
War is a game of chess

From world to world each nation went their own ways after the war. Their arch nemesis “The Rose” was finally defeated but soon after something happened between the nations and they went their own ways. But now the Rose has awakened and Morrisa, a traveller, will use the Rose to take the throne and find her mother who was kidnaped years ago. She will go on a journey to learn dark magic and meet new allies and friends with vampires, angels, monsters and many more beings but the war years ago had a secret to it and the kingdoms are keeping a dark secret that could be the end of everyone so she must become stronger and battle her way in a game of chess. Romance, love triangles and true love may be her only hope but her heart could go wrong and one man may betray her. A villain being resurrected from the dead may wipe out the every nation but Marissa will find the soul stones of each nation and bring them together to fight the monster that will have an impact in her past and future.

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 1

The sound of my high heeled boots splashed across the puddle of water where the rain was once dripping. The villagers strolled their way on the cobbled street where merchants and sellers were making their profit. I rushed towards the pack of people getting ready for the day to begin.

"Hey Marissa catch!" The baker threw a piece of bread that was wrapped around a cloth for me.

I quickly catched it before it could land on the spoiled ground sighing in relief.

"Thank you Carlton I'll make sure I come back to pay!" I was jogging on the spot getting my exercise of the day.

"Don't worry, it's on the house" He barked.

I gave off a little chuckle and was back to running. Every day was a normal day in the human kingdom nothing exciting ever went on. We closed our borders years ago and now it's just us humans trying to live a peaceful life without any of the nations pulling us into a trap.

I look over to see children running around playing tag while the elderly people are talking amongst each other. The sunny sky and the glistening fragrance of air lit up the kingdom.

Everyone was getting ready for tonight's celebration of the moon light ball. It was a day where everyone would go out and have fun thanking the gods for the food and water we have now. Last year I participated in the parade but my father wasn't very happy about it.

He said it was too dangerous for a princess to do and assassins could be everywhere. Sometimes I feel like a bird trapped in its own cage.

I took away the thought and continued my journey to find my way to the fighting ground. I jumped over barrels and tried not to collapse on any goods that were being purchased.

I rushed along the cobbled pathway and through the thick forest with oak trees and pine trees layed everywhere like a puzzle. I then arrived at the training grounds while my eyes caught a figure in the distance. "Good morning Warren, how is that stubby legs of yours doing?" I said.

"Ha Ha Ha very funny Marissa" He put down his sword while walking up to me rolling his beady eyes.

"What is up with you today? You look happier than usual" His voice was calm as always but he still reminded me of the little boy he still is.

"Well we have a couple of hours until the parade don't we?".

He looked at me in annoyance and flicked my forehead before I could say anything.

"Ow that hurts you know!" I put my hands to my forehead checking for any red marks that were left.

All he did was chuckle and went back to training again. Warren Talyor was my best friend and my comrade. We knew each other since we were children so it was easy talking to him about anything especially the weird girls stuff. He is muscular and taller than he was when he was younger but his personality was still the same.

He would always get annoyed at me and sometimes tried to protect me but we are still the same age so it doesn't matter either way. His hair was still the medium ash brown colour as always and his eyes were hazel green.

He did look unusual when I first met him but now I'm used to his "good looks".

I sat down in one of the arena seats unfolding the cloth of bread that the baker gave to me.

The fresh bread was still hot and the crust was nice as ever. `The smell of it was aromatic and sweet like heaven had already presented itself. My stomach started growling like a tiger so I knew that it was already time for breakfast. I then opened my mouth and took a big bite out of it feeling the sensation in my mouth.

Soon after when Warren finished his training he sat next to me signaling for the piece of bread that laid on my lap.

"Why should I give one to you?" I say looking annoyed. "Because I'm hungry". I stared at him, raising an eyebrow like he didn't get the meaning.

"It was just a joke! I'm sorry for flicking your forehead ok! So can I have some bread now" He pleaded. I sighed, patting his back. "Fine but only for this time!" I laid back on the chair staring at the deep blue sky.

"So are you going to participate in the arena next week?" Warren said in a weary voice like he didn't want me to do it.

"Dunno depends on my mood next week".

Warren looks at me with a worried face and I could see that he wanted a serious answer this time.

But seeing him like this felt uncomfortable so I just laughed it out as always. "Is Mr. Hollow overprotective again?" I chuckle. "What are you talking about! I'm not overprotective who said I was!?" His face turned bright red like a tomato and laughter escaped from my lips. "Ok ok i'm sorry! I wont say that again I promise you".

We both laughed finishing our bread and getting back to training.

I walked to the training ground pulling out a sword that had been kept well for some time. Most of the swords were old or either rusted because neither of the nations would give us iron or any type of metal to use for swords.

But Warren's dad was a blacksmith and his wife is an elf so she would send them some metal every month to use.

It must be nice having an elf as a step-mother.

I don't have a mother myself so it's hard to think what it would be like.

Everyone says my mother is dead but I know it's not true because there is no evidence to show her death.

But it didn't matter now. I started stretching my arms and legs ready to show my fighting skills to Warren.

Last time he won because of sheer luck but this time i'm going to win for sure since I practiced hard and well.

He was on the other side of the arena showing off to the girls his skills but to see him like this every morning was irritating. "Warren, shouldn't you be exercising rather than showing off?" I stared right at him while the girls were laughing to themselves.

"What I am exercising unless you're a little jealous..?" He nudges me with his shoulder over and over again like a never ending cycle.

"Me jealous? I think your imagination is too wild these days" I speak in a low tone like his father does.

"Are you asking for a dual young lady?".

"Maybe I am why are you asking? Unless you know that you're going to lose".

Everyone in the arena stares at us with their eyes fixated on the drama. We both chuckle and walk to the centre of the arena pointing our swords at each other.

"Really again!? It's the morning, can you guys cut it out? I'm tired as hell!" Helio, our favourite gunsman wasn't the happy type of person.

He didn't like our jokes and he would normally scold us afterwards as the "King's general army commander" .

Helio is different from everyone.

He was born with magic on the human nation so when everyone heard about the news my father the king thought about using him to build up his army.

"Sorry Helio but today is the day I take back my victory!" I shout across the arena.

"Are you sure you're gonna win because I remember the last time I beated you fair and square" He gestures with his sword like he was mimicking my sword style.

"Oh really?" In a flash I lunge towards him, clashing our swords together. Our movements were on time but I was way ahead of him.

I darted across the arena distracting him for a close minute but he could tell what I was going to do so he jumped right at me throwing his sword and body but at that very second I used my steel sword to deflect his one.

Except his body was stronger and pushing his sword to knock mine out was a good call.

I was nearly defeated when I did a roundhouse kick giving him a surprise.

He fell to the ground full of dirt on his clothes and face but that wasn't enough to stop him.

"Well done Marrisa you sure indeed got stronger huh? Im impressed but not impressed enough" His voice was harsh like he was already out of breath but I was just getting started.

He pounced at me kicking me from left to right but I dodged his attacks with my own leg feeling the ground beneath me crumble. All of a sudden Warren ran behind me using his special technique, the flying kick to my back making me drop to the ground.

My back already started to ache.

I needed to get back up but his technique was useful and very effective.

I then used my sword as an object to pull myself up again, feeling the cold breeze brush against my red cheek. I could hear the birds tweeting their songs while the leaves fell gently to the ground.

Warren was walking towards me with his sword at one hand ready to attack me.

"You made the biggest mistake of your life Warren…" I say in a tender voice, amusing myself. "What are you talking abo-" Before he could finish his sentence I shot myself towards him throwing his sword in the air using mine to point at his neck and his sword then landed on the ground away from him.

Thankfully I locked him in his place and he has nowhere to go.

The place was quiet.

Everyone was in shock not saying a single word out of their mouth not even a single breath. I wondered what his reaction would be. Anger, sadness or hatred. "Well done Marissa you really surprised me with that one. Didn't know you had it hidden up your sleeve" He laughed, smiling at me even though I had just defeated him in a duel.

"Again!? Cant you be angry at me for once!" I pouted to myself, throwing my sword to the ground.

Warren walked up to me messing up my hair with a grin plastering his face. "How can I be angry at my own best friend?" He says in a cheerful voice.

Sometimes I wonder if he will ever change.

Everyone was back to normal and we all continued our training even though my back was sore.

After a couple of hours my whole body was filled with sweat from top to toe. The heat was boiling my skin and it felt like my fingers were about to fall right off. My breathing was heavy and my legs were tight.

Most of the arena is filled with ruins from the battle years ago and father didn't think about renovating it.

Sadly we can only use what we have left from this broken nation. My hands were gripping the sword, waving it around near the training dummy, locating its heart. My training was fairly easy but Helio was lucky enough to be able to move to different nations as he pleases.

As I was training Helio walked up to me throwing a package on the ground.

"This is for you, don't open it until tomorrow night" He said in a cold voice. But Helio was like a friend to me so it's easy talking to him about sword fighting techniques or royal stuff I needed to know.

"Thanks Helio!" But before he could leave I grabbed onto his shirt quickly realising what I did and letting go.

"Is there something you need, princess?" He didn't want to sound strict so he lowered his voice making me feel more comfortable.

"Oh yes I just wanted to know if father will be attending the parade like he promised" I blurted out wanting to know the truth. Father always lies to me but this time he has to come. I checked his calendar and he is free tomorrow night. No matter what he does he must attend it this time.

"Sorry your majesty but your father is busy with papers and food shipping tonight".

My face turned blank and regret overwhelmed me. I should've kept my mouth shut so I wouldn't hear the pain of my own father turning me down again. But hope was still there for next time if next time really does happen.

"My lady if you would like I could go with you instead?" He puts a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Really!? Aren't you busy as well…?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"No it's alright I already finished all my paperwork so don't you worry princess" He gives me a wink though his other eye was fully blind with a scar covering his pale face. The only people who fully accepted me were Helio and Warren.

As a princess my duty is to serve the king.

And never to fight on the battlefield but I didn't want that.

I want to be a powerful queen who can rule all nations so no one can live in pain and sorrow again. I looked at Helio giving him a pleasant smile. "Thank you general for understanding me" I gave a light bow picking up the package from the ground.

It was old and wrapped up in newspapers that were dated after the war.

It didn't look that special so I put it in my coat pocket and zipped away from the hot air breeze. I took deep breaths checking the time. It was already time for lunch and I forgot to bring a snack for myself so the only thing to do was go to Lorens tavern.

When I turned around Helio had already disappeared which sometimes scared and confused me.

I went over to Warren seeing him patching up his scars and bruises with fresh bandages from the first aid kit in the storage room. I never thought the duel between us would be that harsh.

"Oh Marissa, is there something you need?" He gave a little wave. "Kinda I was just asking if you wanted to go to Lorens tavern since I forgot to bring myself a snack" I suggested trying not to make myself look so little towards him.

"Of course I want to go! I'm starving like hell!".

I look at him raising an eyebrow staring down at his pocket.

"What is that in your pocket?" I ask thoroughly.

"Oh it's nothing, just some junk I forgot to throw out..!".

"If you say so" I start walking out of the gate hearing my high heeled boots click on the stone floor. Warren was behind me whistling a tune he has been singing everyday ever since we first met. It was a soft and calm tune that was great for scary journeys.

As we were walking I could see rabbits hopping away with their family and the leaves crunching when I stepped on them. The warm atmosphere was relaxing like having a nice bath. My hair moving side to side and my body leading itself back into the village.

I wondered to myself what Warren always thinks about in that nutty brain of his. It's either about cooking something for dinner or what he is going to do next. Having a best friend like him is the best thing anyone could have I mean yea he can be annoying at times but he is super fun to be around with.

"Is something on your mind?" He asked cautiously.

"Uh well not really" I scratch my head thinking of something else to say.

"Common you don't have to keep it a secret from me!".

I looked at him with an uneasy face wondering if I should tell him or not. There are many things I would want to tell him but keeping them a secret would not only protect the kingdom but myself.

"I was just thinking about what to get for lunch, maybe steamed buns or even jelly fruit sugar!".

But there wasn't a single voice heard from him. He just stared at me troubled or even anxious. Was he feeling alright or was there something he wanted?

"Why…" Is what I only heard from his mouth.

"Why do you have to keep eating sugary stuff you know you can get diabetes!" He started tackling me while I tried to break out for freedom.

"Warren I can't breath you idiot!" I try to gasp for air.

He quickly lets go, apologising to me not knowing his own strength.

"Don't worry my body is immune to any poison!".

Warren sighed feeling exhausted.

"Marissa diabetes isn't a poison". I turned around chuckling in a heavy breath. "I know!" I shout out loud embarrassed by what I just said. I guess my short term memory loss really did kick in.

As a person who sold their life for some kind of ghostly shadow you always have to pay the price. It may be to lose your soul or even a part of your body but why share a memory seems kind of weird to me.

I try to collect my thoughts again, slapping my palms on my face.

"You really do seem hungry dont you?" He laughed silently.

"Well of course why else did I ask you to come to the tavern with me".

"Probably to take me out on a secret date?" He grins from ear to ear poking my back a couple of times waiting for another answer.

"Who said it was a date! Your silly tricks don't work on me Warren so try what you like, I'm all steel!" I walk at a faster pace trying to outrun him. But he was faster and kept walking by my side as nothing was going on. Before I could knock him into a coma we heard a commotion nearby.

People were arguing and screaming from the top of their lungs. We were both concerned so we rushed to the scene seeing the owner of lorens tavern arguing with their husband again. Thankfully it wasn't too serious like the rumours had spread about knights coming and taking double the amount of their taxes on early dates.

It was hard to believe but our nation was already crumbling to bits by the second.

"Lenord how many times do I have to tell you we are not selling the tavern!" Her voice was already high pitched and her face was paler than snow itself. She threw a table cloth on the ground pointing her finger at Julia, the owner's daughter.

Her life is already set out as the owner of the tavern and her marriage as well. No matter what happens she is living under the roof of many noblemen who came to the tavern some days or even from many journeys.

"Do you think we should butt in?" Warren leans close to my ear feeling the heat of his breath brush against my neck.

"How am I supposed to know!?" I say in a hushed voice, trying to shut him up.

That's when Julia popped up from behind us signaling us to be quiet and follow her. We tiptoed behind the back of the tavern letting Julia open the door for us. We all sighed in relief taking a seat at one of the tables.

"Thanks for helping us Julia!" Warren said.

"No problem! You guys seemed to be in a rush so I helped you out, that's all!" Julia was a kind and generous girl with ginger hair that was made into plates. Her family had freckles for generations but Julia is the first person to not have any in her family.

"So you guys wanna order anything?" She took a pen out of her hair and a notepad from her pocket.

"Hmm I would like the heated sausages added with hashbrowns and some crab topped off with a sunny side up…..Oh! And don't forget the chilli powder and dried fish" Warren had a smile plastered on his face while me and Julia stared at him with a shocked expression wondering if he was joking or not.

"Warren are you sure you don't come from a family full of whales or even pigs…." I say praying for his life.

But Julia kept chuckling to herself while Warren tried to reason with me.

"Please a family of pigs, I'm just eating food like a normal person" His beady eyes looked straight at me but his reason was just an excuse to use my wallet like always. But his eyes were already lingering on me.

"Of course Warren, I understand everything so today I'll let you order this combination of food as a treat!" My face was relaxed but my voice was sweet. Both Warren and Julia looked at me confused wondering if I was drunk.

"Marrisa are you sure? I mean, wouldn't you prefer getting Warren something else the price is well very high…?" She looked through her notebook scanning everything but my plan was already in shape. All I had to do was agree on everything and luck will work itself out.

"It's alright my best friend Warren here deserves a treat" Warren looked at me with his puppy eyes in happiness. I kinda felt bad for him but it was already payback for what he did every time we went to eat.

"Ok I guess. What do you want Marrisa?" Julia said.

"Hmm I'll like the grilled partridge with dour dragon fruit sauce and rose petal tea please" I give the menu back to Julia while I look around the tavern for any familiar faces.

Julia smiled and walked to the back of the tavern.

I wondered why the tavern was packed with people today. Monday would never be a packed day because of merchants coming to the market and yesterday was already the barbecue night.

I could tell even Warren was confused himself.