those damned bottom stinkers have rebelled against the great Protoss and the Emperor, my lord."

The planetary governor wailed, "They have killed many Imperial loyalists, and have toppled Imperial idols and placed blasphemous alien statues."

"We strongly request that you can quickly suppress those damn bastards and stop them from doing further harm to the Empire. Protect us loyalists to the Emperor, to the Empire, and to the Protoss."