
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter 10: Orginal's Status


I giggled as Vyr looked out of the window of the ferry-class space ship, eyes shimmering like those of a child's as we passed by an astroid belt. Contrary to how old movies depicted them, the astroids were far apart from one another, so we were at little risk of getting hit by one.

The ferry-class was the slowest ship available, but it would do its job.

"There's so many stars!" Vyr said.

"Vyran, stop that. You're giving ne secondhand embarrassment," Varia said, pulling on his shirt collar.

"But it's so cool, Varia!" Vyran protested, his eyes still fixed on the window. "Look at how big our universe is! And this is just a tiny speck of it to boot!"

Varia sighed, a small smile on her face. "Yes, Vyran. I know."

I chuckled, leaning back in my seat. It was amusing to see Vyran lose his usually composed demeanor and act like an excited child. Despite being a soldier, he was still a young man experiencing the vastness of space for the first time.

As the journey continued, I felt my excitement wane, replaced by a growing sense of unease. It was one thing to be unable to contact my family, but it was another thing entirely to return to my world potentially overrun by unknown beings. What would we find there? Would my family be safe?

I caught Vyran's worried eye and gave him a small, reassuring smile. We were in this together, and I was grateful for his support.

Eventually, the ship began to slow down, a sign that we were nearing our destination. I stood up, my heart pounding in my chest. This was it. We were about to find out what had happened to my world.

As we neared my home planet, our excitement quickly turned to horror. Explosions lit up the darkness of space, each one accompanied by the deathly silence of the vacuum. Ships bearing the emblem of my world were locked in combat with a fleet of mechs that looked somewhat outdated to us.

"What the...?" Vyran muttered, his eyes wide with shock. "So the rumors were true..."

Varia's hands tightened on the controls of our ship. "Those mechs... they're not from our world. Or from any known ally."

I felt my heart drop. If these unknown mechs were attacking my world, then...

"My family," I whispered, my voice catching in my throat.

Varia reached over and gave my hand a squeeze. "We'll find them, Deros," she said, her voice filled with determination. "But first, we need to deal with this."

She steered our ship towards the battle, her movements precise and confident. As we drew closer, she pressed a button on the console, activating the ship's autopilot and defense systems.

"You two board your mechs," she said before pressing her right temple. Suddenly, metal flowed out of her body and formed a metal suit around her.

"Woah, so that's what the latest military tech can do," I mumbled. I shook my head, snapping myself out of it. This was no time to be in awe. Orginal was in danger!

Vyran and I ran to the back of the ship while Varia sortied into battle.

Vyran jumped into his Valkyrie while I got on my own Aegisa.

The A.I. system turned on as I grabbed the controls. Unlike Valkyrie, my mech didn't link up to a chip as I didn't have one implanted to begin with.

I took a deep breath and channeled all of the adrenaline in my body. As soon as the ship opened, I flew out and headed to help the closest Orginal ship. Those old-fashioned-looking mechs were really something. Even through they were older than my standard class, their pilots moved around with incredible fluidity. They weren't noobies, that was for sure.

Vyran and I flew side by side, our mechs cutting through space towards the chaos. As we neared the battle, I saw Varia's mech - the sleek, high-tech suit formed from the metal that had flowed out of her body - engaging with the enemy. She moved with an elegance and accuracy that was almost mesmerizing.

I shook myself out of my awe. This was not the time to be impressed. This was the time to fight.

"Deros, take the left flank," Vyran said over the comms, his voice steady. "I'll cover the right."

I nodded, veering my Aegis to the left. The enemy mechs swarmed towards us, their movements swift and coordinated. But we were ready.

The first enemy mech lunged at me. I moved the Aegis to the side, avoiding its attack, then retaliated with a quick jab followed by a powerful kick. The enemy mech stumbled back, and I didn't give it a chance to recover as I slashed its head, legs, and arms off with my beam saber.

"Fall!" I yellow before kicking the central hunk of metal into another nearby enemy mech.

The enemy mech collided with its ally, creating a brief but chaotic disruption in their formation. Seizing the moment, Vyran's Valkyrie unleashed a barrage of missiles, exploiting the opening I had created. The two mechs erupted in a blaze, their debris scattering like shooting stars against the void.

"Nice move, Deros!" Vyran cheered through the comms, his Valkyrie pivoting to engage another cluster of enemies.

I pushed the Aegis forward, the thrusters roaring as I closed the distance to the next target. Varia's voice came through again, clear and commanding. "Deros, Vyran, we have incoming enemy reinforcements. Prepare to regroup!"

I glanced at my radar, and gulped. More of them? How many did they have?

My eyes widened as a large lunar-sized ship approached, appearing out of a distortion in space. A large rail cannon opened up, directed straight at us.

"Oh, shit!" Vyr said, shaking his head.

"Attack the rail gun!" Varia said. 

"On it, Sis!" Vyr flew his Valkyrie over. Was he not afraid of facing that giant ship?

I took a deep breath and clenched the controls tightly. Fear wasn't going to stop me either! I would defend my home!

In some earlier chapters (2+) I think I wrotr Daros instead of Deros. Deros is the accurate spelling of his name.

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