
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 20: Outmanuvering the Beast


I gritted my teeth as the creature that had chased me on the day I had crash-landed on this planet stared right back at us.

"Ret, behind me!" Day said, walking in front of me. Her shaking hand betrayed her resolve. The creature had yet to move as she remained frozen. Could it not see well?

Taking a deep breath, I leaped into the air and performed a plunge over the creature's back, but I failed to puncture its scales.

The monster spun around thrashed around, slamming its side against trees to get me off its back. All of this sound risked alerting the Titanos soldiers. I had no idea if they were friend or foe. If they proved to be foe, they could've blown my cover. The chances of them being friends in an area dominated by Commander Yusan were astronomically small.

With a final, powerful thrash, the creature managed to throw me off its back. I rolled as I hit the ground, managing to come up on my feet, Adoresio at the ready.

Day was at my side in an instant, her sword raised in a defensive stance. Her eyes were wide, but I could see the determination in them. She was scared, but she wouldn't back down. 

The creature roared, its massive body shaking with the force of it. It was bigger than I remembered, its scales gleaming dangerously in the fading light. 

We didn't have much time. If we didn't finish this quickly, the Titanos soldiers would definitely be alerted. 

"Day, distract it!" I yelled, circling around to the creature's blind side. 

Day nodded and backed away in a zigzag while swinging her sword in the opposite. The creature roared and swiped at her, but Day dodged its attacks. The creature seemed drunk.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I launched myself at the creature again. This time, I aimed for the softer scales under its belly. With a powerful thrust, I drove Adoresio into its flesh. 

The creature roared in pain, thrashing wildly, but I held on. With a final, powerful jerk, I pulled Adoresio free, and the creature collapsed with a thud that shook the ground.

Panting heavily, I staggered back, Adoresio slipping from my grasp. Day rushed to my side, her sword still in her hand.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her eyes wide with concern.

I nodded, bending over to catch my breath. "I'm fine," I gasped out.

We stood there, panting heavily, as the forest returned to its peaceful quiet. The threat was over, for now. But the sounds of the fight had been loud, too loud.

As if on cue, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed from the direction of the cavern. The Titanos soldiers.

We didn't have much time. We needed to get back and warn the others. Gathering my strength, I picked up Adoresio and turned to Day.

"Let's go," I said, and we ran.

A louder roar than before echoed behind us, sending Day and me flying forward.

I looked over my shoulder and saw the creature stand up.

"Impossible," I muttered, staring in disbelief. The creature that we had just defeated was back on its feet, its eyes glowing with a rage.

"We have to keep going!" Day shouted, grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. Her grip was strong, her fear masked by sheer determination.

We ran, the sound of the creature's roars echoing behind us. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, making my heart pound in my chest. I could hear the creature crashing through the undergrowth, getting closer with each passing second.

"We need to lose it!" I shouted, glancing back at the rapidly approaching creature. "Lead it away from the cavern!"

Day nodded, changing our direction. We veered left, heading deeper into the forest. The trees became denser, the undergrowth thicker. It would slow the creature down, but it would slow us down as well.

The creature roared again, the sound deafeningly loud. I could almost feel its hot breath on my neck, its presence looming behind us. But we couldn't afford to slow down. We had to keep moving.

I tightened my grip on Adoresio, my knuckles turning white. I could feel the energy coursing through the weapon, as if it was alive. As if it was ready to fight.

"Ret!" Day called out. "We need to find a body of water. It can't swim!"

I looked at her, my heart pounding in my chest. She was right. We couldn't keep running forever. And if fighting it was too risky then using its weakness was our best chance.

"There should be a river nearby," Day said, looking around. 

"Lead the way!" I shouted back, keeping my eyes on the monstrous creature lumbering behind us.

With a determined nod, Day darted off towards the sound of rushing water. I followed suit, pushing my legs to move faster despite the burning sensation in my muscles.

The roar of the river grew louder, the rushing water a beacon of hope. As we broke through the last line of trees, the wide expanse of the river came into view. It was fast and deep, the currents strong enough to sweep away anything that dared to cross it.

Day didn't hesitate. She plunged into the water, her powerful strokes carrying her across. I followed her lead, the cold water a shock against my heated skin. I swam with all my might, pushing against the current.

We reached the other side, gasping for breath. We didn't have time to rest though. The creature was getting closer, its roars filling the air.

"Ready?" I asked, gripping Adoresio tightly.

"Ready," Day confirmed, her grip on her sword just as tight.

As the creature reached the river bank, it let out a roar of frustration. It paced back and forth, its eyes locked onto us. The sight of the deep, rushing water seemed to deter it, at least for a moment.

"Let's hope this works," I muttered, watching as the creature finally took a tentative step into the water.

It was clear the creature was out of its element. It struggled against the current, its movements clumsy and slow. Seizing the opportunity, I raised Adoresio high, focusing all my energy into one powerful strike.

With a roar, I hurled the polearm. It sliced through the air, spinning end over end, before striking the creature right in its chest. The creature let out a pained roar as it was swept away by the current, disappearing under the rushing water.

A silence fell over us, the only sound the rushing river and our heavy breathing. We'd done it. We'd outsmarted the creature, used its weakness against it.

"Ret," Day breathed out, her voice shaky. "We did it."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, a shaky laugh escaping my lips. "Yeah," I replied, looking at her. I frowned as I stared at my empty hand. "But, Adoresio..."

Day placed a hand on my shoulder. "We'll find it, Ret. We'll find Adoresio. But right now we need to get back to the cavern and warn the others about the Titanos soldiers."

I nodded, knowing she was right. Adoresio was important, but the safety of her family and friends was paramount. We couldn't afford to let our guard down, not with the Titanos soldiers potentially closing in on their location.

With a heavy heart, I turned away from the river, following Day back through the dense forest. I wasn't sure what I was going to tell the elder, but I pushed it aside for now. There were bigger things to worry about.

"Stop right there, Titanos soldiers!" a male voice called out.