
War Guard

The second dual book mage in history, an outcast. Wielding the book of wrath comes with great power but at a price. Rage is his enemy, yet his greatest strength... P.S.: This is my first book so please bear with me through the grammatical errors and rough beginning, I promise to get better and the story gets better. Thanks

Alec_Blaq · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

"The book of swords has three sections BASIC WEAPONS, BATTLE BLADES, and FIELD EFFECT WEAPONS, it has three modes, NORMAL MODE, DEFENSE MODE, and WAR MODE. The normal mode and defense mode are within your ability to control my book, the war mode needs special privileges from my analysis. I'm only going to teach you how to summon and defend, that is the normal mode and battle mode. You will need to materialize the book and try to memorize some if not all of the chants if you are going to be able to summon them without chanting", Strig explained.

It was a weekend and the sun was just starting to peek in from the mountains on the horizon, the training ground at the mansion was quite big, but I never really noticed since I was never left alone here before.

A smile was on my face throughout Strig's explanations of the sections of the book of swords and its modes, Rickhel never really thought me much just how to say chants properly and how to memorize them effectively. Since I got the book the only significant thing, I learned was how to summon a katana and I couldn't even use it because of the power it had and its weight. I was looking forward to learning something new.

"Okay first things first, to summon your swords without chanting out loud it's simple, have a clear picture of the sword you want to summon and will it into existence".

"You say like it's easy", I replied.

"That's because it is", he said

"Try it with the little dagger, it should be easier because you've seen it before and you've touched it, all you have to do is get the image in your head and will it into reality without saying a word of course".

"Okay", I replied.

'Little Dagger Little Dagger', I felt all its edges, its parts, and sharpness in my mind.

Gathered all the thoughts about its features and then pushed them out, it was almost like the knowledge was carved into my brain and all I had to do was remember.

"Open your eyes", Strig said.

I hadn't realized that my focus made me lock my eyes shut. I opened them and I could see that the dagger was floating right in front of my face.

"Good, now focus on keeping the dagger suspended in the air. It doesn't take much focus to do". He urged.

I didn't respond, I just kept my focus on the dagger and on imagining that there is a field around it making it float like you said it was like a sixth sense, I wonder why I'm catching on so fast.

"Once you get the hang of levitating a blade, the weight doesn't matter. You are getting the hang of it quick, I like that".

"I have shown you how to summon without a chant, now I will need you to explore the rest of the blades in the normal section of the book, after you have mastered summoning blades in the normal section easily then, we can move to the battle mode. I'm going to have to take a rest, it's my soul power you're using", He instructed and I could hear his heavy breaths.

"I forgot about that, I unsummon it now. But I thought the little dagger didn't take much from you, how come?", I asked.

"I've been stretching my energy to cover your mind, I want to try to keep it from being taken over by wrath, I don't know if I can though, you have to find the name of that beast or power or whatever it is, if not you won't have much free will when it loses patience or you rage out again", He replied.

"You can do that? But I never asked you to", I said.

"Look I know I can't protect your mind from wrath, but I need to try my best so that you can keep your promise and carry out the deal we made"

"You don't have to worry, I will ask Rickhel some questions when I see him tomorrow, thank goodness tomorrow is Sunday. So is there any other thing I can do with these blades or swords?"

"You have to be creative on that part, think of what you want them to do and try using them to do it. And one more hint, there is a library in this freaking house, try to read a book or two I'm dead and even I know that it will contain books that are useful to book mages".

After that, he went silent.

What other book could I need outside of this one, I walked toward the stairs to climb back up because the training space was lower than the mansion grounds, I sat on one of the steps then materialized the book, and on the third page which I didn't see before, I saw it boldly written "PAGES OF NORMAL BLADES". Grait did quite some work hear in arranging these books if this was how all the books were arranged.

In the normal section of the book, ten pages held everything I could summon in the normal mode, a little dagger, kitchen knife, throwing stars, hunting knife, boomerang, kunai, and glass shards.

I flipped and flipped since the chants were not necessary I just took a good look at the images of what I could summon.

BATTLE MODE PAGES read the next page I flipped to, in the first page was a katana which I tried to summon before, it worked but it was not as light as it looked Rickhel didn't know why it was heavy either. The next page was for a long sword, next was a double sword, next a spear, a battle axe, chain kunai, blade gauntlets, giant throwing star, double-edged blade, scythe...I snapped the book shut, what's the point of seeing it all at once?

I walked back to the center of their training area and continue my practice, I didn't need to worry about anybody's interruption nobody else was around after all, compliment the busy people I live with.