
Warhammer Inquisitor

At the end of the dark 40,000 years, the enemies in the Milky Way launched their final offensive. When the end of the Era comes, the eternal war will come to an end. The human empire has now reached its destined final moment. But the gear of fate does not end. The fate of the Milky Way will be determined by him and them as it was ten thousand years ago. What will happen at the end of this dark 40,000 years?

DaoistViking · Video Games
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50 Chs

Voice of the Emperor

Vito walked on the dark and deep street in the middle nest, not because there is no light here, although the light of the sun and the sky cannot shine here.

  Natural radiance is a privilege enjoyed only by the nobles of the upper empire.

  The light of Zhongnest comes from human creations, neon shop signs, and street lights set along the street. These artificial lights bring light to this place.

  Vito looked at the people around him. This is the residence of most residents of the Hive City, between the bustling upper hive and the chaotic lower hive.

  You can find the blend of two kinds of imperial life here, as well as the obvious traces of excess. When you gradually walk down the track elevator and the winding streets in the sky, everything around you begins to change.

  When you are in the upper position in the middle nest, what you see is enthusiasm, self-motivation, and arrogance. Although the people there are not in high positions, they are also very close to the life of the empire's dignitaries.

  They are technicians, managers, members of the Governor's Palace and senior monks, where life can be called civilized.

   But when it gradually descends, there is no longer bright sunshine, no fresh air, and it is replaced by pungent industrial exhaust gas and uncomfortable temperature drop.

  Vito walked to the side of Tianjie and looked down. Layers of streets and buildings surrounded the deep well, and countless imperial ships and aircraft came and went in the center of the abyss.

   At the bottom of the abyss, it is the lower nest or the dark lower nest.

   But fortunately, although this is not a civilization, the power of the empire can still control it.

  The young Inquisitor Vito turned his head. He had heard the loud voice, which came from several servo skulls floating in front of the statue of the Emperor's icon.

  The bright red robe and the white monk's hat seem out of place here, but the priest still recites and preaches with commendable enthusiasm and nobleness.

   "In the infinite darkness of the galaxy, there is only him! Lord of mankind, king of the golden throne! Only his light can save us! Only faith! Can protect the common people from destruction!"

  The young passionate priest recited noblely, the emperor's holy words that he had already mastered by heart.

  Although Vito couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile every time he saw them like this, after all, the Emperor's Words came from... well, as a judge, maybe he shouldn't discuss this issue.

  Of course, let alone tell them, after all, the people of the empire today are not very good at accepting and understanding new ideas and theories.

   There is a high probability that you will be called a heretic, or a traitor, or a bastard. Depending on your luck, the lightest is a good beating, and more than half of it may be the death penalty.

"Pain is prayer, faith is salvation! Believe in him! It is because of his light that we usher in the great voice of truth!" The priest's voice was effectively amplified through the servo skull, and everyone could hear him clearly The voice, and that very passionate, provocative voice.

The devout believers of the empire praised the emperor loudly, and continued to recite the sentences in the Holy Word. The voice was so loud that it could be called hoarse, as if they really planned to use that voice to make people tens of thousands of light-years away, The emperor on the golden throne of the holy **** Terra, he heard the same.

  Vito shook his head with a wry smile. He looked at an Anglican priest who was beside the passionate priest and under the icon statue. He was younger, probably an apprentice or something.

"Priest." Vito walked up to the inconspicuous young apprentice who was not noticed by people, and the apprentice looked up at Vito in surprise, "No, sir, I am just an apprentice, assigned to help Brother Endis preach That's all."

Vito smiled and looked very friendly, "Every priest comes from an apprentice, including this passionate Endis. What's your name? Little priest." "Katon, sir, my name is Kadon East."

Vito leaned against the exhaust pipe next to Cardon, he raised his head and looked sideways at the fanatical believers, "It seems that your work is very successful, Cardon, my name is Vito, Vito Constant Ding."

  Kadong nodded slightly, and looked at the big book in his hand. It was so thick that he could definitely pick it up, and it was a collection of Holy Words that smashed the green-skinned head in one fell swoop.

   Seriously, can the emperor really compose so many quotations for you?

  Vito smiled helplessly, and folded his arms, "Your church is on the upper floor. I saw the cathedral when I came. Of course, there is also the middle nest, but it is not so beautiful."

"Have you seen the St. Caen Church? Indeed, every time I see the wide cathedral and the hall that can accommodate tens of thousands of people to pray together, it makes my heart surge." Cadon said proudly, his eyes sparkling There is God.

  Vito still had a smile on his face, "Indeed, but it's a pity that the one in the middle nest is not so good. I have been down for a long time, and I haven't seen much, especially as I go down."

Kadong nodded slightly, and sighed helplessly, "Yes, in fact, what you see here is already the edge of our missionary work, and we will not go any further." "Why? Too tired to spread the light of truth?" "No, we don't mind working hard for the beliefs of the empire, but the nest is too dangerous, and the people there don't accept the beliefs of the church."

  Vito thought for a moment, touched his chin, "Would you mind telling me about the so-called non-mainstream beliefs?"

  Kadon shook his head and closed the Holy Word in his hand, "Sorry, sir, I don't understand either. The Archbishop forbids us to discuss and contact the ideas and members of the Heretic Church in the Lower Nest, so I don't understand them at all."

   "Because of this, the church does not allow us to cross the border and enter the lower nest to spread the emperor's beliefs. Every time I think of this, I regret that the poor people there cannot listen to the voice of truth."

   "But I heard that the belief in the lower nest is also very strong, although their way of worshiping the emperor is very different from ours. Many older monks insist that they are heretics and shameless traitors who believe in the chaos gods."

   "Chaos believers?" Vito raised his eyebrows, "And until now, the Ministry of Justice and the Planetary Defense Force have not carried out annihilation? Instead, let their beliefs continue to expand in the lower nest?"

  Anton nodded in confusion, obviously he didn't understand, "I don't understand either, but the archbishop forbids us to discuss any related issues, and my apprentice friends in the Ministry of Government Affairs and the Governor's Mansion also said that they are also forbidden to discuss related issues."

Vito leaned against the wall, turned his head to look at the fanatical believers, then stood up and smiled and threw a gold coin to Kadong. The little priest was a little dazed holding the gold coin. He looked up at Vito with a serious face, "Sir, we cannot accept money in private. As the Emperor said, greed is the beginning of betrayal."

"But the emperor also said that real wealth should be used for the right cause." Vito said with a smile, covering the bolt gun with his coat, Kadong looked at Vito's bolt gun, and suddenly seemed to realize What, then opened his eyes wide, and was about to say something when Vito stopped him.

  There are always many rumors among the people of the empire. Rumors say that the judges will disguise themselves as any kind of people, so as to infiltrate among the people of the empire, monitor and listen to the betrayal and heresy among them, and obliterate their source.

Like ghosts, lurking around, although this statement is very outrageous, it is indeed widely circulated among the people of the empire. Many times, it is used by mothers to scare disobedient children, but sometimes... this kind of rumor is also It is true, for example, at this very moment.

  He smiled and made a gesture in a low voice, "Will you keep it a secret for me? Child, don't tell anyone that I have been here and what we talked about, including your elder priests, for the sake of the emperor."

  The din of believers and the loudspeaker of the servo skull completely suppressed their conversation, no one could hear what they were saying, let alone notice them, as long as he, the young priest thought so.

Kadon nodded affirmatively, "For the emperor, sir." "I will use the gold coins you gave me for the right cause, I swear." "I'm sure my child, now, let us each do what we need to do, The right thing to do."

  Vito waved his hands and left, walking towards the end of the dark street, Kadon knew where he was going, and he clasped his hands together, making a standard Imperial Skyhawk salute.

   "May the Emperor bless you."