
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Unexpected Visitor and Final Battle in The Land Of Waves

Opening the door, Yoshiro eyes came to see something he didn't expect to see for a long time. And this was his early crush before the Massacre, Itsuka Uchiha. The person that was assumed of massacring the clan to test her people on her 'own'.

"It's been a long time... Yoshiro." Looking at Yoshiro, Itsuka kept her eyes on him while sitting in one of the dinner table chair's.

"Why are you here?" Hardening his gaze on her, Yoshiro went ahead and sat opposite her, but not without keeping his eyes on her

"I've come to ask of you for a favour." Itsuka said bluntly, she didn't want to beat around the bush after all, she was somewhat busy.

Narrowing his eyes, Yoshiro kept up his facade. He of course knew about her love for her sister and him but that didn't stop him from feeling anger towards her for putting him through hell around 3 months of it as well.

"Depends on what this favour is." Yoshiro explained to her. Breathing in and out, of relief, Itsuka posture started to relax unlike the unchanging serious facial expression.

"You don't have to worry, but it involves Kaa-san and Sayaka-Chan." Mentioning the other alive Uchiha's, Yoshiro's body stiffened up, eyes growing colder. He didn't like where this was going, not one bit at all.

"You don't have to worry about anything bad happening to them. But you already know I wouldn't hurt them..." Smiling at him, Yoshiro raised his eyebrow at her curious to know how she came to that conclusion.

"I wouldn't be a big sister if I didn't know everything about you, would I?" Immediately telling Yoshiro, Itsuka smile turned lovingly to him. Yoshiro couldn't do nothing but accept what Itsuka said

"You always was too smart for your own good." Yoshiro remarked mockingly, but no matter what, his mouth turned into a small smile that Itsuka neither did he know changed.

"Smart enough to know of your little crush back then." replying while grinning, Yoshiro cheeks turned slightly red for a split second but disappeared after. This was caught by Itsuka causing the women to have a teasing smile.

"Okay, you know me so what. Let's get this little visit over with before someone catches you." Saying impatiently, Itsuka did as he said, putting her hands on the table and said.

"I came here to ask of you to keep a close eye on both of Kaa-san and Sayaka-Chan. There is plotting behind the shadows that involves both of them. It isn't a nice one neither, Danzo, One of the Advisors of the Hokage has something planned for them." Losing all rationality after hearing Itsuka, Yoshiro chakra went into a uproar.

The table that was in the middle of them started to crack, the walls behind him hurriedly crack exactly the same as the table. Yoshiro chakra was that riled up, the intent for blood was evident. His chakra changed ever since the massacre, it was once calming and soothing, now it was wrathful and uncontrollable.

"Even if you are angry, currently you can't do nothing to stop his plans. But in a year or two, you might have the power to oppose it. Your talent is on par with mine maybe slightly higher." Thinking it would relax him, Itsuka felt an increase in his chakra. Yoshiro gritted his teeth in absolute rage and uselessness, he was suppose to protect them from anything but here he is getting told that he can't do nothing for his love ones. He was angered and enrage by his own lack of power.

"Luckily Danzo can't follow through with these preparations because of the looming shadow of Lord Third. So you still have time, if I could I would but my assistance is needed elsewhere. I could safely say with the newfound power I gave you, in a year you would be almost on par with me." chakra gradually going back to him, Having time to train and get stronger for Danzo's plan, Yoshiro was pacified by Itsuka's words.

'I can't expect Hiruzen to die at the Chunin Exam because people such as Kushina who is a Sealing Justu master and Mikoto are still alive. But incase, I will have to trained as hard as possible to be on the safe side.' Thinking of the changes in this Naruto world and due to him. Yoshiro couldn't always rely on the knowledge he already had.

While Yoshiro was thinking to himself, Itsuka stood up from her chair and headed to him. She bent down, face gradually meeting his. Itsuka pressed her lips on his, to her his lips tasted like blueberries which weirdly enough tasted nice. Licking her lips, savouring the taste. She noticed Yoshiro's blank expression that was looking at her.

"Did you like that? Taking my first kiss." Speaking in his most blandest tone, Yoshiro not wanting to show it actually liked the kiss from her. Who wouldn't when he was going through puberty.

Not saying anything, Itsuka just wanted to tease him and although she didn't want to admit it, she grew to like the overprotective boy more than a step-brother. It all happened in the span of the 5 years they were separated. It was at first the guilt of putting him through to her, his worst nightmare. Then all of a sudden the longing for his presence, she liked it when the black haired boy would try and take care of her and Sayaka.

Opening the door to leave, Yoshiro just looked upon her movement and waited for her to say her last words before she left to go back to the Akatsuki.

"As saddening as it is to leave, I have actually enjoyed the little reunion we have had..." Not able to think of anything to leave in a good way, Itsuka after a minutes turned around and smiled teasingly.

"It was good seeing you again Yoshiro-kun. Until next time, Step-brother~!" Disappearing from the door, Yoshiro was sitting their shiver's going down his spine, the hormones due to puberty was kicking in strongly.

"Nothing has changed with her *sigh*" Handing brushing through his black locks, Yoshiro shook his head with a smile that he didn't know was there.

[4 days later]

Since the unexpected reunion with Itsuka, Yoshiro met with the rest of team 7 that was at the bridge guarding Tazuna. None of them showed signs of irregular behaviour, it was like they didn't even know she was even near them.

Couple of days past and no appearance of Itsuka submerged. Yoshiro just came to the idea that she was only able to see him once so it wouldn't come as suspicious to Nagato/Pain.

In these four days, Yoshiro would meet Haku unexpectedly multiple times, where he had last met her. She was rather attentive whenever she saw Yoshiro train unlike anyone she had ever seen before. The drastic increase in difficulty was too unnatural that she even requested him to calm down when she saw blood leak from his eyes which was happening because of the amount of chakra he supplied towards his eyes to master his Sharingan.

They would of course speak to each other frequently, mostly on Haku's part but she didn't really mind. Yoshiro gave of the same aura Zabuza did whenever he was serious about something so she knew when to speak and be quite.

When the last day of Kakashi's recovery and the day before the long expected fight with Zabuza. Yoshiro easily saw the difference within Haku, she didn't this time try and speak as much as she did before and seemed to have something occupy her mind. But it didn't take someone with the knowledge of the future to not realise why.

So when finally the day came, Yoshiro was along side Kakashi and team 7 except Naruto. When they came to the scene with Tazuna, they notice the same exact fog surround the area with bodies of the other bridge builders laying on the ground lifeless.

"Stay on guard. They are here." Looking back towards the girls, Kakashi warned. Tilting his head to the Uchiha beside him after, Kakashi whispered to him.

"If my guess is correct the suppose Tracking ninja will be with him. I want you to take them down while I engage with Zabuza, is that clear?" Explaining the plan to Yoshiro, the back haired lad casually nod to him.

All of a sudden the fog slowly receded away, two individuals was standing opposite them looking at them. Kakashi's guess was correct because standing beside Zabuza was the exact same shinobi with the mask covering their face.

"Where is that loud mouth blonde? I thought he would of been with you." Zabuza looked among the group and said curiously.

"He isn't currently here at the moment." Kakashi casually said not even caring about the presence of Zabuza.

"Well that's a shame I wanted to see if he was all talk with no bite." Mocking Naruto, Zabuza gave a quick nod to Haku, a meaning behind it clearly. Hesitantly for some time, Haku could only proceed with what Zabuza meant with the nod.

"Sayaka, Naomi you two will protect Tazuna and no matter what, don't allow anyone from hurting him." Giving orders, Sayaka and Naomi nodded and dashed forward Infront of Tazuna. Even though Sayaka wanted to fight, she knew that it would be better not to get involved in their fights.

Instantaneously, Haku rushed at the two girls and after appearing in their eyes, Haku planned to end Tazuna's life immediately before they could set a defence. But when she thought she succeeded, Yoshiro materialized beside her and roundhouse kicked her. Not able to block the incoming kick, she was sent flying away to the side. A decent distance from everyone else.

Flipping through the air, Haku was able to stabilise herself by planting her feet but was still being forced back because of the force. About to stop, Haku suddenly felt a shocking pain in her stomach.

Dropping to her knees, she looked upwards to see Yoshiro standing above her. Having no other choice, she decide to use Ninjustu.

"You think I'm stupid."

Only able to do one hand sign until Yoshiro stopped her with a brutal kick to her chin. Haku conscious wavered, there was a clear advantage for Yoshiro in the terms of speed and power.

Gripping the almost knocked out Haku by the hair, Yoshiro pulled her to his face expecting her to be knocked out, Yoshiro's hand was about to take off her mask when she unexpectedly punched him in the face causing him to skid across the bridge.

"I don't want to do this but... I have to sorry Yoshiro... Secret Justu: Crystal Ice Mirrors" Whispering the first bit words, Yoshiro heard Haku say out loud her infamous justu that was born from her Ice Kekkai Genkai.

As Haku said her Justu, All around Yoshiro were Ice mirrors that you would see is Haku herself or the reflection of her. They all made a dome out of them, even if he tried to escape the ice Mirror dome, Yoshiro wouldn't be able to.

"You won't be able to escape so please before anyone gets hurt, allow us to fulfil our mission." Pleading to Yoshiro to stop fighting, Haku didn't want to fight someone she came to be seen as a close friend.

"Getting hurt? I won't be getting hurt out of us both... you will." Yoshiro keeping up his acting, he grabbed his Kunai's with explosion tags in each finger and threw them at the mirrors.


Explosion went off even Sayaka and Naomi looked at the direction and saw the dome of ice covering the pair of fighters. Both girls were on edge with worry for Yoshiro but as worry as they were, they had fall confidence in Yoshiro's ability.

After the smoke was cleared, the mirrors that were broken started to reform in there former size almost like they weren't even broke in the first place. Even though it looked bad for him, Yoshiro still had a emotionless expression with his eyes accessing everything around him.

"I will say it again. I don't want anyone to get Hu-" Trying to plea again, Yoshiro Interuppted her.

"Fire style: Dragon Flame Bomb"

Going through hand signs swiftly, Yoshiro released a B rank Justu directly at the Ice Mirror Haku was in. Because of the high volume of flames, everything that met including the ones out side it's range turn into water quickly.

Just as it desolved into water, the ice started to reform back into ice then the mirror itself. Thinking of a plan, Yoshiro used his Kunai's with tags and threw it several times to Calculate how long does it take for her to change between mirror's.

"Stop it already. You have no way to escape, just give up already." Haku said to him impassionaly.


Throwing the tagged Kunai's, Yoshiro activated his Sharingan amongst the fog and just as he predicted, Haku was about to enter another Mirror. Without any hesitation, Yoshiro went through some Hand signs.

'Fire style: Phoenix Flower Justu' Saying this in his head, Yoshiro fired the multiple Fire balls to all the surrounding Mirrors including the one she was going to.

Being caught by surprised, Haku fell on the floor mid way through trying to get in the Ice Mirror. Just about to stand up and go to another, Yoshiro threw some Shuriken's, pinning her to the ground successfully.

{A/N: Sorry if I'm not that good at Fighting Scenes, It just isn't my kind of thing 😅😅}

"You've already lost, stop resisting." Stopping her resistance as he said it, Haku shifted her head to Yoshiro's approaching form, fearfully. She didn't want him to take of her mask and know what kind of person she was.

Sitting on the floor cross legged, Yoshiro Inclined his head to Haku and said to her. "Let's see who's under mask."

Feeling his hand gripping the bottom of her mask, Haku tried to wiggle his hand away from it but no matter the effort, Yoshiro took it off with ease. Keeping her head down, she waited for him to be shock or say something but nothing came out. It was utter quite. Looking up wanting to see his face, Haku saw Yoshiro face. It wasn't even shocked or angry, just uncaring.

"I'm sorr-" Not daring to look in his eyes, Haku tried to say sorry but couldn't because of a Loud Mouth Blonde.

"Yoshiro! What are you doing?" Screaming at Yoshiro, the hyperactive blonde ran from Sayaka's and Naomi's former spot to him, he was not happy with how it looked. A girl on the floor pinned with a boy Infront of her.

"Hold your horses, you idiot. Can't you see she's an enemy." Yoshiro returning Naruto's gaze but with blank eyes. He suddenly felt an enormous amount of lighting chakra come from where Zabuza and Kakashi was, giving no time to think, Yoshiro right away chose to stop what he was gonna do.

He did have the temptation to end the threat of Zabuza and be done with it but Haku reminded him of himself. He was heartless, that was without a doubt but he still had feelings like any other human.

Already aware of what justu he was using, Yoshiro came from beside of Kakashi and gripped his arm turning it the other side of the dog infested Zabuza. Smashing against the stone bridge, Yoshiro said to Kakashi.

"He's already exhausted. There is no need to kill him, just give them back to Kirigakure for trial." Telling Kakashi while lying about the reason for stopping the execution. Kakashi took some time readjusting his wrist because of the grip of Yoshiro's and accept the idea.

To proven his point, Zabuza fell on the ground cause of Chakra exhaustion and went into unconsciousness. Tying Zabuza up, Sayaka and Naomi was about go towards Yoshiro until the man went to Haku.

Bending down, Yoshiro just glanced at her and said before tying her up.

"You don't have to worry for your well being. The current Mizukage is very understandable and is in need of capable shinobi's. She will definitely not pass up the option of recruiting you both."

As Yoshiro said that, he chopped the back of her neck. Haku gently closed her eyes and accept the impending darkness covering her senses with the knowledge of nothing bad happening to neither of her or Zabuza.

Overjoyed about not having to kill her very first friend, Haku let a tear out of her slowly inclosing eyes and muttered underneath her breath with gratefulness.

"...Thank you Yoshiro-kun..."

Before the darkness incased her, Haku saw for the first time a genial smile form on his lips causing her to blush. Haku then went to sleep and unknowingly be carried in Yoshiro's arm in the almighty Princess carry.


Got new plot incoming with Danzo. How's that sound, pretty good? I think so because there is finally a big difference happening that isn't canon. Also what a surprise that Itsuka has suddenly appeared after 5 years times, must be something pretty bad if she had to ask a favour from Yoshiro.

What do you guys think of the relationship of Haku and Yoshiro? It's pretty close with both of them being similar also I'm wondering if you guys believe that the romance isn't too forced.

I've got a lot of things going on in my life so the update schedule might be reduced but It will definitely have 3-4 Chapters a week. It all depends of things cool down in my life. Please don't angry at my decision, I've just got bigger things going on.

Anyway thanks for the Support and I've seen some Haters doing there things by hating on me and my fanfic so I'll speak rather bluntly for once. If you don't like it then get the Fuck out of here, I don't like people that only speak shit on other people's efforts and time. Idm people who gives criticism for the good of the fanfic but some just go too far.

Thank you for reading this again and please keep imparting them Stones to your boi! Bye until next time! 👋👋👋