
War is a game of chess

From world to world each nation went their own ways after the war. Their arch nemesis “The Rose” was finally defeated but soon after something happened between the nations and they went their own ways. But now the Rose has awakened and Morrisa, a traveller, will use the Rose to take the throne and find her mother who was kidnaped years ago. She will go on a journey to learn dark magic and meet new allies and friends with vampires, angels, monsters and many more beings but the war years ago had a secret to it and the kingdoms are keeping a dark secret that could be the end of everyone so she must become stronger and battle her way in a game of chess. Romance, love triangles and true love may be her only hope but her heart could go wrong and one man may betray her. A villain being resurrected from the dead may wipe out the every nation but Marissa will find the soul stones of each nation and bring them together to fight the monster that will have an impact in her past and future.

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 3

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Warren slapped the person's hand away from my leg furious and disgusted.

"What else am I doing? You can see I'm trying to aid her" This was the first time we heard him speak and Warren was shocked to hear that they were a male.

Warren stood there not saying another word, letting him patch my cuts and bruises carefully.

After he was done he took out a pill from his pocket telling me to take it so my cuts can heal quicker.

His voice was soothing and calm just like my mothers. I still couldn't see his face but when he held my hand it was warm and comfortable and I wanted to hold it again but I knew it would be rude to ask.

"Who are you..?" I said my voice in a low tone like a small whisper. He stood up brushing off the dirt that spoiled his clothes.

"Let's just say I'm a lonely traveler".

"Well if you were a traveler why would you come to this nation?" Warren asked the question for me and his hands were crossed leaning against a near broken wall that was about to collapse at any moment.

The person chuckled a little letting a small gasp escape from his lips. "Maybe it's because you people are quite interesting just like the little lady over here" He stared right at me as I was still sitting down staring at him from above.

Our gaze met and his eyes were beautiful and magnificent.

He quickly looked away before I could really see what was in them.

"Well Mr nobody it's suspicious isn't it? You were wielding a sword back there. Are you some kind of spy or a guard? Because I have never seen a sword like that before" Warren smirked, coming closer to the stranger.

I tried to stop him from teasing the poor traveler but he didn't seem to mind the question at all. He was calm, nice and more friendly than I thought of him to be.

"My father made that sword for me. There is nothing special about me so you don't need to worry about me being a spy" He packed the first aid kit away examining me.

It was awkward to have him keep staring at me but It's nice to have company once in a while, especially with someone outside of the nation.

But something was weird about him. He didn't seem to know that I was a princess or even come close to knowing I'm the person everyone keeps talking about.

"Before you leave can I ask you some questions?" I said in a tender voice. Warren looked at me in shock bending down in front of me.

"Are you crazy!? He is dangerous. We should be thankful he actually did help us" The whisper wasn't even real and he could hear what Warren said.

I pinched Warren on his arm as he yelped in pain holding onto his arm.

"What was that for!?" He looked at me trying to ask for a little help but I ignored him because of the rudeness he had already made to the poor person.

"If it's not too personal then I except" He sits in front of us as me and Warren held our breath in.

It was rude to ask people questions but we were both thirsty for knowledge.

Meeting a traveler was so rare one time father invited one of them to stay at the castle until they would journey off again.

"So what exactly are you?" Warren leaned back and before he could cross his legs I pushed him a little, telling him to be quiet.

He was acting weird today and more rude than usual. ""I'm just a normal person" His voice was dull and emotionless this time just like my fathers which made me a little annoyed.

"Where do you think you'll go next?" I asked him, eyes sparkling in excitement. I always wanted to be like them adventuring beyond the walls.

I already grew up knowing I can never leave this place but I wanted to be free like a bird.

Warren could see my face glistening in the sun and he smiled huffing underneath his breath.

"I don't know. Our people were never told about the stories you guys know about especially what came after the war ever since we bordered our world" He stared down at the floor and his voice became silent.

He didn't like talking about it but I knew there was something in him that wanted to know more.

"If you like I can tell you! I'm good at storytelling!" I smiled gently, putting a hand to his shoulder as the leaves swiftly fell down dancing in the wind.

"You can..?" He silently whispered.

"Of course I can. Because we are now friends and friends tell each other everything".

Warren laughed a little, putting a hand to his eyes where the sun had blinded him. I could tell he still didn't trust that person but I had some kind of connection with him.

Our eyes met a second time and this time he didn't look away. I could see its colour. They were both different colours from each other.

They were so beautiful I couldn't look away from them.

One of his eyes was red as blood and the other black as night itself.

Sadly his face was still covered and he only let me stare at them for a mere minute before looking away again.

I have never seen someone with eyes of a different color.

I wonder what nation he comes from to have those kind of eyes and tender tone from.

"Have you ever heard of the daisy story?" Warren said interrupting our moment as he coughed for attention.

"No I haven't. Is it popular amongst your people?" He asked, tilting his head a little.

"Oh it is!It's about a love story about a human and god who met each other one day in a daisy field and ended up falling in love with each other" That story was my favourite than any other.

My mother would read it to me every night as a reward for me doing my classes but the ending was sad and would sometimes make me tear up a little but hearing it now I don't cry about it any more.

"Listen close and I'll tell you the very story that helped defeat the dragon of death and thunder!".

Warren and the boy came closer sitting in a comfortable position as I was telling the story. They were keen to know more about it but I wanted to know the ending never the start of it.

It all started with a woman named Amara and she was the most beautiful woman any person had seen to live. They even nicknamed her Aphrodite as her beauty was just like hers. But she was sadly a human girl and most of the nations never noticed her for her kindness only looks.

One day she was in a fight with her father about marrying a vampire but she didn't want to because marriage was never on her mind.

She loved flowers and everything beautiful.

On her days she would go to the daisy field to make sure the flowers had been watered and even looked after the kids at the orphanage.

Her dream was to open a flower shop and have two or three kids in a nice house in the fields but her father would never allow her and even abuse her for it.

She felt trapped in her mansion and in the middle of the day she escaped through her window to go to the daisy fields to calm down.

As she was sitting down she met a young boy around her age with hair long and blonde as the sun and his eyes green as a field of grass.

When she laid eyes on him she immediately fell in love with him and they would secretly meet each other every day at the same spot.

They would talk all day about their troubles at home and even about their hobbies.

They grew to be friends but the more they spent time with each other she fell deeply in love with him.

But her father was suspicious of where she was going every day and made his loyal servant follow her one time.

He was shocked to see her with a young boy and before he left to tell her father she had the courage to kiss him after so many years spending time together.

Her love was finally spread to him and they both wanted to be in a relationship together but they didn't know it would all end.

Once the servant told the father about what he saw the father was furious and thought of a plan to stop all the nonsense.

A few days later she came back home with a cheerful smile and a necklace that the young boy gave to her as a birthday present.

The father surprised his daughter about the marriage finally taking place in two weeks time but her face was in shock and tried to beg for her father to not let her get married yet.

He didn't listen and commanded the servants to lock her up in her room until the day of the wedding.

She wrote to her lover about what was happening and planned to meet each other in the daisy field the next night.

When she escaped through her window to meet him he wasn't even happy to meet her at all.

She tried to tell him everything but he told her that it would be best if they never saw each other again.

Her heart broke to many pieces after hearing his words but she pleaded for him to take her away with him yet he still denied and it would be the last time they would ever see each other ever again.

Two weeks already went by and the wedding day came. And everything her father wanted came true. She married the kind vampire and he treated her with care and respect for the days they spent together.

She lived in a mansion with him and the days were lonely as each second passed by. She begged God that he would soon return to save her but as the years went by he never came back but she never lost hope.

She had two children, one beautiful as day and night combined together and the other was different and extraordinary.

The child had two different eye colours: one was white and plain and the other black and death looking. Hair red as the sea of blood.

But the father despised the extraordinary girl and only wanted to take care of the beautiful girl.

But the mother loved both children equally and some say that the extraordinary child was from her past lover.

She still remembered her lover and would sing a song about him to her children every night. About his golden hair and eyes the ray of sunshine and skin bright as the daytime itself.

It was like she was talking about an angel or even a god.

But one winter day there was an attack on the nations.

A dragon as fierce as a lion had killed many people. There was no hope at all. Only the gods could save them and many had fallen; it was the first time anyone had encountered a villain like itself.

Fire had spread on every nation and citizens had died. The screams of horror filled the streets and the mansion was burned from top to bottom.

The father died inside the mansion from drinking too much and the children and mother were safe.

They tried to run away to a safe place but the mother risked her life by sending the children away on a ship where all the passengers were frightened and scared to death.

But there wasn't any more room left so the mother stayed behind to save everyone else.

That is when she arrived at the daisy field to see the dragon fighting a man of blonde golden hair.

The dust had made her not see very well but from the outline of the person she could tell who he was. Her old lover.

The man who left her years ago to rot in a mansion of nowhere. When he saw her his heart stopped in pain and agony. But as he was distracted the dragon had the chance to kill him.

The woman was shocked to see what was about to happen and ran to her lover pushing him away from his death.

Sadly she was stabbed by the sharpness of the dragons tail and blood spilled from her stomach as she fell to the ground covering the daisies with her own blood.

The man ran over to her and created a shield that would only last a couple of minutes.

Before she would die she wanted to tell him about her life and how she never forgot their moments even when they first met.

She told him how she never forgot him even though he had moved on without her. She loved him every day and every year.

And the last words she said were "My favourite flowers are daisies". And that is when the daisies had turned bloody red.

Tears fell down his face and he then realized that the letters he kept sending to her were kept by the husband and that he didn't want her to receive it so the whole time he thought she hated him but in real life she never received those letters.

Rage filled the man as his lover died in his arms. The dragon roared in anger trying to break the shield. Their love had been carried on for years and they loved each other till the end.

The man drew his sword out pointing at the dragon's neck. As the shield slowly disappeared he lunged towards it using every attack he knew. But the dragon was stronger than anyone expected and it may be his only time left to live.

The man was already half beaten and his energy was already used up.

He thought it would be the end of him.

But never he would fight until his lover could be at peace. He threw himself onto battle ignoring the blood that dripped from his clothes.

He remembered every memory they had together from crying at night to dancing together in the fields.

He hated himself for telling her that he didn't want to see her again and begged for her forgiveness.

He was about to die until a sparkle of light shinned inside of him. It was magic and this type of magic was different.

It was a Sakro persons magic. His lover was never a human but was secretly a human with magic abilities. She hid it from him because he didn't want to think of her as a witch or a greedy woman.

Before she died she used all her magic to protect her lover and make him even stronger. With the two combined they were inseparable.

As he held his breath he thanked his lover one last time and slashed the dragon's neck in two as the dragon screeched in pain.

It was finally over, the dragon was slayed but everything came with a price. He needed to use his gem inside of him to seal the dragon so it would never come back alive.

He was happy to know that he will reunite with his lover and stabbed himself in the heart with his own sword, taking out the gem and placing it on top of the dragon as its skin turned into a flower and it became no more.

He fell to the ground next to his lover smiling brightly. "I was never a human but a god" And he slowly closed his eyes and died peacefully holding his lover's hand.

The story still lives on today as the couple that saved the world from death and destruction. And there's even a statue of them together in each nation to represent the saviours of love and bravery.

As I ended the story Warren was already trying not to cry as he covered his eyes with his knees chuckling to himself.

"This story never gets old you know".

I was also feeling a little better after talking about it. It was like the old days when mother was still here. The kind and loving woman everyone loved.

The stranger was still sitting up straight mesmerized by the story.

"The woman risked everything just for him even though he left her…" He whispered looking at his own hands.

I wondered what was on his mind after hearing it. Maybe he had an experience like this one before.

"Well I heard love can come from everywhere just like the necklace he gave her" I smiled staring at the deep blue sky.

Somewhere in this world there will be someone who can understand me and know the feelings I have inside. I will never give up on this person and they might even still have hope to find me.

Before I could ask him a question we heard shouting coming from somewhere behind us.

"FIND THE PRINCE HE MUST BE HIDING CHECK EVERY INCH OF THIS CRAMMY VILLAGE!" We looked back hiding behind bricks to see guards wearing gold armour with faces of pride.

Fathers' men never looked like that and the armour must be worth a fortune if father even bought those.

"Who the hell are those creeps?" Warren said, staring in a deadly voice at the guards.

"I'm sorry I must go" The stranger quickly stands up trying to dash away before anyone could see him but I didn't want him to leave I wanted him to stay.

I quickly grabbed hold of his cloak pulling it away from him.

Me and Warren were shell-shocked to see his appearance. I was lost for words and the person who saved me had to be. A god. He was more beautiful and handsome than any person I met.

But that's what the gods were supposed to look like.

His hair was long and tied into a low ponytail. The colour was different and

it was blue like the ocean. He was wearing a crown made out of real gold and his eyes were the same as before but this time his black eye had a scar across it blinding him.

I could see he was wearing armour just like them but more expensive and flashing than the rest.

I tried to stop him but he already ran away and he started to get smaller and smaller as his body was trying to get away from the guards.

"I can't believe that guy was lying to us about who he was?!" Warren punched the wall in regret as his eyes turned bloodshot red.

"There might be a reason for it, Warren we can't make assumptions!" I yelled trying to make him stop.

We were both fooled by him but he was different than I imagined him to be.

The traveler who saved me to secretly be a prince of the nation of gods.

Is that why he wore a cloak trying to hide his appearance from us?

"When I see that bastard again I'll make sure he gets a good beating" His voice roared in frustration and I put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"Warren dont say such things! You know what would happen if you attack the royals…" I looked away trying to hold myself together.

"But we can't just let him go! Gods are dangerous and especially princes so trusting them could lead to our deaths" Warren only thought of violence while I wanted to survive.

This world is cruel and evil and trying to fight it was only childs play.

I try to make Warren understand but he never listens and storms away mumbling words in a displeased tone.

Maybe I should apologize to him at the festival because I hate having fights with him and it never ends well. As I was about to leave I stepped on something rigid and I lifted my foot to see a fascinating pendant painted with gold and red flowers.

I wondered if that prince dropped it while running away.

I picked it up carefully holding it in my hand. I opened the inside to see a beautiful picture of a young girl. Her hair was cherry red and wavy like a splash of wine tilting from side to side and her eyes maple brown.

Her beauty was out of this world and just by looking at her your world would become amazing.

I closed the pendent and put it in my pocket while jogging back to the castle.

My legs were already worn out and the carriage was being mended today. I clicked the metal ring in my ear as a bar showed up in front of me.

"Call father," I say.

"Are you sure? He is very busy now, your majesty" Mona the royal robot said from the screen that lit up.

Our only way for communicating was to use a metal ring and when you press it a bar of light will show up in front of you.

Warren always plays games and even finds news articles from the deep web about the other nations.

Yesterday he showed me one about the vampire nation going on a rally with the angel nation for war.

Apparently they want more power and by gaining it they will try and beat the angel nation by billions of impossible tasks.

Me and Warren laughed for so long after hearing it. We both knew the vampire nation could never beat the angels yet their common sense is nowhere to be seen.

I wonder why the nations want power so much. Wouldn't you end up losing everything anyway? I never wanted power, revenge or any kind of death.

I just want to live in peace and so can my people.

The call starts to ring as I wait for my father to pick up after many tries.

To my surprise he did and his face popped up on the screen and I could tell he was in his work office.

"Hello darling, I'm so sorry for breaking our promise. It's just that the kingdom is going through a lot of problems right now!" He was in a rush commanding all the servants to bring scrolls and maps.

"It's okay father I understand and general Helio said he would take me so you don't need to worry" I said in a sweet voice.

My father smiled at the screen sighing deeply.

"You are just like your mother Marissa. I'm glad to have an understanding daughter like you" Before I could tell him about what I saw today the call ended and the screen shut down leaving the emptiness of myself.

"Thank you dad…" I whisper, gripping my clothes tightly.

As long as General Helio is with me everything will be fine. Well thats what im trying to tell myself.

I walk for a while as my legs slowly get tired and I sit on a bench trying to relax for a little bit.

The festival is happening soon and I need to get to the castle as fast as I can so I can get changed but it will take me all night just to get there by foot.

I try to think of a way but I can't fly, I can't teleport and neither can I run as fast as a steam train.

Nothing is working out for me but I spot a cart of goods being pulled by horses clicking on the road ahead of me.

I shout across the village catching their attention.

It was Mr Morris, the owner of the stables in our castle. "Visha is that you? What are you doing all the way here?" He asks in a weary voice as he was already getting too old to even speak.

"Well i'm trying to get back home but the carriage is being mended so I kinda need a ride" I looked away squinting my eyes as he sighs in annoyance.

He cares about me too much and when I was six years old I nearly fell off a horse and ever since then he keeps scolding me for whatever I do.

"Look kid you better be careful I heard some shady things have been going on in this kingdom…" He looks back checking if the coast was clear.

He was a weird old man.

He says things that never made sense but hearing about his stories always put a smile on my face.

"Ok I get it now can I get on the cart my feet are aching!" I laugh a little while sitting on the back of it laying down.

He groans deeply as he continues his journey.

I take out a small book from my pocket flicking through each page. Ever since I was stuck inside the castle I would write notes about each nation.

Ranking from lowest to highest.

Which were the human nation, monster nation, Sakro nation, beast nation, vampire nation, demon nation, dragon nation, Elf nation, Angel nation and lastly the nation of gods, the most powerful beings in this universe.

Sakro nation were people who could use magic and the only weird thing was that everyone was part human.

No one knew why but there were always beings that would be human but with animal ears, Angel wings, tails and all sorts of things no one researched about.

The only one that didn't fit into the category was the monster nation.

There were some born as full monster and no human in them at all. I went to the royal library to find anything about them.

But there was no information about them at all, not even the slightest bit.

I tried asking father but he just kept calling them "Filthy rats" and leaving the conversation at that.

Why did everyone cut their borders off..?

Did something happen really badly after the war to make everyone hate each other "Hey Mr Morris can I ask you something personal?" I asked.

"Yeah sure why not kid I got all the time in the world" He barely opens his eyes and his anger management was definitely getting worse these days.

I mean old people do get cranky a lot.

"What do you think happened to all the nations?".

He looked back staring at me with a worried face. I hated it when everyone had a worried face whenever I asked that question.

I'm just curious about the world we live in.