
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 22: Test


With a wave of her hand, the leader, led us out of the stone hut and through the village. The villagers watched us curiously as we walked by, whispers trailing in our wake. 

The trio finally came to a stop at a makeshift ring, cordoned off by a circle of large stones. "This is where we train and spar," Arisa explained, gesturing to the ring.

"Woah, it's so big," Day said.

Kaeii snickered. "That's what she said!"

I turned away and covered my mouth to avoid laughing. It was unbecoming of a Titanos soldier to laugh at such crude jokes.

"Seriously, Kaeii? Are you twelve?" Zane asked, shaking his head at his companion.

Kaeii and Zane moved to one side of the ring while Day and I stood on the other. I could feel the villagers' eyes on us, their curiosity palpable. 

Arisa took a step back, her sharp gaze surveying us. "Alright," she said, her voice carrying across the silent village. "Begin when you're ready."

Kaeii and Zane readied their weapons, their movements synchronized. Day took a deep breath, her fingers wrapping tightly around her sword.

I, on the other hand, stood empty-handed. Arisa's gaze narrowed on me. "You don't have a weapon?"

I shook my head. "I lost it," I admitted. "After we were attacked by a beast, I plunged my polearm into its hide. It got carried away by the current of the river by where we met Zane, and my weapon went with it."

Arisa was silent for a moment. "Very well," she said. She put a hand into her brown fur coat and took out a crimson dagger. "You may use this. If you can win, I'll even let you keep it."

"But, boss, isn't that the Crimson Moon Slasher?" Kaeii asked.

She crossed her arms and nodded. "Indeed. But you two also have weapons of the same caliber, so things should be fair, no?"

Zane nodded and brandished his emerald bow.

Kaeii grinned and pulled out the polearm on his back. He unwrapped it the rags covering it and pointed it at us. "Carso- The Scarlet Drill."

"Donalo- The Emerald Piercer," Zane said.

"Uh..." Day looked at her sword and hummed. "My sword doesn't have fancy name like those."

Kaeii laughed. "It's alright. You can come up with one later! Now, let's begin."

I nodded and spun the knife Arisa had handed me, moving it from one hand to the other.

"Oh, you seem experienced with the knife, young man," Arisa said, smirking.

As a soldier of Titanos, I was trained in multiple weapons, from polearms to knives, and even bare fists. Even if Arisa hadn't lent me her knife, I would've done well.

"Can we begin now, for real this time?" Zane asked, looking at his boss.

"Ah, pardon me. I'll keep quiet from now on," Arisa said, stepping back.

"Alright, let's do this," Kaeii said, tapping his polearm against the ground.

Zane simply nodded, pulling an arrow from his quiver and nocking it on his bowstring. His movements were smooth, practiced, a stark contrast to Kaeii's more cavalier attitude.

Day and I exchanged a glance before stepping forward, weapons at the ready. My grip tightened on the hilt of the Crimson Moon Slasher, the cool metal familiar and reassuring in my hand.

"Begin," Arisa called out, her voice echoing through the underground village.

Kaeii was the first to move, charging forward. His polearm, the Scarlet Drill, spun in his hands, a blur of motion that was almost hypnotic.

I moved to intercept him, slashing out with my knife. Our weapons clashed, the sound of metal on metal ringing out. Kaeii was strong, but I was quicker. I ducked under his next swipe, using my speed to my advantage.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Day facing off against Zane. The Emerald Piercer was a long-range weapon, and Zane was using it to keep Day at a distance. But Day was quick on her feet, darting in and out of his range, trying to find an opening.

Back on my end, Kaeii was relentless, attacking with a wild energy that was hard to predict. But I held my ground, blocking and parrying his attacks, waiting for my chance to strike.

It came when Kaeii overextended, reaching too far with his polearm. I saw my opportunity and took it, lunging forward. My knife found its mark, scoring a shallow cut along Kaeii's arm.

He grunted, pulling back and shooting me a grudging smile. "Not bad, Mr. Handsome."

I jumped back as he swung her spear at my side. He almost got me. Maybe I had underestimated the rebels a tad.

Meanwhile, Day had managed to close the distance between her and Zane. Her moved her sword rapidly, blocking and dodging the countless arrows. She was putting up a good fight, matching him blow for blow.

In the end, it was Day who landed the final blow. With a burst of speed, she darted past Zane's defenses, her sword slashing across his chest. It was a shallow cut, but it was enough. Zane dropped his bow, a look of surprise on his face.

Day turned to me, her eyes wide. I gave her a nod, turning back to Kaeii. Our match continued, a whirlwind of movement and sound. Sweat trickled down my forehead, but I ignored it, my focus solely on Kaeii. I could see he was starting to tire, his movements slowing slightly. With one final push, I lunged forward, my knife aimed at his chest.

But Kaeii was quicker. He sidestepped my attack, his polearm sweeping out to knock me off balance. I stumbled, falling to the ground.

Kaeii stood over me, polearm pointed at my chest. But instead of delivering the final blow, he offered me a hand. "Good fight, Mr. Handsome!"

My eyes widened. I'd lost?

I took his hand, pulling myself to my feet. It'd been ages since I'd lost a match. "Likewise, Kaeii."

Arisa approached us, a smile on her face. "Well done, all of you," she said, her gaze sweeping over us. "I think it's safe to say that you two will make fine additions to our team."

Day jumped and hugged me. "Yay! We did it! We got accepted!"

I nodded.

She gasped and turned to look at Arisa. "Uh, could I bring my group to live here?"

"Of course! We have a lot of space here. Plus, we need all the fighters we can get."

"Uh, about that. To be honest. I am actually the only one of fighting age. Everyone else is a kid or elderly."

She glanced at me. "And him?"

"Well, excluding him, of course. He recently joined us. Titanos attacked him from the looks of things."

Indeed. I'd been betrayed by a fellow commander.

Arisa glanced at me. "Really? Did you win?"

I sighed. "I would say it was more like a draw. I got my attacker to flee, but it didn't feel like a victory at all."

Kaeii whistled. "Not bad! I've managed to injure a couple in battle. But it's not very easy to do so. One has to get them out of their armor to have a chance at hurting them.

"You are certainly strong," I said, nodding my head. "However, don't think taking down all of Titanos will be an easy feat. It might be best to reach a settlement with them."

Zane huffed. "A settlement? You want us to make peace with those invaders? As if! I would sooner die than surrender to them!"

"Careful, short stack! You might be cursing yourself," Kaeii said, swinging his hands behind his head.

Zane sighed and looked down. "I-I am prepared to fight until the very end. Those scum, they'll pay for what they did." He turned around and walked off.

Kaeii sighed and went after him.

Arisa took a deep breath. "Sorry if Zane came a little strong there. You see, Titanos killed his little brother and parents."

Day gulped. "I-I understand. I lost my parents and grandmother to those villains too." She gasped and turned to look at me. "Ret. We should get going! Night and the others might be in trouble. Those soldiers might've stopped pursuing us and gone back to the cavern!"

She had a point there.

"I'll have another of my soldiers accompany you two," Arisa said before running off. "I'll have him meet you at the exit."

We nodded and ran off.