

A cursed young man is ripped from his hometown and hurled into the midst of an ongoing war. Armed with nothing except the clothes on his back, abnormal reflexes, and intelligence, he'll have to give his all just to survive.

CarlosW20 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Alrighty, let's get some things out of the way with some crucial information so that I dont forget to lay it down at the start.

The novel itself is pretty straightforward. A cursed young man, one fitted with the worst luck imaginable, is hurled into another world unknown to him. Armed with only his wits and superhuman abilities, he'll basically be struggling to stay alive. But that's what it should be like in transmigration novels anyways unlike where the MC usually just takes it easy and everything just works out for him. The MC does whatever it takes to stay alive, but not at the expense of others so sorry to those who want an antihero MC or an evil villain MC. My character is an optimistic dude whose just trying to live his life as best he can.

It's about this individual who went his whole life with the worst luck imaginable. In order to survive this rotten fate, he was forced to adapt or get killed.

Over the years hes gained experience, knowledge, intelligence, and physical abilities that were needed for his survival.

And that's before hes transported to a war filled world, one teeming with magic and kingdoms


The story is pretty straightforward without it being too complicated to understand. The world is at war and youth wants to join it.

All that being said, I dont want a flat story with 2d characters and little to no spice. Hence where the "Arcs" come into play, or Volumes I guess you can call them.

Please note that this novel is divided into Volumes or 'Arcs'. Each Volume lasts about 100 chaps or so (give or take depending on the arc, pacing, direction of the story, etc).

The first arc, the one your currently reading, is rather short, around 30 chapters or so and covers the entirety of the MCs backstory. In other words, this takes place before the actual story begins. This isn't the only time I'll do this either.

I intend to have each and every main character fleshed out, showing you their emotions and backstory, how they got to where they were. They will all have the necessary development and you'll see them grow firsthand as each backstory will last 30 chaps or so (of course, I'll write it in between the arcs so you don't get annoyed when I switch to it. Everyone hates it when you get cut at a suspenseful scene and get handed a flashback.)

The side characters will get some love as well, but those last only a few chapters in comparison and aren't really as important.

I think I covered everything I wanted to say. If you have any questions for me then feel free to leave them in the comments below, OR you can join my discord and ask me over there.

