
War Guard

The second dual book mage in history, an outcast. Wielding the book of wrath comes with great power but at a price. Rage is his enemy, yet his greatest strength... P.S.: This is my first book so please bear with me through the grammatical errors and rough beginning, I promise to get better and the story gets better. Thanks

Alec_Blaq · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

'Don't let the rage win', I kept repeating.

The training field was filled with students from different departments. Huge platforms were placed around the field, and at the side of each platform were logos just like the one on my jacket.

I walked towards where I saw students with similar jackets like mine, I stooped just behind them, keeping my distance. The instructor climbed on the platform and started addressing the class.

"Okay, students these are the rules of training.

One, never attack an opponent above the shoulder.

Two, do not use melee attacks on your opponent

Three, do not injure your opponent.

Now the students going first are Recci and Eneo, please the both of you should climb onto the platform and remember to do as I say", the trainer said as she step down from the platform.

They both did as they were told and moved up to the platform and stood on either side facing each other.

"I hope you all wield the book of curses?", the trainer asked.

"Yeah we all are except for Casto", Eneo answered from the platform and his hands were pointing straight in my direction the look in his eyes I couldn't put my finger on it but u were trying to understand he was practically trying to say that I wasn't one of them.

When I thought I was becoming part of something. They were the outcasts of the school but I was an outcast with them or so I thought. How many of them felt that way?

The trainer looked at me and then shot a glare at Eneo, which made him look away and shove his hands in his pocket.

"Okay so I'm going to show you all how to cast magic as curse mages, and don't worry Casto it also applies to other books too", She said turning to give me a brief look.

"From your theoretical classes, I believe you have been shown how to materialize your magic without saying a chant, so the both of you summon your magic".

They both did as they were told and stretched their hands out, ball of colors rose from each of their palms, they were a combination of colors, in Recci's I could see purple, pink, white, black, and blue, and in Eneo's their was black, green, and red.

"Can someone tell me why there are different colors in their balls of curse energy?", The trainer asked.

"It's because there are different forms of curse energy which is why they don't have the same colors", a female student standing at the side of the trainer answered.

How come I hadn't noticed her before, and she's in my class, I don't think I can see that kind of beauty and not remember.

"Good, your answer was correct", the trainer agreed.

"What I want you to do is to filter out every other curse energy and focus on just one, look at the colors in your ball of energy and focus on one and let the others fade away", She instructed.

They both closed their eyes to focus.

Recci's ball changed from purple to pink and from pink to black then black again, and it settled back at pink, while Eneo's settled at red but still had a touch of black in it.

"Perfect, Recci good job, Eneo you did well just a bit more practice".

"Now Recci I want you to send a ball toward Eneo, and Eneo I want you to deflect it by sending your ball toward hers". She instructed.


Recci sent her pink ball flying straight at Eneo, and he tried to send his ball at the projectile but it was like it was stuck in his hands so he eventually dived out of the way. Everybody laughed, I could even see a hint of a smile on the trainer's face.


Recci sent another one, this one was a bit slower than the first one, and Eneo reacted on time probably figuring out his first mistake, he sent his ball flying and countered it.

"Excellent, now both of you get down from the platform you have done well", the trainer said walking over to my side from where she was standing.

"You can take the rest of the time for this class to yourself, you've already learned the essential things I taught, go practice them, I will schedule another time for a personal train session", She suggested.

She didn't know how happy it made me as she said that, here I was thinking of how I could hurt someone if I lost control.

I gave her a nod in agreement and walked away.

"Okay next set, Freo and Gant", I heard the trainer say.

The rest of the day was quite underwhelming, the fact that nothing happen was the best result I could hope for today anyway. I still had to meet up with Rhyo and Ekho for our daily punishment. I was there even before the both of them, I looked inside the cafeteria, and like always it was a mess. I started my cleaning and picked up all the trash, I still didn't want to talk with anyone that could potentially cause me to get annoyed.

When the both of them got to the cafeteria I was already done cleaning more than half of the place, so Ekho told me to go home.

I got to the mansion door and I paused for a minute, I could hear Rickhel and Axy's voices they were having fun, I think they were playing a board game it something. I walked away from the door toward the gazebo at the far corner of the mansion grounds.

"Hey Strig?", I called.


"Do you think you can teach me how to summon a sword without chanting, you never told me how to do it I feel like everybody is the way ahead of me in everything concerning magic, and I don't want to keep thinking of what could happen if I get angry I need to move forward", I said.

"Okay I will teach you but I think it's high time I reminded you of our deal", He replied.

A sudden chill washed over my whole body. I had forgotten that I made that deal. It felt like another boulder was dropped on me.