
War (A Saviour)

That was a rainy night , when Eve first saw War. He was so injured so she decided to nurse him she then went to him and without knowing who is he she took him with her in her home. War when came into his conscious he saw Eve he asked if she saved him. She then said , yes you were so injured . You were in forest , what were you doing there, what happened to you ? Did any animal harmed you? Hearing her so many questions War smiled and then closed his eyes.

Sumbal · Fantasy
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5 Chs

First meet.

Eve then went to the cemetery and sat beside her parents grave. It was evening time and it was cold also. But even this cold couldn't stop Eve to come here. There she tell her parents about how was her day and what did she do.

She said

"Mom dad, dad was telling me that he will retire he said that now he is old and often fall ill I am worried. He is a good father. Even mom is also a good mother. They both take care of me even when I can take care of myself".

I know one day everyone will leave this world but I can't imagine my life without them. I don't know why people die. Why just can't stay with their beloved ones forever. she then took a deep breath.

And then looked at the bracelet of her mom.

Today she stay long there, And it became dark. She is always so excited to come to her parent's grave to meet them and saying bye was always a hard time. And today when she is so upset it is more difficult for her to leave them. But then she thought that mom and dad is waiting for her so she said bye to them and left on her way home.

When she went out of the cemetery she heard a voice coming from her left side. She immediately looked at it. She said,

"Who is there? Who is there?"

But when she received no response she thought it would be an animal. She then again took a step and again heard the voice of someone swerving in pain. She then starts walking toward the left side from where the voice is coming. And as she went forward toward it the voice became louder from before.

Following the voice, she went there. She first took out her pocket sword to defend herself. She saw a man swerving in pain. She then went to him and saw that he is wounded. His condition was so critical. She saw this took her to near home. When she went to the home she found no one in it. She clean his wound and cover his body with a blanket to make his body warm. She was looking a d him and trying to find out who is he. She said,

" His clothes look so royal. Who could be he? "

She was waiting for him to wake up. She looked outside and Said,

"It's so dark now I should be home. But how could I leave him like this? "

On the other hand, her mom was so worried about her because the head of the village often fall ill he was feeling so tired so he fell asleep and he didn't know when he fell asleep. Her mom looked at her dad and then she looked outside and said, it's so dark now where are you, my princess.

And at last, that man wakes up. he saw Eve. He asked If she saved him.

Eve who was standing near the window hearing his voice she turned and took out her pocket sword to defend herself. She then said, yes You were so injured. You were in the forest. What were you doing there? did any animal harm you? And last and important thing who are you?

Hearing her so many questions he smiled and closed his eyes.

Eve when saw this she said,

Hey, what happened? Hey you, yes you?

When she got no reply she went to him bend on his face on this he opened his eyes.

She then seeing this quickly pushed herself backward. He said,

Don't be afraid, I am not gonna harm you.

She then asked him how is he now?

He said he is fine.

Ok then I should go now, she said.

He looked at him and asked where are you going?

My home. My mom dad is waiting for me it's too late now.

Ok go but don't tell anyone about me.

But why? are you an alien? You looked fine, your body is also great I mean. And your height is also good. So why not? My father is the head of the village he could help you?

No means no. Can't you understand one time?

Why are you yelling at me? Ok, I will not tell anyone?

Good war said.

She first made an annoying face And then she left from there to her home