
War on the brink of outburst, yet lose ends not yet tied up.

This is a short story about America and Russia with the continued cold war well into the 2000s. Tensions are rising as International incident after international incident bring earth closer to nuclear Armageddon. we follow a old officer on his final year on service before retiring. Yet fate has other plans for him. After finding out that fantasy is no longer fiction but reality, key events which at first thought to be a coincidence, slowly become connected as this officer continues to delve deep into this new frontier of knowledge about fantasy itself. will this man choose to commit to finding the truth of the matter? Or will he buckle, and simply live out the rest of his life knowing that the art of lying, is changing right under the noses of everyone. (For context just in case you can't follow the story right, this is based off of a Dungeons & dragons campaign that I ran with my friends. so I apologize if this isn't enjoyable for you. But I'll try still to at least make it enjoyable for everyone regardless.)

Fallen_Hunter_2078 · War
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2 Chs

Chapter 1, sweet talks of past times

Both Franklin and winter walked into a restaurant, the waiter there guided them to their table where they sat down. "Didn't take you for a lavish type of person Franklin." "Well, I think it is well deserved for the success of our project."

The waiter came up them to ask,

"What will you two gentlemen be having for tonight?"

Franklin spoke First,

"I'll have garlic bread as a side for my Steak and a slice of carrot cake for my dessert."

"And I'll be having garlic bread as well with beef pasta and pudding for mine." The waiter wrote the orders down and also said, "would you two also like some wine?" They both nodded and the waiter went off.

After a short while he came back with the meals and placed them in front of the two men complete with wine. "You don't invite me out to eat unless it's something serious." The scientist simply took a bite out of his Steak and muffled out, "Few things actually friend, how you've been?" Winter sipped his glass of wine, "coping. But all in all, better then I thought." "Ah, well, you win some you lose some." Franklin put one of his hands in his lab coat and pulled a piece of paper and presented to winter. "What's this?" He simply cleaned his mouth with the napkin and spoke, "the names of last week's Stockade list. Got more then usual." "And the reason for telling me? You know I don't like talking about it."

"I know, but this time it relates to the white witch." His eyes widened, "I'm sorry?" "Remember the testimonies of the marked? A connection was found with the interview of Pura." Winter froze, "what?" "Pandora, at first we thought it was the place that most go when their fates get awakened. Now with this connection, it changes things." "Have you informed the higher ups?" The scientist simply pointed his fork at him, "Just did." "I retire this year. You know that, why me first?" Then Franklin turns to the TV. Confused, he looks to.

The TV is showing a news segment, about the tensions between America and Russia heating up again.

"On today's top headlines, tensions between America and Russia continue to rise at an unprecedented rate, with the scandal of the joint occupation of both Nations on china. Where a exchange of fire between both parties in Beijing almost brought another war on earth, but with the help of Japanese officials to ease the incident, was agreed to imprison all members involved from both Nations, yet the people are calling for blood. The USA call for the end to US occupation in the middle East due to rising crimes caused by US Marines drunkenness and recklessness. While the USSR call for the annexation of China like Germany. The hands are tied for the US government and the Russians. Now for the weather..."

Winter just sighs and says, "alright, alright, I get it, by why-" as he turned back to Franklin, he wasn't there, in fact, no one was in the restaurant. "What the hell...?" He got up from his chair and begun calling out to anyone. He didn't get a response. After a while of searching the place, decided to leave the restaurant in a effort to wonder what had happened while he was watching the news. Once he got out, even the streets was devoid of life, no cars coming pass, no people that was on the side path. Only a single man on the middle of the street- "wait a minute."

[ Changing POV go winter ]

The mysterious man was in a trench coat in the colour of black just like his fedora with his back turned to me. He seemed, patient, as if he was waiting for someone to provoke their presence to him. And so I did.

"Excuse me sir! Do you know where everyone is?" He slowly turned to me, showing his right side of his face. The first thing I saw of the man was his eye, an almost glowing like Iris drenched in a blood red pupil. "Tell me, have you ever wondered what life is?" I was taken aback by that. I retorted, "uhh, no. I just wanted to kn-" the trench coated man cut me off. "It's called destiny. A single vague promise that keeps all life running." I put my foot down. "Sir, I just want to know why is everyone gone? Is that too much to ask?!"

He seemed displeased by what I had asked of him. He turned fully towards me, revealing something in his hand, no, on one of his fingers. A... Ring? In a shade of dark, sickly green. And on the base laid a gem with a lighter colour of green, yet sickly nevertheless. "Why care for the little things? It seems the more time goes on the little details that could be answered with self intuition of the person. Yet it seems all life forms are forgetting that." I took a step forward, resting my left hand on my sidearm. "Sir, I'm sorry if I am upsetting you. But I'm more worried for the safety of everyone." He looked me up and down, as if he was scanning me, or eyeing me up. Then he smiled. "Least you haven't forgotten yours."

I gripped my sidearm yet I did not pull it out.

"I'll go slow, you can ease your grip on your gun winter." Wait what? How did he- "All is fine. You are merely daydreaming, everyone is still around you." This doesn't make sense.

He then suddenly looked to his wrist, showing his Emerald watch.

"Well, turns out I won't be able to tell after all. Until next time, Winter."

I blinked and I was back on the dinning table chair, looking at the weather report on the TV. It's going to snow tomorrow. I turn back to Franklin, who is finishing up his steak. "So, you understand now? The window is closing, yet there's too much at sake." Right, I was having dinner with Franklin. Then what's nagging me at the back of my mind? "Hay, winter, you hearing me?" "Oh, right. I get it. The thing with the thing, right?" He stared at me with a ting of confusion. "Are you doing alright? You were fixated on the TV after the news segment, you even didn't respond to me when I asked again." "I..." I felt something in my left hand, which was in my pocket. Strange, I didn't recall putting my hand away. As I pull my hand to reveal what's in my hand.

A emerald ring. But, this is different then any ring I'm familiar with. The whole ring is emerald, the base, the center, all of it. The colour of it was a deep dark shade of green, almost sickly with the exception of the center gem of it, a brightly lighted green that could of looked as if the gemstone was glowing. "What you looking at your hand for?" Franklin called out, "I... I don't know." "Maybe your not feeling well, you can skip dessert and head on home for the day, I'll cover the bill.

And with that, I got up from my seat and bid my life long friend a good night. Franklin nodded as I left the building and into the outside street night life. I breathed the cold air in and took a good look around as I walked down the street to my house. walking pass the graffiti promoting the Soviets treaty for the expansion into the middle east, the anti propaganda Department really need a new budget.

After half an hour of trotting through the snow filled street, I reached my house. A simple 2 story home for a single child family, a neat place to break away from my work and relax until the next shift arrives at my doorstep. Reaching for my house keys as I get to the door. I tense up, the handle is broken, the door left wide open, seeing into my dark home. I grab my sidearm and cock the slide.

Breathing in, a step into the house, my eyes darting to the doorways and stairs, I prepare myself to the villain that dare threaten my peace.