
Chapter 92: Side Story 4.3 - You Call Yourself Mortarion?

Rage, pure and unbridled, surged like a tidal wave throughout the flagship of the Fourteenth Legion. Darkness and disease shrouded all.

The poisonous mist churned, moving without wind, tainted with the psychic energy of decay, corroding the souls of all living beings.

The yellow-green fog seemed to liquefy, thickly brushing against everything, leaving phlegm-like droplets on the sleek power armor of the Death Guard.

Mortarion stood at the center of the poison fog, his fly-like black compound eyes shimmering with an ominous and eerie green light. The fog swirled around his tattered, murky black cloak, causing him to float slowly within.

Around him, green psychic energy swirled, and on his strange moth wings, iridescent scales glittered. The psychic surge was entirely different from before!

Opposite Mortarion, another Mortarion stood, scythe at the ready, while Hades discreetly used his shadow realm to heal the Death Guard afflicted by the plague.

"It seems our conversation can no longer continue."

The buzzing of a gas mask resonated, and Mortarion's raspy, gritted voice rang out, "Foolish and shortsighted butcher, unable to discern the truth. Soon, you will beg for mercy under my scythe!"

"But I will not grant you my mercy!"

Mortarion suddenly laughed, as if he could already see the fate of those on the brink of death. His raspy laughter sounded like a dying lung cancer patient, cursing all that was healthy and beautiful.

Without paying any heed to the Mortarion and Hades before him, Mortarion shifted his gaze to his scythe, Silence.

Vines entwined around the buzzing, fly-like haft of the scythe, and a lantern-like cage creaked.

"Behold, my masterpiece."

Mortarion squinted, smiling at the other Mortarion. However, his gaze wasn't on Mortarion but further away, "I believe you'll recognize him."

"He is, after all, our father."

The psychic energy surged, and flies buzzed around the lantern. At Mortarion's gesture, green-headed flies frenziedly struck the lantern, awakening the being inside. The alien creature, previously unconscious from pain, now let out agonized screams and curses—

"Mortarion, my most failed experiment!"

"You are a failure! A coward!"

"You are the same in every world!"

"Cling to your remaining pride and live! Cling to the past, tormenting your father! That's all you can do!"

Despite hearing these curses from the weakling father countless times, Mortarion remained unangered.

"It took me a long time to capture his soul."

"But the good news is, capturing yours won't take nearly as long."

"Struggle in my plague! Experience endless pain!"

As the malicious words fell, Mortarion charged with his scythe, and the prepared Mortarion immediately countered.

Bright yellow sparks contrasted starkly against the green fog, piercing the darkness. The grating sound of metal on metal was soul-stirring.

"Good idea."

Mortarion, looking into the eyes of his counterpart, his gas mask buzzing, said, "But unlike you, I've already killed my foster father."

Mortarion laughed.

"You coward who's never experienced true pain! What do you know?!"

Mortarion swung his scythe, his larger form weaving through the fog. The scythe moved unpredictably, diseases and plagues clinging to its blade, casting an eerie purple glow.

Compared to the enraged Mortarion, the other Mortarion struggled to keep up. The gap between them wasn't just centuries of combat experience but also the difference in their psychic curses.

Mortarion's scythe danced faster—

Although Mortarion had the upper hand in their conversation, the tide of battle was slowly turning in favor of the other Mortarion!

Mortarion gritted his teeth, his gas mask working overtime, fully engrossed in combat with his other self.

However, as Mortarion sidestepped, his wings and scythe moved in unison, aiming directly at Mortarion. Just as Mortarion could barely block the scythe—

A gunshot rang out, flames ignited! Tiny scales burned to ash in the fog.

Mortarion, ignoring what was behind him, seized the opportunity to counter-attack!

"You sneaky sniper."

"Other than your constitution, you're worthless."

While fending off Mortarion's scythe, Mortarion glanced behind him.

Having secured the others, Hades stood in the background, smoke drifting from his gun barrel.

"Still better than relying on a trashy curse."

Hades's calm voice echoed, but his gunfire didn't cease, flames bursting forth.

Hades's shots cleverly complemented Mortarion's attacks.

The bullets either struck simultaneously with the scythe or targeted Mortarion's armor's weak points during their stalemates.

Or a shot would force Mortarion to dodge, creating an opening for Mortarion's scythe.

The two of them, working in tandem, slowly gained the upper hand.

Mortarion, who had been on the defensive, began to counter-attack!

The battle between the two Mortarions was fierce, but with Hades's support, Mortarion slowly gained the upper hand.

The two Mortarions clashed, their scythes clanging against each other, creating sparks that illuminated the dark, fog-filled room.

With a final, powerful swing, Mortarion managed to disarm the other Mortarion, sending his scythe flying across the room.

The defeated Mortarion fell to his knees, gasping for breath, his gas mask buzzing loudly.

Mortarion approached him, his scythe raised, ready to deliver the final blow.

But before he could, Hades stepped forward, his gun aimed at the defeated Mortarion's head.

"Wait," Hades said, his voice cold and emotionless. "Let me do it."

Mortarion hesitated for a moment, then nodded, stepping back.

Hades pulled the trigger, and the defeated Mortarion's head exploded in a shower of gore.

The room was silent for a moment, the only sound being the buzzing of Mortarion's gas mask.

"It's over," Hades said, lowering his gun.

Mortarion nodded, his gaze fixed on the lifeless body of his other self.

"Yes," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and sadness. "It's finally over."

The two of them stood there for a moment, taking in the aftermath of the battle, before turning and walking out of the room, leaving the body of the defeated Mortarion behind.

The fog slowly began to dissipate, and the room returned to its normal state, as if the battle had never happened.

But for Mortarion and Hades, the memories of the battle would stay with them forever.

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