
War for Dominance

A young man suddenly awakens 2000 years in the future to a world much different from the one he remembered, the peaceful world he once knew is long gone. What exists now is ruine, a world plague by war. Ancient beings known only as The Brethren have invaded the earth in an attempt to concur it.

Blood_Empire · Action
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Daniel woke up in a shock, sweating dripping down his forehead. He had just experienced a truly strange dream. In his dream he witnessed a strange and horrific creature chasing two people. One of them chose to stay back and confront the creature only to end up as a headless corpse.

"Well that could be an interesting idea for a game."

Daniel was a game programmer that worked on many games ranging from sci-fi to fantasy.

It was at that moment Daniel finaly realised something wasn't right. He lifted his head and looked at his surroundings. The room he woke up in was dark with not much light. The only form of light that existed was the one eminating from the window that was located at the end of the room. It was not enough to illuminate the entire room but enough to make out the rooms details.

The room was dark gray in colour with a slight matalic feature to it.

He slowly got of the bed and walked towards the window which brought the only source of light to the room. As he approached the window a sudden burst of intense light blinded his sight.

"Damn" He brought his lifted hands in an itempt to block the intense light. He tried to take a peak but his eyes simply could not handle the intensity of the light it felt like starting directly at the sun. He waited for a while before the light suddenly dimmed then simple disappeared. It took a while for his eyes to reagust to the bizzar light fluctuation.

When Daniel felt he was able to see again his eyes opened and he put his hands down, but when that happened he was shocked by the view that layed before him.

"What the he'll is this?"

The shocking view that layed in front was an infinite empty mass of darkness that had no end. Only things that filled this dark mass were small specs of light. They seemed to be what looked like stars.

"Those are definitely stars, is this outer space. I'm I in outer space?...No...no t-that's not possible." He said as he took a few steps back in utter shock. His brain was working at full throttle trying to figure out just what the hell was going on.

Daniel slowly walked back to the bed he awoke, in fear that he may collapse due to shock he just experienced. When he made it back to the bed collapsed on it. "Okay Danny just calm down and think very carefully" he took a few deep breaths inorder to calm himself down "What is the last thing I remember doing."

As he sat down his mind started to go over his recent memories. "The Iast thing I remember doing was leaving work and getting onto the 21:30 train from work to home. When I got off the train, I immediately left the station and went to a convenience store to pick up some food then simply walked home." That was the same routine he always followed day after day.

Daniel was a game programmer that worked for one of China's biggest gaming companies, he had moved there after graduating from college. After graduating the very first thing he wanted to do was travel the world, he was a young and impulsive kid that sought adventure.

When he first arrived to the country of China he was overwhelmed by how different the culture was from his home. It did not take him long to get used to living there. In his second year living there he managed to get hired by one of the countries biggest gaming companies.

"Was I kidnapped by some secret force working for the government?"

He had thought that this must of been some kind of prank with the work of virtual reality, however after looking at the room once again and feeling of the bed beneath him he was sure this was all to real.

After thinking about the matter for a while he could only come up with three plosable reasons for waking up here. The first being he was kidnapped by some secret organization or branch serving under the government, the second is he was abducted by aliens; and finally the third one which he believed to be the most likely scenario he was having a server psychotic break.

"Oh well if I've gone crazy there's nothing I can do about It, but just in case I have not truly lost my mind I should make sure to check if those other two theories are actually false."

Daniel got off the bed and looked at every square inch of this room to see if he possibly missed something the first time. And indeed he did, there were two doors in this room one was on his right and the other on his left. The doors were a similar shade gray as the rest of the room, the only reason he was able to notice now was because his eyes had better adapted to the dark.

Daniel headed in the direction of the door to his right. As he got to the door he noticed a small panel on the wall next to it. He observed it trying to understand it before finally reaching out his to touch the object.

When his hand touched the panel there was a green light that emitted from it before the room illuminated by a bright white light that eminating from the ceiling above.

The light stung his is eyes for a second it was not as bright as the golden light from earlier but it still required him to close his eyes for the briefest of seconds.

He rubbed his eyes quickly before opening them again, the room he was in change from gray to pale white at first he thought it was a result of his eyes still adapting to the change in lighting but soon he dismissed that idea.