

Unknown Location, Japan

In a dimly lit room, two old men and single middle aged woman sat in silence. Their clothes were smart, the type you'd expect a lawyer to be wearing. The only thing separating them was the large round table in the middle.

First to break the silence was the Prime Minister, "You've all been briefed on the 'Dazaifu incident', as some are referring to it." He grimaced. "There's no doubting, this is one of our nations darkest times and we can not afford to look weaker then we already do." His voice was rough.

Taro slammed his large fist down in anger. Thousands of people had died in that incident, and for what? The now identified Igarashi Kenta still walked away a free man. He had taken everything they could dish out, and more. It was all pointless. He had utterly failed as the Minister Of Defence.

The only sign that Ito Ichika was affected by any of this was the small frown on the tip of lip. She didn't enjoy showing her emotions often, however this was too cruel. To kill thousands so heartlessly. All those people were either burnt alive or crushed to death, and Igarashi did not even spare them a second glance.

Furthermore, their scientists had informed them that the residue of Igarashi's flames after he'd reached a certain height had infected the city's soil somehow. A sort of radiation they said. It would make starting construction there impossible for the next three years, at least. They had ordered a perimeter to be set up around the deserted city for now.

Clenching her fist she spoke up, "We have to get ahead of this sir. We have to send a message to the public, something to buy us some time to deal with the fall out."

"What do you have in mind?" He asked.

Her answer was cut off by an agitated Taro, "We need to deploy more soldiers to deal with the Anti-Quirk rioters!" Ahh yes, Quirks. A word the United Nations had picked out themselves if Ichika remembered correctly.

In fact, his point had reminded her of something that had taken place recently, "Sir, there's recently been some news from Musutafu. I take you've heard about it?" She questioned.

The Prime Minister knew what she was talking about, "Not just Musutafu, but Hosu City and a few others in that region as well. A group of men and women with Quirks have taken to playing cops and robbers with these 'Villains'?" He sneered.

They were mere vigilantes in his opinion.

Ichika nodded, "They call themselves Heroes, and have mostly been successful in dealing with the Villains Sir." She didn't really know what to think of these Vigilantes. On one hand she felt only the appropriate authorities should take the law into their hands.

On the other, they just couldn't deal with this new threat alone. What could their guns do to that man with impenetrable skin? How could they stop the woman who flew through the air from escaping a crime scene? And this had been further proven by the Dazaifu incident, they were hilariously outgunned. It was laughable.

Yet, this was only the beginning. What about in ten years? twenty? How many Quirk users would there be then? A shiver went up her spine at the thought.

"I suggest we try to reach and cooperate with these Vigilantes Sir, it would be in our best interest."

The Prime Minister muddled through her words for a moment, "You're suggesting we sanction their action." It wasn't a question. "Make what they're doing legal, whilst also providing them with certain resources." He didn't like the idea, but did he really have a choice?

The only problem was getting in contact these Vigilantes. It's not as if they were a single entity which could be reached out to. Most were spread out across the country in small groups, and some entirely alone.

Suddenly, a foreign voice echoed. "I believe I can be of help."

With agility surprising for their age the trio instantly distanced themselves from the intruder. Reaching underneath the table they all pulled out a hand gun.

Taro opened his mouth to call for the guards, only to find his voice mute. He couldn't speak. The others swiftly noticed the same.

The Prime Minister never took his eyes of the stranger, a lanky man dressed in an expensive black suit. He looked to in his late twenties, early thirties, black chin-length hair and eyes that spoke of a darkness.

"Lets be civil shall we? I have a propsition for you Mr Prime Minister."

"My name is Shigiraki, please call me All For One."


Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

It took a while, but after the fight with the Military came to an end Kenta slowly started to revert to his original form. From Dragon, to man. His last few moments of flight managed to get him as far as Fukuoka City, a place known for its close proximity to the ocean, and booming fishing business.

Entrance being anything, but subtle, Kenta walked through the street entirely naked. His garms long since burnt away. He wasn't surprised to see Fukuoka with its own impressive batch of Anti-Quirk protesters, although with his stunt at Dazaifu the security had been bumped up a notch. This allowed for a few stores to function properly, without any harassment.

Slowly, a small crowd began to form around his naked form. Teetering a small distance away, it wasn't long until he was recognised and someone pointed out his identity. "That's the man on the news! The one responsible for the Dazaifu Incident!" A hysterical voice sounded from the crowd.

Just like that, the bystanders broke into hushed whispers and mutterings. All of a sudden, they all darted off in different directions, obviously terrified of the monster in front of them.

Kenta noticed a few men wanting to stay back and confront him, no doubt looking for an explanation for his actions. They were the old fashioned patriotic type. However, their wives and daughters clearly would not put up with such foolishness today, dragging them to safety.

Ignoring all this, the naked Kenta made his way into a large clothing store at the end of the street, not bothering to cover up in the slightest. Entering the building he was welcomed by the sight of three security guards blocking his path.

They reached for their holsters.

Kenta's eyes burned with a literal fire, the temperature around them rising slightly. A single glare was all it took for them to back off, not willing to die for their job.

Walking throughout the store, nobody dared to interrupt him, staff or otherwise. Even the police had arrived and were currently waiting outside.

Kenta picked out a pair of black jeans, a white tank top and some normal black shoes. Swiftly getting dressed, he didn't bother paying and exited the store, much to the relief of the workers.

Once outside he was welcomed to the sight of a large number of police vehicles, and other forms of law enforcement. A force that would make any mortal man halt. Once again ignoring the insects in his path, Kenta continued forward.

Nobody, not a single person stopped him. No shots fired. Nothing. Inwardly smirking he continued down the street. This is the power he had wanted, the ability to do whatever he wanted without immediate consequences. It was almost too good to be true.

"Igarashi Kenta? The Yakuza would like a word with you." A voice uttered loudly, yet it seemed only he could hear it.

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