
The Amulet

The sun's rays bore down on the sand dunes. Rickard sat down on one of the dunes and gazed around. Sand was all he could see. Dropping his backpack next to him, he grabbed his water skin and emptied it into his mouth. Sitting there in the sand his black hair waved in the wind. After resting, Rickard stood again and continued his journey making sure to follow his compass. Rickard walked for another few hours and as the sun was coming down he saw movement in the sand. He grabbed the massive 5-foot long black-edged sword that was hanging from his back and prepared to battle. Out of the sand, a 20-foot long sandworm jumped out at Rickard. With deftness and guile, he brought the sword around and cut into the side of the sandworm, blood spurted out and stained Rickards clothes. The sandworm howled in anguish and came around in an attempt to devour Rickard with the skill of an experienced swordsman Rickard positioned his blade between him and the sandworm and fended the sandworm off. The longer the standoff went the sandworm lost more blood. As the sandworm slowed Rickard saw his opportunity and with great speed chopped the sandworms head off causing more blood to spurt onto the sand. After killing the sandworm he put his sword back on his back and tied up the 20-foot sandworm and started dragging it with him. After another few hours, a city appeared on the horizon. Dagger's Edge was a city positioned on the edge of the desert and many experienced hunters like Rickard used it as a staging post for hunting the many beasts within the desert. As Rickard was nearing the city a band of hunters noticed Rickard and approached. Looking at them Rickard could tell they were inexperienced. They were not prepared for the desert and that would cost them dearly. Many hunters that go into the desert never come back. The group that was approaching Rickard consisted of 5 hunters. They wore the colors of the Imperium and were most likely sent to the desert to prove their worth in combat. The hunters clearly cared little for other hunters showing their arrogance as they brushed past Rickard with little more than a disdainful glance after seeing the clothes he was wearing. Unlike the group of hunters who were wearing fine clothes that showed off the amount of money they had, Rickard wore rough-hewn traveler's clothes that were much more practical in the desert. "Idiots" Rickard muttered to himself, thinking that the new hunters wouldn't last one battle in the desert. After finally making his way to the city Rickard had to wait in the line before being passed through to the city. Walking through the city Rickard drew many glances, as he was lugging around a 20-foot sandworm. it wasn't the first time most of the people had seen one but it was an uncommon occurrence. Continuing along his way Rickard reached the trader's guild where he sold his sandworm for 50 silver coins, to many 50 silver coins would be a fortune. But many hunters could make that in a few days of hunting beasts. After assessing his coins Rickard realized that he had enough coins to participate in the Dagger's Edge tournament. Every year Dagger's Edge would hold a large tournament for hunters, the participation fee was however steep as the cost was 250 silver coins. The tournament was being held tomorrow and the winner would receive a magic amulet. Many people in the world contained the ability for magic but to draw out the magic essence one required a magic amulet, magic could aid hunters in a variety of ways like augmenting their attacks and healing them. Many people had different magic domains that would only be revealed when they receive a magic amulet. Rickard dearly wanted the amulet, although he was strong Rickard wanted an amulet as a safeguard in case he ever fought a monster he couldn't beat with a sword alone. Rickard made his way to the tournament gall and registered to the tournament, to register Rickard had to sign a release based on the fact that many died during the tournament as the officials didn't blunt the fighters blades and allowed them to go all out which makes the tournament an extremely deadly affair. After registering Rickard returned to a small hovel he owned and after unloading his supplies went to sleep. After waking up the next morning Rickard went to the tournament hall and prepared for his first fight. Once the fights started Rickard watched with interest hoping to glean insight into some of his opponents. After waiting Rickard heard his name called and descended into the tournament grounds. Looking up Rickard saw many onlookers cheering at the fights. In front of Rickard, a skinny man was standing with a spear at his side. "You should surrender while you can," the man said. "Good joke," Rickard replied as he rushed at his opponent swinging his 5-foot sword at him the man reacted in the knick of time and dodged the blade and countered with a spear strike aimed at Rickards abdomen. Reacting with great reflexes Rickard brought his sword down and knocked the man's spear to the side and swung his sword at the man again. The man could barely bring his spear up in time and as he barely deflected the blade away his spear went flying. Acting upon this chance of opportunity Rickard put his sword up to the man's throat. "Yield'" he said. "Fine" the man replied "I yield" and with that Rickard one his first fight in the tournament. After the fight, Rickard returned to the waiting area and started preparing for his next battle. Soon he was called out again and in front of him stood a young adult. The fight was over quickly as the young adult couldn't match Rickard's speed nor strength and lost in seconds after the fight started. His third fight was a bit more challenging as his opponent clearly had formal training and lasted longer than his other 2opponents. The fight still fell in Rickard's favor who once again returned to the waiting area to wait for his next fight to start. It appeared as if only 16 people were left in the tournament as all the others were already knocked out of the tournament. From this point on Rickard realized things would only get more difficult.