
War Of 300

Untold story of a female Viking warrior. Katheline. With tensions at it's climax between the Viking and Sparta in year 302. A resilient young woman steps into the battlefield when her father suddenly dies from a deadly illness she'd follow in her father's footsteps as a warrior for the rebellious Vikings. Almost knowing nothing about fighting she starts from scratch as a soldier for the Lands Of Costina, the woman's high ambition and strong willed heart leads her to surviving the unforgiving reality of their time. Little did she know that she'd fall hopelessly in love with their sworn enemy, a Spartan warrior. Choosing to either fight along side him with a romantic life or for her father's cause was the hardest decision she'd ever have to make. The choice would haunt her until the end. Her fate is on the line.

UNBROKEN · History
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Chapter 3 “Jambiya”

A month quickly passed by filled with nonstop training.

Some men even gave up by now because they thought it was too much work.

Though that didn't matter much since the army of knights grew in numbers almost three times in size. There's at least couple of hundred fighters now. A decently sized army.

But they'd need thousands to win against such trained warriors as the Spartans.

In the afternoon, Katheline can be found walking up to the local blacksmith, pulling out one gold coin smacking it on the counter and says "Make me a dagger. Make it curved and easily hidden. Got it?"

Gregory the blacksmith, he got straight to working on the requested dagger without hesitation "Sure thing. One dagger coming right up."

She sat on a barrel nearby the blacksmith, patiently waiting for her secondary weapon of choice. Having a secondary weapon was quite rare in the battlefield, only those who were capable of wielding and mastering several different weapons would attempt this.

The gentle wind blows Katheline's blonde hair to the side while she watches all the people passing by her through the peaceful marketplace.

A group of rowdy three kids are seen playing with a small sack pouch, tossing it to each other as they passed by her.

Katheline was approached by a group of drunken men who had just came from the nearby tavern with cups of booze in their hands.

They taunted her with the story of what happened to the last people who messed with the Spartans. Their heads left savagely on a spike in the open desert for everyone to see.

She scoffed at them, telling them to get lost so they did, laughing their butts off.

Half an hour later, the small curved intricately made dagger was put on top of the counter. Little did everyone know that this blade would be used to kill hundreds of men.

By a woman none the less.

She picked it up with dignity and tried it out for the first time, swiftly throwing slices at the air with ease while no one was around.

Meanwhile at the castle, Ryan is seen standing there at the war table where a map of the lands is laid out.

Several tiny figurines of knights, catapults and spartans are placed on the detailed paper map.

Cole stands there on the other side of the war table, saying "In two weeks time, you are to infiltrate this country from the South side. Kill anyone who doesn't kneel to us. We will take our lands back piece by piece until we have it all." he moves the knight pieces towards the Spartan pieces coming from the south direction to a place on a map called Golian Lands.

Ryan nods and folds his arms together, looking down at the war map, agreeing to the battle plan "Sounds like a plan. We'll strike fast and hard. My best fighters in the front."

Cole was pleased to hear this confirmation coming from his leading knight, sending him outside to await further instructions.

Queen Fia enters the room, Cole would look back at her and sighs deeply "You know.. I am worried for our kingdom. The Spartans are a force to be reckoned with."

Fia grabs his hands and looks in his eyes "We will have victory. Just don't lose your trust in your men. Have faith my king."

"I know.. You're right.. I worry too much." Cole says back to the queen.