
War is a game of chess

From world to world each nation went their own ways after the war. Their arch nemesis “The Rose” was finally defeated but soon after something happened between the nations and they went their own ways. But now the Rose has awakened and Morrisa, a traveller, will use the Rose to take the throne and find her mother who was kidnaped years ago. She will go on a journey to learn dark magic and meet new allies and friends with vampires, angels, monsters and many more beings but the war years ago had a secret to it and the kingdoms are keeping a dark secret that could be the end of everyone so she must become stronger and battle her way in a game of chess. Romance, love triangles and true love may be her only hope but her heart could go wrong and one man may betray her. A villain being resurrected from the dead may wipe out the every nation but Marissa will find the soul stones of each nation and bring them together to fight the monster that will have an impact in her past and future.

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 10

"Do not be alarmed, your majesty! I am here to give my blessings that's all" I looked to see a tall figure of a man standing silently on the other side never letting there eyes go away from us. He was wearing a white and gold general uniform with a royal cloak that I have never seen before. He couldn't have been a royal? I scanned him to see a crest of two white doves crossing together. I have never seen such a crest in any of my fathers studies.

But we still don't know if he is our enemy or not. We can't make assumptions and having another royal by our side can give us the advantage of winning.

As I was about to step towards him Seth stopped me right at my tracks holding his arm out like he was giving a signal for me not to move. I was stunned at why he did it but seeing his face was different than all the times we have been together.

"Seth what is wrong?" I tried to get a better look from him but he didn't want me to see him like this. Did they know each other?

"Please do not worry! I am here just to ask for a negotiation. That's all to it" His smile was too creepy for my liking. It was as if he had some kind of motive for it and I didnt like it at all.

"What kind of negotiation?" Warren didn't seem to be scared of him and he even took more steps than he was supposed to. "It's simple really. But it's rude of me to not introduce myself" His golden like hair and green eyes shimmer at night like a deadly serpent.

"My name is Duke Raphael but my enemies call me Shadow Man. To be honest I hate that name. Stupid Lord Gavril thought this was a good code name but really I sound like a middle aged creep who stalks teenage girls" His voice was high and slightly posh.

He sounded very formal even in a place like this but what he said interested me more. Who was lord Gavril?

I heard it somewhere but I couldn't quite put it to the point. I looked to Seth again wondering if he knew something but he just ignored my stare and looked away from everyone. I wanted to reach out for him but it wasn't the time or place.

"Please you sound like a dying chicken whenever you talk or maybe you're actually a woman" Waren shrugged his shoulders. I couldn't believe he actually said that! I wanted to slap him right across the face but Duke Raphael interrupted me.

"Such ludicrous words! I say young man, haven't you ever been taught manners? I mean you are a commoner but being jealous of a fine man like myself isn't good you know".

Seth didn't like where this was going and went straight to the point. "Why are you here? Don't you have better places to be right now".

"Well yes but Lady Khalida insisted that I take all of you down!" He chuckled in a high tone of voice.

"Why! What did we do to upset your lady?" I asked in a husky voice.

"Oh foolish princess! Your father is indebted to our lady. If your runt of a father didn't disrespect her she wouldn't have tried to kill him!" He laughs as our faces are blank with confusion.

Those names were nothing but jokes to me. "Who the hell do you think you are!?" Warren shouted across the village. "Hey shitbag. You better shut up so I can do the explaining" Seth was grumbling the words as he turned his head slightly to him. Warren was dumbfounded and agreed to stay quiet for now.

"These people aren't your friends. There dirty players who want to take over all the nations. There is no evidence for their betrayal but everyone knows they are too dangerous to be around with, especially if you get them mad" Seth explained.

I never heard of such people but what he said made me realise that they definitely aren't on our side.

"Young prince please do not say such things about us. I understand your anger but-".

"HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU UNDERSTAND MY ANGER!?!" Seth's voice had changed. It was as if someone else was saying it. Croaky, dark and evil low sound escaped from his lips. We were all shocked by it yet we didn't say a single word. "I see you haven't controlled that anger of yours. Such a pain really" Raphael was not smiling anymore.

He looked more annoyed than pleased which I knew wasn't a good sign.

"What has my father done to upset that so called lady of yours?" I demanded. I tried to show no emotion in my movements but my body had a mind of its own.

"Your father tried to murder our ladies child and not only that. He banished her from the kingdom and took everything she had ever loved".

"Because of your father she has suffered so much just to protect us! That is why we planned and waited for so long until we found out about your little friend my princess" His voice was deeper and sinister. He was filled with rage but his movements and expressions were only filled with a smile on his face.

"How did you find out…" I took three steps forward. Taking in five whole breaths and counting the ten signs of danger.

"Oh please! You know exactly how". His answer wasn't enough to answer my question but it was true that I was never careful enough. I was childish and only thought of the world of happiness. Just maybe, just maybe. It was their plan from the beginning to watch me every day like a lion in a circus.

I was too naive. I was just thinking of the happy side to life and never through the dark road ahead.

"Then fight me" I say. "Fight you? I am only here for your father so I advise you to step out of the way young princess" He laughs menacingly as I grit my teeth.

"We don't care who you want to kill! But every life is precious so if you want to kill the king you will have to go through us!" Waren stood beside me giving a reassuring look. I was thankful that I wasn't fighting alone but we still didn't know how this person fights in battle.

We never fought them before and they could be powerful for all I know. "Well your majesty if you insist then I must oblige". The fight has already begun and I hope it will end before anyone comes out of hiding.

We waited to see who would strike first. But I knew that if we did maybe just maybe he could be able to block it. His speed and defence system are all unknown. I wanted to give a signal for us to wait but Warren jumped to the scene, giving the first attack. His sword pointed at the ready as he charged at Lord Raphael.

The sword was already close to him so he couldn't dodge even if he tried to! The suspense was creeping up my bones. What happened next was unexpected. The sword should have already slashed him.

But Lord Raphael too fast and without even blinking he moved in a flash grabbing Warren's arm twisting not only his arm but his body with him as well smashing to the ground shaking the earth.

Me and Seth were astonished and were frozen to the ground. I had to do something, anything to distract him so Warren could get back up again. I closed my eyes and recited the words louder and angrier. "For the power of darkness I summon you Lilith!".

Three seconds went by and nothing came. Was she tired? Where did she go?

I waited begging for her to come out.

"Your majesty, you really are embarrassing yourself!" Raphael stands there squeezing Warren's arm as he cries out in pain. "Embarrassing? Maybe you should have some patience and wait for a lady to get ready!" Lilith appears as a dark aura that surrounds the place.

Black smoke wisped in the winds as particles of wavy dust spread like a disease. I was ready than ever. I forgot what it was like using black magic. My body was weak and frail so I couldn't master it properly. The last time I had used it I ended up in a coma for 3 months.

I knew that I shouldn't be fighting but even if I had to stay in a coma for a couple of months it would save me time to endure what is happening.

"This is quite astonishing! What is this beauty I have just encountered?" Lord Raphael crept closer, eyes wide as an owl gleaming in the moonlight.

His golden mystic hair was neatly cut and his face was handsome indeed. Not like us humans that couldn't possess a beauty like theres.

"Maybe if you werent trying to murder us then I would have shown you" I grumbled those words slowly and deadly.

I couldn't leave time anymore. It was only moments away that Warren could be more badly injured than before. I lunged towards him while summoning for a sword. As it appeared in my hand the next second a sway of my sword slashed a piece of his cloak but he was too fast for me to reach to as he moved back avoiding my sword.

I threw my sword in the air quickly grabbing the small gun from my chest that I kept hidden for emergencies, aiming for his head as he was still moving back as if the world was in slo mo for me.

As I pulled the trigger the bullet shot from its place looking for its next target. A surprise plastered my face as Raphael grinned wickedly. Something wasn't right.

I couldn't move, my body was still trying to attack him. Warren immediately got back up and grabbed my body leaping back to where Seth was.

"Are you alright Marrisa?" Warren said in a worried tone of voice.

"I'm alright thank you. There is no need for you to be worried about me" I try to act calm but my insides were shaking in fear. If Warren didn't grab me in time for us to pull away I would have already been dead.

I was underestimating this man's strength. Just when Warren pulled me away Raphael pulled out a sword that had been hiding under his cloak for a long time.

I wondered how he was able to hide it so well.

"Don't worry Marrisa, I'll end him before he can even think about attacking again" Seth didn't hesitate to move forward.

He grabbed a dagger from his boot and pounced like a lion slashing his daggers in many forms, left to right, over and over again.

Warren and I could not believe what we had seen and I could tell Seth was an expert at fighting than us who were just beginners.

But she couldn't keep going on like this forever. I had to think of something fast! Seth was dodging Raphael's sword over and over again until he got sick of it. The sound of swords and daggers clashing was like a rhythm in a musical orchestra.

They both never backed down and continued the fight as their steps were hard and uneven.

I took my breaths and joined the fight as I fought from behind Raphael, leaving him to fight both of us at unequal times.

I moved my body like a snake looking for the blind spots where he could not block. Me and Seth had to learn his weaknesses and how his body was able to be as elegant yet dangerous at the same time.

The sounds of swords clashing were louder and faster than the eye could see.

I couldn't even tell if I was moving or not. All I knew was that this was a die or survive situation.

The flash of power surging through the swords erupted and the ground shook beneath us like an earthquake. Each slash was more powerful than the last and the smirk that grew on Raphael's face had not faded. How could he feel so calm about it? Was there something he was trying to signal?

Before I clashed my sword something had hit me. Was there something even bigger going on? I looked at the ground to see the unusual shaking it had made. Only something like this would have to do with something more dangerous.

"SETH MOVE BACK THERE IS SOMETHING BENEATH THE GROUND!" I shouted furiously as he managed to pounce back. Once we were all located to a safe area something had erupted from the surface. Tentacles red as blood had pierced the ground. It was so sharp that cutting a body would be as easy as stealing. Warren was bewildered by the sight of what might have been our end.

Whoever Raphael truly was. He was indeed full of surprises that could kill us at any moment.

"That is indeed quite impressive. Not many have survived my death strings" His laugh grew more hideous than the last. He was enjoying every second of this moment. "Shut up you crazy bitch!" Warren was trying his best not to lash out on him. He knew he wouldn't survive for a second.

"Warren stay back. It is not safe" I protested but he looked at me in disgust. "Don't tell me what to do. I know who I am up against" He then sprinted towards Raphael, clashing swords with him.

Warren was the best swordsmen I had ever known and will always be. He was able to predict many of Raphael's moves which angered him very much. Seth on the other hand was shocked and stunned when looking at Warren.

I thought I had catched a glimpse of him nearly smiling.

Yet it had not ended very well. Raphael grabbed a hold of Warren's shirt and threw him from behind as if he was a bag of trash.

"Stay here Marrisa I will do something about him" Seth explained but before I could reason with him he dashed towards the enemy.

But a sudden urge of magic flowed through the atmosphere.

Raphael had used his magic to hold Seth in the air blocking him from breathing. It was unexpected and indeed not fair but this was not a match it was a real fight. "Now, now. I think the poor prince forgot where he really came from" And in a blink of an eye he tossed Seth aside as he gasped for breath.

I was the only one left standing and the one who may even die today. "It seems you and I are the only ones left in this battle mi amor" His smile was gone and only frustration was expressed. "Seems to me like you are the one that is about to die". "Oh please mi amor! You should be happy I even left you standing! I mean you are just the useless freak of a princess" His words cut me like a knife, leaving me holding my tears in.

"I will make you regret saying that" I said angrily. "But why? I indeed have something that may interest you". "What could you have that would interest me?" What he said was out of the blue and way suspicious for a man like him to say.

"What if I said that I knew a place where a freak like you could belong. A place where all your worries can go away and where you can see your precious mother again" His voice was smoother this time as if he felt confident in what he thought.

I thought for a moment.

If what he said was true I could see my mother again. I wouldn't worry about my power and even give up on even trying. A place with no worries for a princess like me.

Flashes of light bursted in my eyes and I rubbed my eyes before it could blind me any further.

My answer was already in my mind and I knew it very well.

"Sorry, but I don't think a petty offer like that could even make me think again" I was the one that now smiled greedily. "Well then that is a shame really. I guess I will have to kill you first then your friends" Before he finished his sentence he was right in front of me as if he had teleported.

I was shell-shocked to see him standing right infront of me but then he threw a punch at my jaw sending me to the ground.

He then threw many punches from multiple sides leaving me to have bruises all over my face. I couldn't even think straight and he was too fast for me to see. I was then on the ground injured and that I may have even broken a rib. I tried to stand up but it was no use, I was too injured to even get up.

"Common Marrisa, get up!" The voice of Lilith fluttered in my mind. "Don't let him kill you! I know you're more powerful than him, all you have to do is summon the power" She said repeatedly until the words were stuck in my head. "Oh poor girl. Couldn't even touch me once" Another laugh erupted from his mouth. The memories of my mother filled my brain. The day she gave birth to me, the days when she played with and laughed and the days when she sat there to comfort me from all my sadness and worries. She was my only hero but she wasnt there to save me now. Tears flowed in my eyes and the pain of losing her was too much for me.

Everyone had told me she was dead.

Told me to forget about her and move on. But I never could.

She was my only comfort. And I lost what was truly meant to me. Was there even a point of even trying anymore. Why don't I just let Raphael kill me and be done with it.

That's when I felt the touch of my mother on my cheek as I was laying down on the floor.

Her touch soothed my pain as she gently touched my hair as if she was still here.

"Don't ever give up Marrisa. I know how hard it is but nothing comes free in this world. You need to conquer those who try to hurt the people you love and only letting go will you lose everything. That is why I want you to fight, fight until you have broken every bone in your body and that your heart stops beating" Her voice was calm like the wind and gentle as the ocean.

"But why try when I can finally end all that suffering?" I said softly.

"Because even when you're gone the regret of your choices will always be clung onto you. Your friends, family and loved ones will end up being the most hurt of all, making you the one to regret what you have done for the rest of your life".

I smiled at her looking at her majestic eyes that shimmered in the night sky.

"Thank you" I said before her figure slowly drifted away from my dreams.

A beat of magic flowed through my body. I could sense every part of my body tingling and how I felt lighter than usual. I let the magic course through me to enter my body to control everything I have. I wasn't myself any more. I was floating in the air as my eyes turned dark black. Wings of darkness grew in my back and magic was seen in the atmosphere as if you could really touch it. I was something different.

The expression on Raphael changed and a frightened expression stood there not moving a bit. As a horn grew from my head bigger than a branch on a tree. The last thing I saw before I collapsed was Seth's face. Amazed in awe by my presence as if he had seen a totally new person. Then everything had turned black.