
Chapter 2

Time. 5:00 p.m.

IronBlade wanders down the dark, dank halls of the sewers. passing through small passages marked with a unique symbol only known to his cause, leading him eventually to a large wooden door, with two lit torches around it. IronBlade could hear the sounds of hearty laughter audible from the door.

IronBlade: 'They're gonna get us caught one day...' IronBlade thought as he neared the door.

Knocking twice, the sounds of hushed laughter and footsteps approaching. A small slit in the door opened, a pair of green eyes glancing up and down at IronBlade.

???: "Password?" the man asked. IronBlade kicked the door in annoyance.

IronBlade: "Farrel, open the fucking door. You already knew I was coming," IronBlade said, crossing his arms.

Farrel: "You know the rules Bladey boy, Password?" the man asked again. IronBlade let out a sigh of defeat and lowered his head.

IronBlade: "Farrel... If you don't open this fucking door..." IronBlade began, almost yelling. "I will-" he attempted to say before the door opened for him.

The man inside looking at him disappointingly. They exchanged glances, but Farrel's disappointment turned to concern.

Farrel: "Almost get killed?" the man asked, closing the door behind them.

IronBlade "Multiple times," IronBlade rubbed his forehead as Farrel handed him a red bottle.

Farrel: "Wine. Always helped me," Farrel offered.

IronBlade's frown turned into a smile as he grabbed the bottle from his friend.

IronBlade: "Thank you..." IronBlade took a swig and slowly began to feel guilty. "I'm... I'm sorry I yelled," IronBlade said, looking at his smiling friend.

Farrel: "No harm was done, my friend," Farrel smiled.

IronBlade felt a pat on his shoulder. IronBlade grinned as he looked at his friend.

IronBlade: "Seis in his office?" IronBlade asked as they neared the end of the hallway.

Farrel: "He always is. He and his Lieutenants are having a conversation about the big plan coming up," Farrel said with some fruition.

IronBlade took another swig of the bottle and handed it back to Farrel as they entered the main hall. Through the crowds of grab-happy people. Many hauling crates of equipment to other parts of the base, others preparing for missions and most just sitting around laughing and drinking.

Farrel: "You are prepared for the big mission, aren't you, Iron?" Farrel asks, stopping IronBlade in the center of the hall. IronBlade shrugged.

IronBlade: "No one's ever really ready for anything," he said, earning a laugh from Farrel.

Farrel: "I could drink to that!" Farrel said as he took a swig of the red bottle.

IronBlade chuckled, looking at his friend down the bottle. A tap on his shoulder brought a sense of dread as he turned around, but faded once he saw red hair. A hug from the tall man brought a sense of friendship over IronBlade as the man lifted him into the air and laughed.

???: "Iron! My lad! I'm glad to see you back so *hic* safe!" the man said as he set IronBlade down and stumbled a little.

IronBlade: "Axel...? Are you drunk again?" IronBlade asked, knowing full well his friend was plastered.

Axel: "Yes... No... Maybe, I forget," he laughed and tussles his shaggy red hair. "We've been drinking since you left!" Axel said, throwing an arm around his friend.

IronBlade laughed as Axel began to lose his balance and fall backward, almost taking IronBlade with him. Axel just chuckled and laid down on the ground.

Axel: "Maybe I am a little drunk," Axel laughed as he slowly drifts into slumber. IronBlade groans and looks at Farrel.

IronBlade: "Mind handling him while I talk to Seis?" he asked.

Farrel gives him a nod, grabbing the Dwarf by the legs and dragging him off. IronBlade shook his head and turned around, heading further into the crowd of people and slowly making his way to a, fairly, noticeable door. It was red with black dragon designs around it. Looking at it, it always made IronBlade feel, uncomfortable, almost afraid to enter his office. A tap on his shoulder breaks his trance on the door, turning to see another Demon, like Seis.

IronBlade: "Geo? I thought you were elsewhere," IronBlade asked as he faced him.

Geo: "Yes, well we all don't get the pleasure of going up top on dead runs, now do we?" he asked with a little sass.

IronBlade: "Try being as fit and as fast as me and you will," IronBlade returned the sass, provoking a smile from Geo.

Geo: "Did take your sweet time getting here though. Seis has been looking for you," Geo said, knocking on the red door.

IronBlade: "Yeah well... The castle didn't like that I stole their shit," IronBlade said, taking out the two scrolls and handing them to Geo.

He unraveled one of the scrolls, looking it up and down and a grin forming on his face.

Geo: "You do get results. That I'm sure about," Geo said, rolling it back up and handing it back.

Geo knocked on the door again, this time a guard peering out at the two and opening it to let them in. Geo looked at IronBlade and he returned the glance, both entering the room.

The king barges into the medical ward, peering around at multiple stained doctors working on two of his Magi's.

King: "Where... Where are they?!" he asked vexation.

A doctor points to the room at the very end of the hallway. The king begins his trek to the door, only to stop to see his head guardsmen exit, blood covering him almost head to toe. Gabriel looks at the king, a look of shock indulging him.

King: "Where... Who..?" The king asked as he walked closer to Gabriel.

Gabriel: "Your majesty...Sir Tenth and Fifth are in critical condition... Lady Fourth will recover and be out as soon as tomorrow," Gabriel informed, a look of relief overflowing the king.

King: "As long as no one is dead..." the king sighed relief as he put a hand on his fast-beating heart.

Gabriel: "Uh... Sir... There was one death..." Gabriel said, gaining the look of irking from the man.

King: "Who?" he asked in a hurry.

Gabriel: "Sir Seventh, My lord," Gabriel said with hesitation and closed his eyes for the shouting and rage to bestow the group in the ward. The king looked at Gabriel, and sighed.

King: "Did we catch the murderers. Hell, do we even know who did it?" The king asked, earning a surprised look from Gabriel.

Gabriel: "We have a current lead, as a man was caught stealing from our archives. My men will have him within the hour. We assume the rebellion is behind this, your majesty," Gabriel said, his return of calm demeanor.

King: "Good. I want him hung, hell, I want to watch him hang!" The king yelled, earning a look from everyone in the ward.

The king looked around, realizing what he had said and put his head into his left hand, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths.

???: "Leo... Honey?" the queen approached him, putting a hand on his shoulder and bringing him into a hug. "Take it easy," the queen said, lighting a fuse of a never-ending explosion.

King: "Take it easy??" the king asked in a mocking tone. "I have a kingdom falling to my feet, one of my best advisors was just murdered! And I have two more headings for the grave! And you want me to 'take it easy?!'" the king yelled, the queen not flinching once. "I-I..." the king began before a sigh of defeat escaped him, receiving another hug from his wife. "I'm... I'm sorry, dear." the king said, pulling her into a deep hug.

Queen: "It's alright, love. These are trying times," the queen said, taking his head into her hands and looking into his blue eyes, her hazel ones casting a trance on his. "You'll get through it, the Felals always did, even before the great war," the queen said, evoking a smile from the king. He took a long breath and looked to Gabriel.

King: "You sure this was the doing of the rebellion?" he asked.

Gabriel didn't truly know how to answer, but he didn't want to second guess anything.

Gabriel: "Yes. We believe the two incidents coincide," He said, the king taking one final deep breath.

The King didn't hesitate his next answer, in fact, Gabriel could've sworn he said it without delay. "I want their heads," the king walked closer to Gabriel.

King: "We've given them enough chances, enough leeway. It's time for action," he said.

The sound of silence filled the air as if the king hesitated the next part.

King: "Bring this to an end. By any means necessary," he finished. Gabriel nodded.

Gabriel: "I'll have the Magi have another meeting. In the meantime, would you like to see them," Gabriel said, holding out a hand towards the door, and with hesitation, the king began his walk to the door.

IronBlade and Geo both walked into the room. Multiple men and women around a table with a map of the kingdom of O'kiesel. In comes the view of a man, crimson red eyes and long black hair, probably down to his shoulders. Pointing at various areas on the map and talking to his lieutenants, asking for ideas and possible attack positions. IronBlade and Geo wait patiently behind the group and they eventually catch the eye of the man. The man excused himself from the table and walked to the two, holding out welcoming arms.

???: "Iron! Geo! My two greatest commanders! It's good to see you two again!" the man said, hugging both of them and peering between the two. "Iron, my boy. Did you get the scrolls?" the man asked, walking towards his office, motioning for the two to follow.

IronBlade: "Yes, sir. Right here," IronBlade said as he set them on the man's desk.

The man procured one and looked it over, smiling a devilish smile.

???: "Wonderful! I knew I picked the right man for the job. Albeit you were a tad late. Did everything go alright?" the man asked, peering IronBlade up and down.

IronBlade: "Guards caught on to my little ruse, their routines have changed," IronBlade said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Geo: "And I fear that they're about to get even worse," Geo interrupted. "My informant has told me that a Magi has been assassinated. And two others are in critical condition," Geo said, receiving a smile from the man.

???: "Well... Our escapades in the castle should be off for now. For the remainder of our little opposition, we'll be mostly preparing for the big attack," the man said, setting the scroll onto the desk and taking a seat.

Geo: "The big plan? Seis are you sure we're ready for that so soon?" Geo asked, IronBlade looking as concerned as Geo.

Seis: "I never said it was going to be soon, now did I?" Seis said, with a devious smile. "All I said was to 'prepare'. Keep your noses in the air while we finish the last few bits left. Anything that comes up would be greatly appreciated the knowledge," Seis said with a smile. The two nodded and bowed. "Now, if that's all you two may leave," Seis said, waving the two goodbyes.

Krystal bursts into the medical ward, Reiner in tow. Krystal looked around, seeing the Queen and her two servants standing outside the room next to them. She rushes over, Reiner barely catching his breath as he follows behind her.

Krystal: "Queen Thalia?" Krystal asked, approaching her calmly.

The queen looked up to her, a defeated smile welcoming her.

Queen Thalia: "Knightly, dear," She began.

Krystal: "Is the king inside?" Krystal asked.

Before Thalia could answer, her servant piped up, a long time friend of hers.

???: "King Leonardo is inside. Though his patience has run thin," he said, walking up to Krystal.

Krystal looked the Elf up and down, his long mint green hair complimenting his green eyes.

Krystal: "Lysander. What happened?" Krystal asked.

Reiner finally catching his breath and standing next to her.

Lysander: "There's been a set of unfortunate events to bestowed the castle," Lysander informed, nodding his head to the medical room.

???: "Two of the Magi were in critical condition, whilst another lie dead in the meeting room," another servant piped up, joining his almost identical fellow servant, just his hair shorter.

Krystal: "Who?" Krystal asked, no one answering but avoided her gaze. "Reyl... Who?!" Krystal asked, grabbing his shirt.

Reyl: "Hane and Ezekiel are being operated on. Anna is resting... Randell, he's... in the morgue," Reyl said, looking away from her in shame.

Krystal let go of him and ran into the room, Reiner sighed and pat Reyl on the shoulder, reassuring him. Krystal burst into the room, seeing King Leonardo and the First Magi looking down into the operating room. Krystal stopped next to them, gaining their attention.

First Magi: "Knightly? Raina? Did you two catch that thief?" First asked blatantly, gaining a smack over the head by the king.

King Leonardo: "There are more pressing matters here, Nates!" Leonardo yelled, First rubbing the back of his head.

Krystal: "Are they alright?" Krystal asked, standing beside the king.

King Leonardo: "They're not done operating. Hane was shot and stabbed, he for sure will be fine..." the king said while droning back to the operating room.

Krystal sighed with relief but looked back up in worry.

Krystal: "What about..." Krystal began before the king looked at her with uncertainty.

King Leonardo" "Expect the worse,"

The words escaped his mouth like venom as it hit her. Reiner also felt the impact of those words and leaned against the glass of the operating room.

Reiner: "Zek..." Reiner said, rubbing his forehead.

Nates (First): "Knightly," First said, approaching the woman. "Who did it?" he asked, Krystal, trying to form an answer.

Reiner: "It was the rebellion," Reiner piped in, looking at the three. "He escaped with a few scrolls, but more than likely he had been a distraction whilst one of their assassins took the life of Randell," Reiner said, making the assumption.

Krystal: "Why would they assassinate the Magi? That doesn't make sense!" Krystal tried to defend them but to no avail.

King Leonardo: "They want to overthrow us... What better reason to than that?" the king asked, looking at Krystal. "I know how dear Iron meant to all of us... But the facts are here," Leonardo said.

Nates: "And besides the fact, we've already sent a declaration of war on the rebellion... It won't be long now till everything is put in place," First said, looking to a shocked Reiner and Krystal.

Reiner: "Look, as much as I dislike the guy, IronBlade never gave a reason to-" Reiner tried, but First halted him.

Nates: "Is this treason I hear?" First asked, looking to a displeased Leonardo.

???: "Of course not," another voice entered, First turning to see Gabriel.

Gabriel: "Just some concern for a past guard," he defended, walking next to First.

Nates: "Gabriel... I assume Seventh is being autopsied?" First asked blatantly.

Gabriel sneered at First.

Gabriel: "I'd answer if you treated his life a little more than a game piece," Gabriel said, crossing his arms.

A silence fell upon the group, leaving First to scoff and leave the room. Gabriel sighed and looked at the remaining three.

Gabriel: "Randell is being autopsied as we speak. In my honest opinion I don't think the rebellion had anything to do with their deaths," Gabriel implied, receiving a sigh from Leonardo.

King Leonardo: "Even if they weren't involved they're treasonous. We don't have a choice but to shut down the rebellion before they get the gull to do something similar," Leonardo said, looking between the three, sadness filling them. "I know IronBlade was an exceptional guardsman and had my father not accuse him of the murder of past Magis, he'd be here now," Leonardo admitted, gaining a shocked look from Krystal.

Krystal: "That wasn't your order?" Krystal asked, looking at an equally shocked Reiner.

King Leonardo: "No... Before my father died he condemned IronBlade to a fate worse than death. Out of pure spite," Leonardo said, Gabriel nodding.

Gabriel: "I taught the boy myself. I know he'd never do anything of the sort," Gabriel said, Krystal, becoming heated.

Krystal: "Then why didn't any of you try and defend him?!" Krystal let escape but immediately covered her mouth in shock.

Leonardo laughed at her, seeing her distress.

King Leonardo: "Trust me, had I been in charge I'd try and help him, but I didn't become king until a month later. I tried to reach out to him, but it was futile. He already chose his current path," Leonardo said. Leonardo looked to Reiner. "What was discussed at the Magi's meeting?" he asked, Reiner, straightening himself up.

Reiner: "Well... the thought of bringing..." Reiner stopped and looked at the three in concern. "Bringing Maximus and Torren into the equation..." Reiner held his eyes shut, but opened them to see Leonardo just as shocked as Gabriel and Krystal. "It was Wey's idea," Reiner added, trying to save the other Magi's rears. Leonardo sighed heavily.

King Leonardo: "Very well," Leonardo said.

Time, 7:12 p.m.

IronBlade sat at a counter, taking a sip from a mug. The sounds of laughter and joy-filled the room as he and his colleagues celebrated his wonderful return. IronBlade could hear Axel laughed wholeheartedly as he gulped down another pint of ale. IronBlade laughed at his friend's antics as he himself sipped ale from his mug. He looked at the barkeep who was cleaning mugs and glanced towards his friends again, only to have an arm around his shoulders and cat-like ears fall into his vision.

Fluffy: "Iron! My good friend!" Fluffy said as he smiled at IronBlade. IronBlade turned to look at his feline friend, seeing he also was as drunk as Axel. "How've you been, buddy?" Fluffy asked through slurred speech.

IronBlade removed his arm and helped Fluffy sit down.

IronBlade: "God, I don't know who's worse, you or Axel," IronBlade said as he helped his friend stay up straight.

Fluffy: "He challenged me to out drink him!" Fluffy began, bringing out his heroics. "And I-" Fluffy began before his head hit the counter, knocking over a few empty mugs.

His snoring comforting IronBlade, knowing he wouldn't hurt himself. Axel, however, is a different case. IronBlade looked over to his Dwarven friend, and much to his delight was being helped by another one of his friends. The man was just as tall as he was, but his short, almost platinum, blonde hair, and blue eyes helped the man to a seat where he remains asleep. IronBlade walked up to his friend, sighing and looking at Axel.

IronBlade: "How much he drink this time?" IronBlade asked, catching his friend's glance.

???: "About an entire barrel," the man sighed, turning to face his friend more.

IronBlade: "God. Who's paying?" IronBlade asked hesitantly.

Though before the man could answer, Axel, awoke with a hiccup.

Axel: "Zane said *hic* he'd pay this time!" Axel said before passing out again, earning a sigh from the two.

IronBlade: "I'll pay this time," IronBlade said, looking to his friend.

Zane: "We could split the bill," Zane added, pointing to Fluffy who also awoke and fell against the counter.

The two sighed heavily and laughed.

Zane: "These two are gonna be the deaths of us one day," Zane added before sitting down.

IronBlade: "I could never out-drink either of them, though I worry they can't out-drink each other," IronBlade joked.

The two sat down as a female waitress approached them.

???: "What'll it be, gentlemen?" the woman asked, moving a light red strand of hair from her eye.

Zane smiled and looked at the woman.

Zane: "Kylo, my dear, I hope Axel wasn't too rough on you tonight," he joked, earning a giggle from her.

Kylo: "He's a handful, but he's a cutie as well," she said, grinning at the unconscious man.

IronBlade shook his head and smiled.

IronBlade: "Never saw what you see in him. He's a drunk," IronBlade said, kicking the man's foot with no reaction.

Kylo: "Hey now, that's my man you're talking about sweetheart," Kylo said, grabbing IronBlade by the chin and making him look up at her. "He's a sweetheart, and he might have a few downsides, but don't we all?" Kylo asked, making IronBlade remove his head from her hand.

IronBlade: "Yeah... I know that better than anyone," he replied, looking at his drunk friend.

Zane: "The four of us have been through hell, but we made it back each time," Zane added, boasting a little.

Kylo: "You four have caused hell for this little kingdom, I'm surprised you haven't been locked up yet," Kylo smiled, walking back towards the bar.

Zane: "She has a point, y'know," Zane said, earning a glare from his friend. "What? I'm just accepting the fact is all," Zane defended himself.

IronBlade: "Yeah... You weren't about to become a Magi before accused of fucking murder!" IronBlade said with some salt.

Zane frowned at his friend, punching his shoulder lightly.

Zane: "That was ages ago. How can you still hold a grudge?" Zane asked as Kylo returned with three drinks, sitting down next to them.

IronBlade: "Hey! I could've had it made! Fucking Felal bloodline..." IronBlade said as he took a sip of his drink.

Zane: "Hey, we're almost through with our plans, you'll get your revenge then. But is it truly worth it?" Zane asked, getting a questioning look from him.

IronBlade: "What do you mean?" IronBlade asked, setting his drink down.

Zane: "They were your friends. Hell, I and Axel left once we heard you were accused! Krystal and Gabriel didn't want any of us to leave. They wanted you to stand trial before they just wanted you dead," Zane said, IronBlade slowly getting angry.

IronBlade "Not what I heard. Fuckers just wanted my head on a silver platter," IronBlade said, taking more than gulps of his drink.

Kylo just looked at the two as she sipped her drink.

Zane: "Look. I'm not saying that things could've gone differently. But what we can do now can alter the future," Zane said wisely. IronBlade took a deep breath, setting his mug down.

IronBlade: "Maybe..." was all he responded as he set his drink down and looked off into space, deep thought.

Krystal looked beyond her balcony at the night sky. Seeing the bright lights of the kingdom before her. Her thoughts wandered between Seventh Magi's death and the plans for the kingdom within the coming year. She sighed as her gaze went beyond the walls, towards the land of Waku. Her thoughts were brought to a halt when she felt arms wrap around her neck. Though startled, she turned to see her lover. She sighed relief as she melted into his arms.

Krystal: "You scared the crap out of me, Reiner," she said as she hugged him.

Reiner: "My apologies, princess," he mocked as he kissed her head.

She moved away from him to look up at his features. His short, militaristic hair and his blue eyes stealing her heart away.

Reiner: "You seemed like you were lost there for a second, darling," Reiner said, swaying her side to side. "Are you alright?" Krystal looked at him, then to the ground.

Krystal: "Just... Everything that happened... I hate just standing around and waiting for new orders," she admitted, gaining a sigh from Reiner.

Reiner: "I know how you feel. Knowing that we don't know who killed Randell is pissing me off. But knowing everyone is pointing fingers to the rebellion won't help anything here," Reiner said, capturing her gaze.

Krystal: "I... I hope it wasn't them..." Krystal said, putting her head into his chest again.

Reiner: "Nothing we can do now but await new orders. The Magi are meeting again tomorrow to talk about the next plan of action. And I fear with First taking charge, bloodshed is more than likely," Reiner said, looking out towards the city. Krystal nodded in his chest.

Krystal: "I don't want any of them to get killed..." Krystal said, her voice filling with sadness.

Reiner: "You mean Iron and his crew... Don't you?" Reiner asked, patting her back.

Krystal nodded once again, looking up at him.

Krystal: "I... I don't want any of them to die... Regardless of their bounties," Krystal admitted, Reiner, pulling her closer to him.

Reiner: "We'll figure something out," Reiner said, halfheartedly.

The two remained in their embrace, Reiner looking out to the city once more.

Reiner: 'Iron...' Reiner thought as he closed his eyes and kissed Krystal on the head.